Class Sdk2CompatibleLegacyTranscoder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Sdk2CompatibleLegacyTranscoder
    extends Object
    implements Transcoder
    This transcoder is compatible with the Java SDK 2 "LegacyTranscoder", which makes it usable back to Java SDK 1 as a result. You would really only want to move to this transcoder if you already had to use the LegacyTranscoder in SDK 2 because you were using couchbase since the SDK 1 days (you must really love couchbase, thanks! :-)).
    • Constructor Detail

      • Sdk2CompatibleLegacyTranscoder

        public Sdk2CompatibleLegacyTranscoder()
      • Sdk2CompatibleLegacyTranscoder

        public Sdk2CompatibleLegacyTranscoder​(int compressionThreshold)
    • Method Detail

      • encode

        public Transcoder.EncodedValue encode​(Object input)
        Description copied from interface: Transcoder
        Encodes the given input into the wire representation based on the data format.
        Specified by:
        encode in interface Transcoder
        input - the input object to encode.
        the encoded wire representation of the payload.
      • decode

        public <T> T decode​(Class<T> target,
                            byte[] input,
                            int flags)
        Description copied from interface: Transcoder
        Decodes the wire representation into the entity based on the data format.
        Specified by:
        decode in interface Transcoder
        Type Parameters:
        T - the generic type used for the decoding target.
        target - the target type to decode.
        input - the wire representation to decode.
        flags - the flags on the wire
        the decoded entity.
      • compress

        protected byte[] compress​(byte[] in)
      • decompress

        protected byte[] decompress​(byte[] in)
      • encodeNum

        public static byte[] encodeNum​(long l,
                                       int maxBytes)
      • deserialize

        protected Object deserialize​(byte[] in)