Class DropQueryIndexOptions

    • Method Detail

      • dropQueryIndexOptions

        public static DropQueryIndexOptions dropQueryIndexOptions()
        Creates a new instance with default values.
        the instantiated default options.
      • ignoreIfNotExists

        public DropQueryIndexOptions ignoreIfNotExists​(boolean ignore)
        If the index does not exist, an exception will be thrown unless this is set to true.
      • scopeName

        public DropQueryIndexOptions scopeName​(String scopeName)
        Sets the scope name for this query management operation.

        Please note that if the scope name is set, the collectionName(String) (String)} must also be set.

        scopeName - the name of the scope.
        this options class for chaining purposes.
      • collectionName

        public DropQueryIndexOptions collectionName​(String collectionName)
        Sets the collection name for this query management operation.

        Please note that if the collection name is set, the scopeName(String) must also be set.

        collectionName - the name of the collection.
        this options class for chaining purposes.