Class DateRangeQuery


public class DateRangeQuery
extends SearchQuery
A FTS query that matches documents on a range of dates. At least one bound is required, and the parser to use for the date (in String form) can be customized (see dateTimeParser(String)).
Simon Baslé, Michael Nitschinger
  • Constructor Details

    • DateRangeQuery

      public DateRangeQuery()
  • Method Details

    • start

      public DateRangeQuery start​(String start, boolean inclusive)
      Sets the lower boundary of the range, inclusive or not depending on the second parameter.
    • start

      public DateRangeQuery start​(String start)
      Sets the lower boundary of the range. The lower boundary is considered inclusive by default on the server side.
      See Also:
      start(String, boolean)
    • end

      public DateRangeQuery end​(String end, boolean inclusive)
      Sets the upper boundary of the range, inclusive or not depending on the second parameter.
    • end

      public DateRangeQuery end​(String end)
      Sets the upper boundary of the range. The upper boundary is considered exclusive by default on the server side.
      See Also:
      end(String, boolean)
    • start

      public DateRangeQuery start​(Instant start, boolean inclusive)
      Sets the lower boundary of the range, inclusive or not depending on the second parameter.
    • start

      public DateRangeQuery start​(Instant start)
      Sets the lower boundary of the range. The lower boundary is considered inclusive by default on the server side.
    • end

      public DateRangeQuery end​(Instant end, boolean inclusive)
      Sets the upper boundary of the range, inclusive or not depending on the second parameter.
    • end

      public DateRangeQuery end​(Instant end)
      Sets the upper boundary of the range. The upper boundary is considered exclusive by default on the server side.
    • dateTimeParser

      public DateRangeQuery dateTimeParser​(String dateTimeParser)
      The name of the date/time parser to use to interpret start(String) and end(String). Should not be modified when passing in Instant.
    • field

      public DateRangeQuery field​(String field)
    • boost

      public DateRangeQuery boost​(double boost)
      boost in class SearchQuery
    • injectParams

      protected void injectParams​(JsonObject input)
      Specified by:
      injectParams in class SearchQuery