
case class StorageVersionStatus(commonEncodingVersion: Optional[String], conditions: Optional[Vector[StorageVersionCondition]], storageVersions: Optional[Vector[ServerStorageVersion]])

API server instances report the versions they can decode and the version they encode objects to when persisting objects in the backend.

API server instances report the versions they can decode and the version they encode objects to when persisting objects in the backend.

Value Params

If all API server instances agree on the same encoding storage version, then this field is set to that version. Otherwise this field is left empty. API servers should finish updating its storageVersionStatus entry before serving write operations, so that this field will be in sync with the reality.


The latest available observations of the storageVersion's state.


The reported versions per API server instance.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

If all API server instances agree on the same encoding storage version, then this field is set to that version. Otherwise this field is left empty. API servers should finish updating its storageVersionStatus entry before serving write operations, so that this field will be in sync with the reality.

If all API server instances agree on the same encoding storage version, then this field is set to that version. Otherwise this field is left empty. API servers should finish updating its storageVersionStatus entry before serving write operations, so that this field will be in sync with the reality.

If the field is not present, fails with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField.

The latest available observations of the storageVersion's state.

The latest available observations of the storageVersion's state.

If the field is not present, fails with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField.

The reported versions per API server instance.

The reported versions per API server instance.

If the field is not present, fails with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField.

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from