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AbstractDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.spi
AbstractDevice(String, DeviceFactoryInterface) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDevice
AbstractDeviceFactory - Class in com.diozero.internal.spi
Base class for all device factories, including custom board-specific provider implementations (e.g.
AbstractDeviceFactory(String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
AbstractDigitalInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
Abstract base class for low-level GPIO digital input devices.
AbstractDigitalInputDevice(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.AbstractDigitalInputDevice
AbstractInputDevice<T extends DeviceEvent> - Class in com.diozero.internal.spi
AbstractInputDevice(String, DeviceFactoryInterface) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractInputDevice
accept() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.function.VoidConsumer
Performs this operation on the given argument.
accept(float) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.function.FloatConsumer
Performs this operation on the given argument.
accept(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorBase
accept(AnalogInputEvent) - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
accept(DigitalInputEvent) - Method in class com.diozero.api.AbstractDigitalInputDevice
accept(DigitalInputEvent) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SmoothedInputDevice
accept(DigitalInputEvent) - Method in class com.diozero.api.WaitableDigitalInputDevice
accept(DigitalInputEvent) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
accept(DigitalInputEvent) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.HCSR04UsingEvents
accept(DigitalInputEvent) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
accept(T) - Method in class com.diozero.api.GpioInputDevice
accept(T) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractInputDevice
action() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.function.Action
Action - Interface in com.diozero.api.function
ACTIVE_HIGH - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorPolarity
ACTIVE_LOW - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorPolarity
activeHigh - Variable in class com.diozero.api.AbstractDigitalInputDevice
ADC_KEY_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addAdcPinInfo(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addAdcPinInfo(int, String, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addAdcPinInfo(PinInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addAdcPinInfo(String, int, String, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addDacPinInfo(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addDacPinInfo(int, String, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addDacPinInfo(PinInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addDacPinInfo(String, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addDacPinInfo(String, int, String, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGeneralPinInfo(int, String) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGeneralPinInfo(int, String, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGeneralPinInfo(PinInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGeneralPinInfo(String, int, String) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGeneralPinInfo(String, int, String, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGpioPinInfo(int, int, Collection<DeviceMode>) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGpioPinInfo(int, String, int, Collection<DeviceMode>) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGpioPinInfo(int, String, int, Collection<DeviceMode>, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGpioPinInfo(PinInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGpioPinInfo(String, int, int, Collection<DeviceMode>) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGpioPinInfo(String, int, String, int, Collection<DeviceMode>) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addGpioPinInfo(String, int, String, int, Collection<DeviceMode>, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addListener(DeviceEventConsumer<AnalogInputEvent>, float) - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
Register a listener for value changes, will check for changes every 50ms.
addListener(DeviceEventConsumer<AnalogInputEvent>, float, int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
Register a listener for value changes, will check for changes every 50ms.
addListener(DeviceEventConsumer<T>) - Method in class com.diozero.api.GpioInputDevice
Add a new listener.
addListener(MotorEventListener) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorBase
addListener(MotorEventListener) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
addOrientationListener(OrientationListener) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
addOrientationListener(OrientationListener) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
addPwmPinInfo(int, int, int, Collection<DeviceMode>) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addPwmPinInfo(int, String, int, int, Collection<DeviceMode>) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addPwmPinInfo(int, String, int, int, Collection<DeviceMode>, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addPwmPinInfo(String, int, String, int, int, Collection<DeviceMode>) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addPwmPinInfo(String, int, String, int, int, Collection<DeviceMode>, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
addTapListener(TapListener) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
addTapListener(TapListener) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
addText(char) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
addText(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
addText(String) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
ADS1015 - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Model
ADS1115 - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Model
Ads112C04 - Class in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04(int, Ads112C04.Address, Ads112C04.GainConfig, Ads112C04.Pga, Ads112C04.DataRate, Ads112C04.OperatingMode, Ads112C04.VRef, Ads112C04.TemperatureSensorMode, Ads112C04.DataCounter, Ads112C04.CrcConfig, Ads112C04.BurnoutCurrentSources, Ads112C04.IdacCurrent, Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig, Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
Ads112C04.Address - Enum in com.diozero.devices
The ADS112C04 has two address pins: A0 and A1.
