Class GetOptions

    • Method Detail

      • withExpiry

        public GetOptions withExpiry​(boolean expiry)
        If set to true, the get will fetch the expiry for the document as well and return it as part of the GetResult.
        expiry - true if it should be fetched.
        the GetOptions to allow method chaining.
      • project

        public GetOptions project​(String path,
                                  String... morePaths)
        Allows to specify a custom list paths to fetch from the document instead of the whole.

        Note that a maximum of 16 individual paths can be projected at a time due to a server limitation. If you need more than that, think about fetching less-generic paths or the full document straight away.

        path - a path that should be loaded if present.
        morePaths - additional paths that should be loaded if present.
        the GetOptions to allow method chaining.
      • project

        public GetOptions project​(Iterable<String> paths)
        Allows to specify a custom list paths to fetch from the document instead of the whole.

        Note that a maximum of 16 individual paths can be projected at a time due to a server limitation. If you need more than that, think about fetching less-generic paths or the full document straight away.

        paths - each individual path that should be loaded if present.
        the GetOptions to allow method chaining.
      • transcoder

        public GetOptions transcoder​(Transcoder transcoder)
        Allows to specify a custom transcoder that is used to decode the content of the result.
        transcoder - the custom transcoder that should be used for decoding.
        the GetOptions to allow method chaining.