Package com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions

Exceptions thrown by the DataStax Java driver for Cassandra.


Exception Summary
AlreadyExistsException Exception thrown when a query attemps to create a keyspace or table that already exists.
AuthenticationException Indicates an error during the authentication phase while connecting to a node.
DriverException Top level class for exceptions thrown by the driver.
DriverInternalError An unexpected error happened internally.
InvalidConfigurationInQueryException A specific invalid query exception that indicates that the query is invalid because of some configuration problem.
InvalidQueryException Indicates a syntactically correct but invalid query.
NoHostAvailableException Exception thrown when a query cannot be performed because no host are available.
QueryExecutionException Exception related to the execution of a query.
QueryTimeoutException A Cassandra timeout during a query.
QueryValidationException An exception indicating that a query cannot be executed because it is incorrect syntaxically, invalid, unauthorized or any other reason.
ReadTimeoutException A Cassandra timeout during a read query.
SyntaxError Indicates a syntax error in a query.
TraceRetrievalException Exception thrown if a query trace cannot be retrieved.
TruncateException Error during a truncation operation.
UnauthorizedException Indicates that a query cannot be performed due to the authorisation restrictions of the logged user.
UnavailableException Exception thrown when the coordinator knows there is not enough replica alive to perform a query with the requested consistency level.
WriteTimeoutException A Cassandra timeout during a write query.

Package com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions Description

Exceptions thrown by the DataStax Java driver for Cassandra.

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