Ads112C04.Builder - Class in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.BurnoutCurrentSources - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.ConfigRegister - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.ConversionMode - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.CrcConfig - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.DataCounter - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.DataRate - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.GainConfig - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.IdacCurrent - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.OperatingMode - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.Pga - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.TemperatureSensorMode - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads112C04.VRef - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads1x15 - Class in com.diozero.devices
ADS1115 Datasheet: ADS1015 Datasheet:
Ads1x15(int, Ads1x15.Address, Ads1x15.PgaConfig, Ads1x15.Ads1015DataRate) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
Ads1x15(int, Ads1x15.Address, Ads1x15.PgaConfig, Ads1x15.Ads1115DataRate) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
Ads1x15(Ads1x15.PgaConfig, Ads1x15.Ads1015DataRate) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
Ads1x15(Ads1x15.PgaConfig, Ads1x15.Ads1115DataRate) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
Ads1x15.Address - Enum in com.diozero.devices
I2C address configuration
Ads1x15.Ads1015DataRate - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Number of samples per second
Ads1x15.Ads1115DataRate - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Number of samples per second
Ads1x15.ComparatorMode - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads1x15.ComparatorPolarity - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads1x15.ComparatorQueue - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Comparator queue configuration
Ads1x15.Mode - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Read mode - continuous or single
Ads1x15.Model - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Ads1x15.PgaConfig - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Programmable Gain Amplifier configuration.
ADXL345 - Class in com.diozero.devices.imu
ADXL345() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
ADXL345.OutputDataRateType - Class in com.diozero.devices.imu
AIN0 - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig
AIN0 - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig
AIN1 - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig
AIN1 - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig
AIN2 - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig
AIN2 - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig
AIN3 - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig
AIN3 - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig
ALL_PIXELS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfo(LocalSystemInfo) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfoProvider.AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfo
AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfoProvider - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner
AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfoProvider() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfoProvider
AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfoProvider.AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner
AllwinnerSun8iMmapGpio - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner
AllwinnerSun8iMmapGpio() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iMmapGpio
ANALOG - com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.InputConfig
ANALOG_INPUT - com.diozero.api.DeviceMode
ANALOG_INPUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
ANALOG_OUTPUT - com.diozero.api.DeviceMode
ANALOG_OUTPUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
ANALOG_SUPPLY - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.VRef
AnalogInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
The AnalogInputDevice base class encapsulates logic for interfacing with analog devices.
AnalogInputDevice(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
AnalogInputDevice(int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
AnalogInputDevice(AnalogInputDeviceFactoryInterface, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
AnalogInputDevice(AnalogInputDeviceFactoryInterface, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
AnalogInputDeviceFactoryInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
AnalogInputDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
AnalogInputEvent - Class in com.diozero.api
Represents an input event from an analog device.
AnalogInputEvent(int, long, long, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputEvent
Constructs an input event from an analog device.
AnalogOutputDeviceFactoryInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
AnalogOutputDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
andThen(Action) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.function.Action
Returns a composed Action that performs, in sequence, this operation followed by the after operation.
andThen(FloatConsumer) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.function.FloatConsumer
Returns a composed FloatConsumer that performs, in sequence, this operation followed by the after operation.
andThen(VoidConsumer) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.function.VoidConsumer
Returns a composed VoidConsumer that performs, in sequence, this operation followed by the after operation.
Animation - Class in com.diozero.animation
The Animation class constructs objects that represent a single Animation.
