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case class EntityNotManagedByThisPod(entityId: String) extends Exception

Exception indicating that a message was sent to a pod that is not in charge of the given entity. This is expected during rebalancing and will be retried.

Exception indicating that a message was sent to a pod that is not in charge of the given entity. This is expected during rebalancing and will be retried.


trait Product
trait Equals
class Exception
class Throwable
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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case class PodUnavailable(pod: PodAddress) extends Exception

Exception indicating that a pod is not responsive.

Exception indicating that a pod is not responsive.


trait Product
trait Equals
class Exception
class Throwable
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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case class SendTimeoutException[A](entityType: EntityType[A], entityId: String, body: A) extends Exception

Exception indicating than a send didn't receive any response within the configured timeout.

Exception indicating than a send didn't receive any response within the configured timeout.


trait Product
trait Equals
class Exception
class Throwable
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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case object StreamCancelled extends Exception

Exception indicating that a stream was interrupted. It could be caused by a shard rebalance, by the entity inactivity or by the pod being unavailable.

Exception indicating that a stream was interrupted. It could be caused by a shard rebalance, by the entity inactivity or by the pod being unavailable.


trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Product
trait Equals
class Exception
class Throwable
trait Serializable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Self type