Package com.diozero.api
APIs for interfacing with the host board.
Interface Summary Interface Description DeviceInterface Fundamental interface for all low-level device types.DigitalInputDeviceInterface Base interface for devices with digital input.I2CConstants I2CDeviceInterface I2CSMBusInterface I2C device interface Linux SMBus interfaceOutputDeviceInterface Represents a device capable of output (digital or analog).SerialConstants SerialDeviceInterface SpiConstants SpiDeviceInterface -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractDigitalInputDevice Abstract base class for low-level GPIO digital input devices.AnalogInputDevice The AnalogInputDevice base class encapsulates logic for interfacing with analog devices.AnalogInputEvent Represents an input event from an analog device.DeviceEvent Abstract class representing an event from a GPIO device.DigitalInputDevice Represents a generic digital input device.DigitalInputEvent Represents an input event from a digital device.DigitalInputOutputDevice DigitalOutputDevice Provides generic digital (on/off) output control with support for active high and low logic.GpioDevice Abstract base class for all GPIO related devices.GpioInputDevice<T extends DeviceEvent> Common base class for digital and analog input devices.I2CDevice Utility class for interfacing with to I2C devices.I2CDevice.Builder I2C device builder.I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage OutputDeviceCollection A collection of output devices to simplify setting the same output value for a number of devices at the same timePinInfo Describe the various attributes of an individual General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pin.PwmOutputDevice Provide generic Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) output control.PwmPinInfo Describe the various attributes of an individual General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pin used for Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) output.SerialDevice Serial device.SerialDevice.Builder Serial device builder.SerialDevice.DeviceInfo Provides descriptive information for a connected serial device.SmoothedInputDevice Represents a generic input device which takes its value from the number of active events over a specific time period.SpiDevice Serial Peripheral Interface deviceSpiDevice.Builder I2C device builder.WaitableDigitalInputDevice Represents a digital input device with distinct waitable states (active / inactive). -
Enum Summary Enum Description DeviceMode Valid GPIO modesGpioEventTrigger Values for input event triggers - none (no events), rising edge (transition from off to on), falling (transition from on to off) and bothGpioPullUpDown I2CConstants.AddressSize I2CDevice.ProbeMode PwmType SerialConstants.DataBits The number of data bits to use per word.SerialConstants.Parity Specifies how error detection is carried out.SerialConstants.ReadMode Specifies read mode: whether non-blocking, semi-blocking, blocking; also whether blocks with or without timeout.SerialConstants.StopBits The number of stop bits.SpiClockMode SPI clock mode determines the clock polarity and phase with respect to data. -
Exception Summary Exception Description DeviceAlreadyOpenedException DeviceBusyException InvalidModeException RuntimeIOException