Animation(Collection<OutputDeviceInterface>, int, EasingFunction, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.Animation
AnimationInstance - Class in com.diozero.animation
AnimationInstance() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance
AnimationInstance(int, float[], List<AnimationInstance.KeyFrame[]>) - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance
AnimationInstance.KeyFrame - Class in com.diozero.animation
Array(Servo...) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Array
ASSERT_FOUR_CONV - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorQueue
ASSERT_ONE_CONV - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorQueue
ASSERT_TWO_CONV - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorQueue
authenticate(boolean, byte, byte[], MFRC522.UID) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Executes the MFRC522 MFAuthent command.
AUTO - com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.ProbeMode
autoscrollOff() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
autoscrollOn() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd


Back - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
Back() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.Back
backward() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DigitalMotor
backward() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.PwmMotor
Backward at full speed
backward(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
backward(float) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
backward(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.PwmMotor
backward(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.TB6612FNGMotor
backward(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZeroMotor
backwardLeft(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
backwardRight(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
BANK_A - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17.MCP23x17BoardPinInfo
BANK_B - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17.MCP23x17BoardPinInfo
BarometerInterface - Interface in com.diozero.devices
BaseNativeDeviceFactory - Class in com.diozero.internal.spi
Helper class for instantiating different devices via the configured provider.
BaseNativeDeviceFactory() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.spi.BaseNativeDeviceFactory
BAUD_1000000 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_110 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_115200 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_1152000 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_1200 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_134 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_150 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_1500000 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_1800 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_19200 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_200 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_2000000 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_230400 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_2400 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_2500000 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_300 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_3000000 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_3500000 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_38400 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_4000000 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_460800 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_4800 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_50 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_500000 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_57600 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_576000 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_600 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_921600 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_9600 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BAUD_B75 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
BeagleBoneBlackBoardInfo(LocalSystemInfo, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone.BeagleBoneBoardInfoProvider.BeagleBoneBlackBoardInfo
BeagleBoneBoardInfoProvider - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone
BeagleBoneBoardInfoProvider() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone.BeagleBoneBoardInfoProvider
BeagleBoneBoardInfoProvider.BeagleBoneBlackBoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone
Also works on the BeagleBone Green
beep() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Buzzer
Beep repeatedly in a background thread.
beep(float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Buzzer
BH1750 - Class in com.diozero.devices
BH1750 Luminosity sensor Datasheet Python code
BH1750(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BH1750
BH1750(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BH1750
BH1750(int, int, BH1750.Mode) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BH1750
BH1750.Mode - Enum in com.diozero.devices
BitManipulation - Class in com.diozero.util
BitManipulation() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.BitManipulation
blink() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LED
Blink indefinitely with 1 second on and 1 second off.
blink() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
blink() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLed
Blink the LED on and off indefinitely.
blink() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
blink(float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LED
blink(float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLed
Blink the LED on and off repeatedly.
blink(float, float, int, boolean, Action) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LED
blink(float, float, int, Action) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
blink(Action) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LED
Blink indefinitely with 1 second on and 1 second off.
blinkOff() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
blinkOn() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
blockProcessCall(int, byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
SMBus Block Write - Block Read Process Call
blockProcessCall(int, byte...) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
SMBus Block Write - Block Read Process Call
blockProcessCall(int, byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
blockProcessCall(int, byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
BLUE - com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Filter
BME280 - Class in com.diozero.devices
Provides access to the Bosch BMx280 pressure and temperature sensor.
BME280 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.Model
BME280() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Creates an instance that uses I2C.
BME280(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Creates an instance that uses SPI.
BME280(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Creates an instance that uses I2C.
BME280(int, int, int, SpiClockMode) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Creates an instance that uses SPI.
BME280.FilterCoefficient - Enum in com.diozero.devices
IIR Filter coefficient; can be FILTER_OFF, _2, _4, _8, _16.
BME280.HumidityOversampling - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Humidity oversampling multiplier; value can be OVERSAMPLING_1, _2, _4, _8, _16.
BME280.Model - Enum in com.diozero.devices
BME280.OperatingMode - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Operating mode; value can be MODE_SLEEP, _FORCED, or _NORMAL.
BME280.PressureOversampling - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Pressure oversampling multiplier; value can be OVERSAMPLING_1, _2, _4, _8, _16.
