
class ShardManager(stateRef: Synchronized[ShardManagerState], rebalanceSemaphore: Semaphore, eventsHub: Hub[ShardingEvent], healthApi: PodsHealth, podApi: Pods, stateRepository: Storage, config: ManagerConfig)

A component in charge of assigning and unassigning shards to/from pods

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def getAssignments: UIO[Map[ShardId, Option[PodAddress]]]
def getShardingEvents: ZStream[Any, Nothing, ShardingEvent]
def notifyUnhealthyPod(podAddress: PodAddress): UIO[Unit]
def register(pod: Pod): UIO[Unit]
def unregister(podAddress: PodAddress): UIO[Unit]