
case class CSINodeDriver(allocatable: Optional[VolumeNodeResources], name: String, nodeID: String, topologyKeys: Optional[Vector[String]])

CSINodeDriver holds information about the specification of one CSI driver installed on a node

Value parameters:

This is the name of the CSI driver that this object refers to. This MUST be the same name returned by the CSI GetPluginName() call for that driver.


nodeID of the node from the driver point of view. This field enables Kubernetes to communicate with storage systems that do not share the same nomenclature for nodes. For example, Kubernetes may refer to a given node as "node1", but the storage system may refer to the same node as "nodeA". When Kubernetes issues a command to the storage system to attach a volume to a specific node, it can use this field to refer to the node name using the ID that the storage system will understand, e.g. "nodeA" instead of "node1". This field is required.


topologyKeys is the list of keys supported by the driver. When a driver is initialized on a cluster, it provides a set of topology keys that it understands (e.g. "company.com/zone", "company.com/region"). When a driver is initialized on a node, it provides the same topology keys along with values. Kubelet will expose these topology keys as labels on its own node object. When Kubernetes does topology aware provisioning, it can use this list to determine which labels it should retrieve from the node object and pass back to the driver. It is possible for different nodes to use different topology keys. This can be empty if driver does not support topology.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

Gets allocatable.

Gets allocatable.

If the field is not present, fails with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField.

This is the name of the CSI driver that this object refers to. This MUST be the same name returned by the CSI GetPluginName() call for that driver.

This is the name of the CSI driver that this object refers to. This MUST be the same name returned by the CSI GetPluginName() call for that driver.

This effect always succeeds, it is safe to use the field name directly.

nodeID of the node from the driver point of view. This field enables Kubernetes to communicate with storage systems that do not share the same nomenclature for nodes. For example, Kubernetes may refer to a given node as "node1", but the storage system may refer to the same node as "nodeA". When Kubernetes issues a command to the storage system to attach a volume to a specific node, it can use this field to refer to the node name using the ID that the storage system will understand, e.g. "nodeA" instead of "node1". This field is required.

nodeID of the node from the driver point of view. This field enables Kubernetes to communicate with storage systems that do not share the same nomenclature for nodes. For example, Kubernetes may refer to a given node as "node1", but the storage system may refer to the same node as "nodeA". When Kubernetes issues a command to the storage system to attach a volume to a specific node, it can use this field to refer to the node name using the ID that the storage system will understand, e.g. "nodeA" instead of "node1". This field is required.

This effect always succeeds, it is safe to use the field nodeID directly.

topologyKeys is the list of keys supported by the driver. When a driver is initialized on a cluster, it provides a set of topology keys that it understands (e.g. "company.com/zone", "company.com/region"). When a driver is initialized on a node, it provides the same topology keys along with values. Kubelet will expose these topology keys as labels on its own node object. When Kubernetes does topology aware provisioning, it can use this list to determine which labels it should retrieve from the node object and pass back to the driver. It is possible for different nodes to use different topology keys. This can be empty if driver does not support topology.

topologyKeys is the list of keys supported by the driver. When a driver is initialized on a cluster, it provides a set of topology keys that it understands (e.g. "company.com/zone", "company.com/region"). When a driver is initialized on a node, it provides the same topology keys along with values. Kubelet will expose these topology keys as labels on its own node object. When Kubernetes does topology aware provisioning, it can use this list to determine which labels it should retrieve from the node object and pass back to the driver. It is possible for different nodes to use different topology keys. This can be empty if driver does not support topology.

If the field is not present, fails with com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.UndefinedField.

Inherited methods

Inherited from: