Class CollectionManager

    • Method Detail

      • createCollection

        public void createCollection​(CollectionSpec collectionSpec)
        Creates a collection if it does not already exist.

        Note that a scope needs to be created first (via createScope(String)) if it doesn't exist already.

        collectionSpec - the collection spec that contains the properties of the collection.
        CollectionExistsException - if the collection already exists
        ScopeNotFoundException - if the specified scope does not exist.
        CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
      • createCollection

        public void createCollection​(CollectionSpec collectionSpec,
                                     CreateCollectionOptions options)
        Creates a collection if it does not already exist with custom options.

        Note that a scope needs to be created first (via createScope(String)) if it doesn't exist already.

        collectionSpec - the collection spec that contains the properties of the collection.
        options - the custom options to apply.
        CollectionExistsException - if the collection already exists
        ScopeNotFoundException - if the specified scope does not exist.
        CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
      • createScope

        public void createScope​(String scopeName)
        Creates a scope if it does not already exist.
        scopeName - the name of the scope to create.
        ScopeExistsException - if the scope already exists.
        CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
      • createScope

        public void createScope​(String scopeName,
                                CreateScopeOptions options)
        Creates a scope if it does not already exist with custom options.
        scopeName - the name of the scope to create.
        options - the custom options to apply.
        ScopeExistsException - if the scope already exists.
        CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
      • dropCollection

        public void dropCollection​(CollectionSpec collectionSpec)
        Drops a collection if it exists.
        collectionSpec - the collection spec that contains the properties of the collection.
        CollectionNotFoundException - if the collection did not exist.
        ScopeNotFoundException - if the specified scope does not exist.
        CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
      • dropScope

        public void dropScope​(String scopeName)
        Drops a scope if it exists.
        scopeName - the name of the scope to drop.
        ScopeNotFoundException - if the scope did not exist.
        CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
      • dropScope

        public void dropScope​(String scopeName,
                              DropScopeOptions options)
        Drops a scope if it exists with custom options.
        scopeName - the name of the scope to drop.
        options - the custom options to apply.
        ScopeNotFoundException - if the scope did not exist.
        CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
      • getAllScopes

        public List<ScopeSpec> getAllScopes()
        Returns all scopes in this bucket.
        a (potentially empty) list of scopes in the bucket.
        CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.
      • getAllScopes

        public List<ScopeSpec> getAllScopes​(GetAllScopesOptions options)
        Returns all scopes in this bucket with custom options.
        options - the custom options to apply.
        a (potentially empty) list of scopes in the bucket.
        CouchbaseException - if any other generic unhandled/unexpected errors.