
Type members


class FlowDistinguisherMethod(`type`: String)

FlowDistinguisherMethod specifies the method of a flow distinguisher.

FlowDistinguisherMethod specifies the method of a flow distinguisher.

Value Params

type is the type of flow distinguisher method The supported types are "ByUser" and "ByNamespace". Required.

class FlowDistinguisherMethodFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])

FlowSchema defines the schema of a group of flows. Note that a flow is made up of a set of inbound API requests with similar attributes and is identified by a pair of strings: the name of the FlowSchema and a "flow distinguisher".

FlowSchema defines the schema of a group of flows. Note that a flow is made up of a set of inbound API requests with similar attributes and is identified by a pair of strings: the name of the FlowSchema and a "flow distinguisher".

class FlowSchemaCondition(lastTransitionTime: Optional[Time], message: Optional[String], reason: Optional[String], status: Optional[String], `type`: Optional[String])

FlowSchemaCondition describes conditions for a FlowSchema.

FlowSchemaCondition describes conditions for a FlowSchema.

Value Params

message is a human-readable message indicating details about last transition.


reason is a unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's last transition.


status is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown. Required.


type is the type of the condition. Required.

class FlowSchemaConditionFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class FlowSchemaFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class FlowSchemaSpec(distinguisherMethod: Optional[FlowDistinguisherMethod], matchingPrecedence: Optional[Int], priorityLevelConfiguration: PriorityLevelConfigurationReference, rules: Optional[Vector[PolicyRulesWithSubjects]])

FlowSchemaSpec describes how the FlowSchema's specification looks like.

FlowSchemaSpec describes how the FlowSchema's specification looks like.

Value Params

matchingPrecedence is used to choose among the FlowSchemas that match a given request. The chosen FlowSchema is among those with the numerically lowest (which we take to be logically highest) MatchingPrecedence. Each MatchingPrecedence value must be ranged in [1,10000]. Note that if the precedence is not specified, it will be set to 1000 as default.


rules describes which requests will match this flow schema. This FlowSchema matches a request if and only if at least one member of rules matches the request. if it is an empty slice, there will be no requests matching the FlowSchema.

class FlowSchemaSpecFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class FlowSchemaStatus(conditions: Optional[Vector[FlowSchemaCondition]])

FlowSchemaStatus represents the current state of a FlowSchema.

FlowSchemaStatus represents the current state of a FlowSchema.

Value Params

conditions is a list of the current states of FlowSchema.

class FlowSchemaStatusFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class GroupSubject(name: String)

GroupSubject holds detailed information for group-kind subject.

GroupSubject holds detailed information for group-kind subject.

Value Params

name is the user group that matches, or "*" to match all user groups. See for some well-known group names. Required.

class GroupSubjectFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class LimitResponse(queuing: Optional[QueuingConfiguration], `type`: String)

LimitResponse defines how to handle requests that can not be executed right now.

LimitResponse defines how to handle requests that can not be executed right now.

Value Params

type is "Queue" or "Reject". "Queue" means that requests that can not be executed upon arrival are held in a queue until they can be executed or a queuing limit is reached. "Reject" means that requests that can not be executed upon arrival are rejected. Required.

class LimitResponseFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class LimitedPriorityLevelConfiguration(assuredConcurrencyShares: Optional[Int], limitResponse: Optional[LimitResponse])

LimitedPriorityLevelConfiguration specifies how to handle requests that are subject to limits. It addresses two issues: How are requests for this priority level limited? What should be done with requests that exceed the limit?

LimitedPriorityLevelConfiguration specifies how to handle requests that are subject to limits. It addresses two issues: How are requests for this priority level limited? What should be done with requests that exceed the limit?

Value Params

assuredConcurrencyShares (ACS) configures the execution limit, which is a limit on the number of requests of this priority level that may be exeucting at a given time. ACS must be a positive number. The server's concurrency limit (SCL) is divided among the concurrency-controlled priority levels in proportion to their assured concurrency shares. This produces the assured concurrency value (ACV) --- the number of requests that may be executing at a time --- for each such priority level: ACV(l) = ceil( SCL * ACS(l) / ( sum[priority levels k] ACS(k) ) ) bigger numbers of ACS mean more reserved concurrent requests (at the expense of every other PL). This field has a default value of 30.

class LimitedPriorityLevelConfigurationFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class NonResourcePolicyRule(nonResourceURLs: Vector[String], verbs: Vector[String])

NonResourcePolicyRule is a predicate that matches non-resource requests according to their verb and the target non-resource URL. A NonResourcePolicyRule matches a request if and only if both (a) at least one member of verbs matches the request and (b) at least one member of nonResourceURLs matches the request.

