Class RestBuilder

    • Constructor Detail

      • RestBuilder

        public RestBuilder​(AsyncRestBuilder asyncBuilder,
                           long defaultTimeout,
                           TimeUnit defaultTimeUnit)
        asyncBuilder -
        defaultTimeout -
        defaultTimeUnit -
    • Method Detail

      • withParam

        public RestBuilder withParam​(String key,
                                     String value)
        Adds an URL query parameter to the request. Using a key twice will result in the last call being taken into account.
        key - the parameter key.
        value - the parameter value.
      • withHeader

        public RestBuilder withHeader​(String key,
                                      Object value)
        Adds an HTTP header to the request. Using a key twice will result in the last value being used for a given header.
        key - the header name (see HttpHeaders.Names for standard names).
        value - the header value (see HttpHeaders.Values for standard values).
      • body

        public RestBuilder body​(String jsonBody)
        Sets the body for the request, assuming it is JSON. This is equivalent to setting the "Content-Type" to "application/json" and then setting the body via bodyRaw(String). Note that you should avoid calling this for HTTP methods where it makes no sense (eg. GET, DELETE), as it won't be ignored for these types of requests.
        jsonBody - the JSON body to use, as a String.
      • body

        public RestBuilder body​(JsonValue jsonBody)
        Sets the body for the request, assuming it is JSON. This is equivalent to setting the "Content-Type" to "application/json" and then setting the body via bodyRaw(String). Note that you should avoid calling this for HTTP methods where it makes no sense (eg. GET, DELETE), as it won't be ignored for these types of requests.
        jsonBody - the JSON body to use, as a JsonObject.
      • bodyRaw

        public RestBuilder bodyRaw​(String body)
        Sets the body for the request without assuming a Content-Type or Accept header. Note that you should avoid calling this for HTTP methods where it makes no sense (eg. GET, DELETE), as it won't be ignored for these types of requests.
        body - the raw body value to use, as a String.
      • accept

        public RestBuilder accept​(String type)
        Sets the "Accept" standard header's value. This is a convenience method equivalent to calling withHeader("Accept", type).
        type - the "Accept" type to use.
      • bodyForm

        public RestBuilder bodyForm​(Form form)
        Sets the body for the request to be an url-encoded form. This is equivalent to setting the "Content-Type" to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and then setting the body via bodyRaw(String).
        form - the Form builder object used to set form parameters.
      • method

        public method()
        the HttpMethod used for this request.
      • path

        public String path()
        the full HTTP path (minus query parameters) used for this request.
      • params

        public Map<String,​String> params()
        a copy of the query parameters used for this request.
      • headers

        public Map<String,​Object> headers()
        a copy of the HTTP headers used for this request.
      • body

        public String body()
        the body used for this request.
      • execute

        public RestApiResponse execute​(long timeout,
                                       TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Executes the API request in a synchronous fashion, using the given timeout.
        timeout - the custom timeout to use for the request.
        timeUnit - the TimeUnit for the timeout.
        the result of the API call, as a RestApiResponse.
        RuntimeException - wrapping a TimeoutException in case the request took too long.