All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract class to help create temporal items.
Skips groovy metaclass if one is present.
Custom RuntimeException subclass that is used as the main exception thrown by json-io.
This class holds a JSON object in a LinkedHashMap.
Read an object graph in JSON format and make it available in Java objects, or in a "Map of Maps." (untyped representation).
Subclass this interface and create a class that will return a new instance of the passed in Class (c).
Use to create new instances of collection interfaces (needed for empty collections)
Implement this interface to add a custom JSON reader.
Common ancestor for JsonClassReader
Implement this interface to add a custom JSON reader.
Allow custom readers to have access to the JsonReader
Use to create new instances of Map interfaces (needed for empty Maps).
Used to react to fields missing when reading an object.
Output a Java object graph in JSON format.
Implement this interface to customize the JSON output for a given class.
Abstract class to help create temporal items.
Abstract class to help create temporal items.
Abstract class to help create temporal items.
The MapResolver converts the raw Maps created from the JsonParser to higher quality Maps representing the implied object graph.
This utility class has the methods mostly related to reflection related code.
The ObjectResolver converts the raw Maps created from the JsonParser to Java objects (a graph of Java instances).
Abstract class to help create temporal items.
Abstract class to help create temporal items.
All custom readers for json-io subclass this class.
This class is used to convert a source of Java Maps that were created from the JsonParser.
stores missing fields information to notify client after the complete deserialization resolution
Factory class to create Throwable instances.
Factory class to create Throwable instances.
Abstract class to help create temporal items.
All custom writers for json-io subclass this class.
Used as a template to write out types that will have a primitive form.
Used as a template to write out primitive String types.
Used as a template to write out primitive value types such as int, boolean, etc.
Abstract class to help create temporal items.