BME280.StandbyDuration - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Inactive duration in standby mode; can be STANDBY_ 500_US (0.5 ms) 62_5_MS (62.5 ms) 125_MS (125 ms) 250_MS (250 ms) 500_MS (500 ms) 1_S (1 second) 10_MS (10 ms) 20_MS (20 ms)
BME280.TemperatureOversampling - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Temperature oversampling multiplier; value can be OVERSAMPLING_1, _2, _4, _8, _16.
BME680 - Class in com.diozero.devices
BME680() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BME680
BME680(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BME680
Create a new BME680 sensor driver connected on the given bus.
BME680(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BME680
Create a new BME680 sensor driver connected on the given bus and address.
BME680.Calibration - Class in com.diozero.devices
BME680.Data - Class in com.diozero.devices
BME680.FilterSize - Enum in com.diozero.devices
IIR filter size.
BME680.GasSettings - Class in com.diozero.devices
BME680.HeaterProfile - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Gas heater profile.
BME680.OversamplingMultiplier - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Oversampling multiplier.
BME680.PowerMode - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Power mode.
BME680.SensorSettings - Class in com.diozero.devices
BMP180 - Class in com.diozero.devices
Bosch BMP180 I2C temperature and pressure sensor
BMP180(int, BMP180.BMPMode) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BMP180
BMP180(BMP180.BMPMode) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BMP180
BMP180.BMPMode - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Relationship between sampling mode and conversion delay (in ms) for each sampling mode Ultra low power: 4.5 ms minimum conversion delay Standard: 7.5 ms High Resolution: 13.5 ms Ultra high Resolution: 25.5 ms
BMP280 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.Model
BoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.sbc
Information about the connected SBC.
BoardInfo(String, String, int, float, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
BoardInfo(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
BoardInfoProvider - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
BoardPinInfo - Class in com.diozero.sbc
Provide information about the GPIOs that are available on the connected board.
BoardPinInfo() - Constructor for class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
BOTH - com.diozero.api.GpioEventTrigger
Bounce - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
Bounce() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.Bounce
buffer - Variable in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
build() - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.Builder
Construct a new I2CDevice instance
build() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.Builder
build() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice.Builder
Provision a new SPI device
build() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
builder(int) - Static method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Builder class for I2C devices
builder(int) - Static method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
Construct a new SPI device builder instance using the specified chip select value
builder(Ads112C04.Address) - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
builder(String) - Static method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Builder(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.Builder
Builder(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice.Builder
Builder(Ads112C04.Address) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
Builder(String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.Builder
busySleep(long) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
Button - Class in com.diozero.devices
Provides push button related utility methods.
Button(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Button
Pull up / down configuration defaults to NONE.
Button(int, GpioPullUpDown) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Button
Button(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, int, GpioPullUpDown) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Button
Buzzer - Class in com.diozero.devices
Represents a digital buzzer component.
Buzzer(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Buzzer
Buzzer(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Buzzer
bytesAvailable() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Get the number of bytes that are available to be read
bytesAvailable() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.SerialDeviceInterface
Get the number of bytes that are available to be read
bytesAvailable() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSerialDevice
bytesAvailable() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.serial.NativeSerialDevice


C0 - com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider.Model
C1 - com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider.Model
C1_HARDWARE_ID - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider
C2 - com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider.Model
C2_HARDWARE_ID - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider
calcPulseMsPerBit(int, int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.ServoUtil
calcServoPulseBits(double, double) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.ServoUtil
calcServoPulseBits(double, int, int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.ServoUtil
Calculate the number of bits required for the specified pulse width (milliseconds)
Calibration() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Calibration
callback(int, int, long, long, byte) - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollNative
callback(int, int, long, long, byte) - Method in interface com.diozero.util.EpollNativeCallback
CamJamKitDualMotor - Class in com.diozero.devices
CamJam EduKit 3 Robot.
