Class CommonOptions<SELF extends CommonOptions<SELF>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • CommonOptions

        public CommonOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • self

        protected SELF self()
        Allows to return the right options builder instance for child implementations.
      • timeout

        public SELF timeout​(Duration timeout)
        Specifies a custom per-operation timeout.

        Note: if a custom timeout is provided through this builder, it will override the default set on the environment.

        timeout - the timeout to use for this operation.
        this options builder for chaining purposes.
      • retryStrategy

        public SELF retryStrategy​(RetryStrategy retryStrategy)
        Specifies a custom RetryStrategy for this operation.

        Note: if a custom strategy is provided through this builder, it will override the default set on the environment.

        retryStrategy - the retry strategy to use for this operation.
        this options builder for chaining purposes.
      • clientContext

        public SELF clientContext​(Map<String,​Object> clientContext)
        Specifies custom, client domain specific context metadata with this operation.
        clientContext - the client context information as a map.
        this options builder for chaining purposes.
      • parentSpan

        public SELF parentSpan​(RequestSpan parentSpan)
        Allows to specify a parent span that should be used on top of this request.

        Note that this only has impact when using a tracing implementation that can actually deal with the notion of a parent. You likely want to use this if you want to wire up your application with OpenTracing or OpenTelemetry - use the support separate modules for that.

        IMPORTANT: this is a volatile, likely to change API!

        parentSpan - the parent span for this request.
        this options builder for chaining purposes.