NonResourcePolicyRule is a predicate that matches non-resource requests according to their verb and the target non-resource URL. A NonResourcePolicyRule matches a request if and only if both (a) at least one member of verbs matches the request and (b) at least one member of nonResourceURLs matches the request.

Value Params

nonResourceURLs is a set of url prefixes that a user should have access to and may not be empty. For example:

  • "/healthz" is legal
  • "/hea*" is illegal
  • "/hea" is legal but matches nothing
  • "/hea/*" also matches nothing
  • "/healthz/" matches all per-component health checks. "" matches all non-resource urls. if it is present, it must be the only entry. Required.

verbs is a list of matching verbs and may not be empty. "*" matches all verbs. If it is present, it must be the only entry. Required.

class NonResourcePolicyRuleFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class PolicyRulesWithSubjects(nonResourceRules: Optional[Vector[NonResourcePolicyRule]], resourceRules: Optional[Vector[ResourcePolicyRule]], subjects: Vector[Subject])

PolicyRulesWithSubjects prescribes a test that applies to a request to an apiserver. The test considers the subject making the request, the verb being requested, and the resource to be acted upon. This PolicyRulesWithSubjects matches a request if and only if both (a) at least one member of subjects matches the request and (b) at least one member of resourceRules or nonResourceRules matches the request.

PolicyRulesWithSubjects prescribes a test that applies to a request to an apiserver. The test considers the subject making the request, the verb being requested, and the resource to be acted upon. This PolicyRulesWithSubjects matches a request if and only if both (a) at least one member of subjects matches the request and (b) at least one member of resourceRules or nonResourceRules matches the request.

Value Params

nonResourceRules is a list of NonResourcePolicyRules that identify matching requests according to their verb and the target non-resource URL.


resourceRules is a slice of ResourcePolicyRules that identify matching requests according to their verb and the target resource. At least one of resourceRules and nonResourceRules has to be non-empty.


subjects is the list of normal user, serviceaccount, or group that this rule cares about. There must be at least one member in this slice. A slice that includes both the system:authenticated and system:unauthenticated user groups matches every request. Required.

class PolicyRulesWithSubjectsFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])

PriorityLevelConfiguration represents the configuration of a priority level.

PriorityLevelConfiguration represents the configuration of a priority level.

class PriorityLevelConfigurationCondition(lastTransitionTime: Optional[Time], message: Optional[String], reason: Optional[String], status: Optional[String], `type`: Optional[String])

PriorityLevelConfigurationCondition defines the condition of priority level.

PriorityLevelConfigurationCondition defines the condition of priority level.

Value Params

message is a human-readable message indicating details about last transition.


reason is a unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's last transition.


status is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown. Required.


type is the type of the condition. Required.

class PriorityLevelConfigurationConditionFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class PriorityLevelConfigurationFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])

PriorityLevelConfigurationReference contains information that points to the "request-priority" being used.

PriorityLevelConfigurationReference contains information that points to the "request-priority" being used.

Value Params

name is the name of the priority level configuration being referenced Required.

class PriorityLevelConfigurationReferenceFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])

PriorityLevelConfigurationSpec specifies the configuration of a priority level.

PriorityLevelConfigurationSpec specifies the configuration of a priority level.

Value Params

type indicates whether this priority level is subject to limitation on request execution. A value of "Exempt" means that requests of this priority level are not subject to a limit (and thus are never queued) and do not detract from the capacity made available to other priority levels. A value of "Limited" means that (a) requests of this priority level are subject to limits and (b) some of the server's limited capacity is made available exclusively to this priority level. Required.

class PriorityLevelConfigurationSpecFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])

PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus represents the current state of a "request-priority".

PriorityLevelConfigurationStatus represents the current state of a "request-priority".

