Interface Cluster.Initializer

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing class:

public static interface Cluster.Initializer

Initializer for Cluster instances.

If you want to create a new Cluster instance programmatically, then it is advised to use Cluster.Builder (obtained through the Cluster.builder() method).

But it is also possible to implement a custom Initializer that retrieve initialization from a web-service or from a configuration file for instance.

Method Summary
 Configuration getConfiguration()
          The configuration to use for the new cluster.
 List<InetAddress> getContactPoints()
          Returns the initial Cassandra hosts to connect to.

Method Detail


List<InetAddress> getContactPoints()
Returns the initial Cassandra hosts to connect to.

the initial Cassandra contact points. See Cluster.Builder.addContactPoint(java.lang.String) for more details on contact points.


Configuration getConfiguration()
The configuration to use for the new cluster.

Note that some configuration can be modified after the cluster initialization but some other cannot. In particular, the ones that cannot be change afterwards includes:

the configuration to use for the new cluster.

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