Interface ReconnectionPolicy

All Known Implementing Classes:
ConstantReconnectionPolicy, ExponentialReconnectionPolicy

public interface ReconnectionPolicy

Policy that decides how often the reconnection to a dead node is attempted. Each time a node is detected dead (because a connection error occurs), a new ReconnectionSchedule instance is created (through the newSchedule()). Then each call to the ReconnectionPolicy.ReconnectionSchedule.nextDelayMs() method of this instance will decide when the next reconnection attempt to this node will be tried. Note that if the driver receives a push notification from the Cassandra cluster that a node is UP, any existing ReconnectionSchedule on that node will be cancelled and a new one will be created (in effect, the driver reset the scheduler). The default ExponentialReconnectionPolicy policy is usually adequate.

Nested Class Summary
static interface ReconnectionPolicy.ReconnectionSchedule
          Schedules reconnection attempts to a node.
Method Summary
 ReconnectionPolicy.ReconnectionSchedule newSchedule()
          Creates a new schedule for reconnection attempts.

Method Detail


ReconnectionPolicy.ReconnectionSchedule newSchedule()
Creates a new schedule for reconnection attempts.

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