Value Params

conditions is the current state of "request-priority".

class PriorityLevelConfigurationStatusFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class QueuingConfiguration(handSize: Optional[Int], queueLengthLimit: Optional[Int], queues: Optional[Int])

QueuingConfiguration holds the configuration parameters for queuing

QueuingConfiguration holds the configuration parameters for queuing

Value Params

handSize is a small positive number that configures the shuffle sharding of requests into queues. When enqueuing a request at this priority level the request's flow identifier (a string pair) is hashed and the hash value is used to shuffle the list of queues and deal a hand of the size specified here. The request is put into one of the shortest queues in that hand. handSize must be no larger than queues, and should be significantly smaller (so that a few heavy flows do not saturate most of the queues). See the user-facing documentation for more extensive guidance on setting this field. This field has a default value of 8.


queueLengthLimit is the maximum number of requests allowed to be waiting in a given queue of this priority level at a time; excess requests are rejected. This value must be positive. If not specified, it will be defaulted to 50.


queues is the number of queues for this priority level. The queues exist independently at each apiserver. The value must be positive. Setting it to 1 effectively precludes shufflesharding and thus makes the distinguisher method of associated flow schemas irrelevant. This field has a default value of 64.

class QueuingConfigurationFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class ResourcePolicyRule(apiGroups: Vector[String], clusterScope: Optional[Boolean], namespaces: Optional[Vector[String]], resources: Vector[String], verbs: Vector[String])

ResourcePolicyRule is a predicate that matches some resource requests, testing the request's verb and the target resource. A ResourcePolicyRule matches a resource request if and only if: (a) at least one member of verbs matches the request, (b) at least one member of apiGroups matches the request, (c) at least one member of resources matches the request, and (d) least one member of namespaces matches the request.

ResourcePolicyRule is a predicate that matches some resource requests, testing the request's verb and the target resource. A ResourcePolicyRule matches a resource request if and only if: (a) at least one member of verbs matches the request, (b) at least one member of apiGroups matches the request, (c) at least one member of resources matches the request, and (d) least one member of namespaces matches the request.

Value Params

apiGroups is a list of matching API groups and may not be empty. "*" matches all API groups and, if present, must be the only entry. Required.


clusterScope indicates whether to match requests that do not specify a namespace (which happens either because the resource is not namespaced or the request targets all namespaces). If this field is omitted or false then the namespaces field must contain a non-empty list.


namespaces is a list of target namespaces that restricts matches. A request that specifies a target namespace matches only if either (a) this list contains that target namespace or (b) this list contains "". Note that "" matches any specified namespace but does not match a request that does not specify a namespace (see the clusterScope field for that). This list may be empty, but only if clusterScope is true.


resources is a list of matching resources (i.e., lowercase and plural) with, if desired, subresource. For example, [ "services", "nodes/status" ]. This list may not be empty. "*" matches all resources and, if present, must be the only entry. Required.


verbs is a list of matching verbs and may not be empty. "*" matches all verbs and, if present, must be the only entry. Required.

class ResourcePolicyRuleFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class ServiceAccountSubject(name: String, namespace: String)

ServiceAccountSubject holds detailed information for service-account-kind subject.

ServiceAccountSubject holds detailed information for service-account-kind subject.

Value Params

name is the name of matching ServiceAccount objects, or "*" to match regardless of name. Required.


namespace is the namespace of matching ServiceAccount objects. Required.

class ServiceAccountSubjectFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class Subject(group: Optional[GroupSubject], kind: String, serviceAccount: Optional[ServiceAccountSubject], user: Optional[UserSubject])

Subject matches the originator of a request, as identified by the request authentication system. There are three ways of matching an originator; by user, group, or service account.

Subject matches the originator of a request, as identified by the request authentication system. There are three ways of matching an originator; by user, group, or service account.

Value Params

kind indicates which one of the other fields is non-empty. Required

object Subject extends SubjectFields
class SubjectFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])
class UserSubject(name: String)

UserSubject holds detailed information for user-kind subject.

UserSubject holds detailed information for user-kind subject.

Value Params

name is the username that matches, or "*" to match all usernames. Required.

class UserSubjectFields(_prefix: Chunk[String])