Interface ChunkDecodable<H extends ChunkHeader,ROW extends ChunkRow,T extends ChunkTrailer,R extends ChunkedResponse<H,ROW,T>>

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnalyticsRequest, QueryRequest, SearchRequest, ViewRequest

public interface ChunkDecodable<H extends ChunkHeader,ROW extends ChunkRow,T extends ChunkTrailer,R extends ChunkedResponse<H,ROW,T>>
Marker interface to describe how the chunked response can be decoded.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    decode(ResponseStatus status, H header, Flux<ROW> rows, Mono<T> trailer)
    Decodes a chunked response into the response format.
  • Method Details

    • decode

      R decode(ResponseStatus status, H header, Flux<ROW> rows, Mono<T> trailer)
      Decodes a chunked response into the response format.
      status - the http response status.
      header - the chunk header.
      rows - the chunk rows.
      trailer - the chunk trailer.
      a decoded response including all the chunk parts.