Class Update

  extended by com.datastax.driver.core.Query
      extended by com.datastax.driver.core.Statement
          extended by com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Update

public class Update
extends Statement

A built UPDATE statement.

Nested Class Summary
static class Update.Assignments
          The assignments of an UPDATE statement.
static class Update.Options
          The options of a UDPATE statement.
static class Update.Where
          The WHERE clause of an UPDATE statement.
Method Summary
protected  String buildQueryString()
 String getQueryString()
          The query string for this statement.
 ByteBuffer getRoutingKey()
          The routing key (in binary raw form) to use for token aware routing of this query.
protected  void setDirty()
 Update.Options using(Using using)
          Adds a new options for this UPDATE statement.
 Update.Where where()
          Returns a Where statement for this query without adding clause.
 Update.Where where(Clause clause)
          Adds a WHERE clause to this statement.
 Update.Assignments with()
          Returns the assignments of this UPDATE statement.
 Update.Assignments with(Assignment assignment)
          Adds an assignment to this UPDATE statement.
Methods inherited from class com.datastax.driver.core.Statement
Methods inherited from class com.datastax.driver.core.Query
disableTracing, enableTracing, getConsistencyLevel, getRetryPolicy, isTracing, setConsistencyLevel, setRetryPolicy
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


protected String buildQueryString()


public Update.Assignments with(Assignment assignment)
Adds an assignment to this UPDATE statement. This is a shorter/more readable version for with().and(assignment).

assignment - the assignment to add.
the Assignments of this UPDATE statement.


public Update.Assignments with()
Returns the assignments of this UPDATE statement.

the assignments of this UPDATE statement.


public Update.Where where(Clause clause)
Adds a WHERE clause to this statement. This is a shorter/more readable version for where().and(clause).

clause - the clause to add.
the where clause of this query to which more clause can be added.


public Update.Where where()
Returns a Where statement for this query without adding clause.

the where clause of this query to which more clause can be added.


public Update.Options using(Using using)
Adds a new options for this UPDATE statement.

using - the option to add.
the options of this UPDATE statement.


public String getQueryString()
Description copied from class: Statement
The query string for this statement.

Specified by:
getQueryString in class Statement
a valid CQL query string.


protected void setDirty()


public ByteBuffer getRoutingKey()
Description copied from class: Query
The routing key (in binary raw form) to use for token aware routing of this query.

The routing key is optional in the sense that implementers are free to return null. The routing key is an hint used for token aware routing (see TokenAwarePolicy), and if provided should correspond to the binary value for the query partition key. However, not providing a routing key never causes a query to fail and if the load balancing policy used is not token aware, then the routing key can be safely ignored.

Specified by:
getRoutingKey in class Query
the routing key for this query or null.

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