CamJamKitDualMotor() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.CamJamKitDualMotor
CE0 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SpiConstants
CE1 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SpiConstants
CE2 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SpiConstants
CE3 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SpiConstants
centre() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
Characters() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.Characters
CHIP_SCALE - com.diozero.devices.TSL2561.TSL2561Package
CHIPBoardInfo() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider.CHIPBoardInfo
ChipBoardInfoProvider - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.chip
ChipBoardInfoProvider() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider
ChipBoardInfoProvider.CHIPBoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.chip
ChipBoardInfoProvider.CHIPProBoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.chip
ChipMmapGpio - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.chip
ChipMmapGpio() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipMmapGpio
CHIPProBoardInfo() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider.CHIPProBoardInfo
circleLeft(float, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
circleRight(float, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
Circular - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
Circular() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.Circular
clear() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
Clear the display
clear() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
clear() - Method in class com.diozero.util.Event
CLEAR - com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Filter
close() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
close() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.DeviceInterface
Close this device
close() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
close() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDeviceInterface
close() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputOutputDevice
close() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
close() - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Close this device
close() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
close() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
close() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Close this device
close() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
Close this device
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BH1750
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Closes the device
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
Close the driver and the underlying device.
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BMP180
close() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.GpioExpander
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HCSR04
Free device GPIOs
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
close() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.LcdConnection
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PiFaceCadLcdConnection
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HTS221
close() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.HygrometerInterface
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LM73
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LPS25H
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MCP23008
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MCP23017
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MCP23S17
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DigitalMotor
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.PwmMotor
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.TB6612FNGMotor
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZeroMotor
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbLed
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbPwmLed
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.HCSR04UsingEvents
Free device GPIOs
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.HCSR04UsingWait
Free device GPIOs
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.VL6180
close() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.SensorInterface
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Array
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.TSL2561
close() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iMmapGpio
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipMmapGpio
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2MmapGpio
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiMmapGpio
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardMmapGpio
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.serial.NativeSerialDevice
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi.NativeSpiDevice
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDevice
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
close() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogInputDeviceInterface
close() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogOutputDeviceInterface
close() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.BaseNativeDeviceFactory
close() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
Close this device factory including all devices that have been provisioned by it.
close() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.MmapGpioInterface
close() - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollNative
close() - Method in class com.diozero.util.MmapIntBuffer
closeAll() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.DeviceStates
closeChannel(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
closeChannel(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
closed - Variable in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
closed(DeviceInterface) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.DeviceStates
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogInputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalInputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroPwmOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2SysFsPwmOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSerialDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSpiDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsAnalogInputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.SoftwarePwmOutputDevice
closeDevice() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDevice
closeGpio(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
closeMmapBuffer(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.MmapBufferNative
closePin(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
COLLISION - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
ColourSsdOled - Class in com.diozero.devices.oled
ColourSsdOled(int, int, DigitalOutputDevice, DigitalOutputDevice, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.oled.ColourSsdOled
ColourUtil - Class in com.diozero.util
ColourUtil() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.ColourUtil
com.diozero.animation - package com.diozero.animation
com.diozero.animation.easing - package com.diozero.animation.easing
com.diozero.api - package com.diozero.api
APIs for interfacing with the host board.
com.diozero.api.function - package com.diozero.api.function
com.diozero.devices - package com.diozero.devices
Classes representing actual devices such as LEDs, Buttons as well as GPIO, devices that are connected via I2C, SPI and Serial interfaces.
com.diozero.devices.imu - package com.diozero.devices.imu
com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx - package com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx
com.diozero.devices.motor - package com.diozero.devices.motor
com.diozero.devices.oled - package com.diozero.devices.oled
com.diozero.devices.sandpit - package com.diozero.devices.sandpit
com.diozero.internal - package com.diozero.internal
com.diozero.internal.board - package com.diozero.internal.board
com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner - package com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner
com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone - package com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone
com.diozero.internal.board.chip - package com.diozero.internal.board.chip
com.diozero.internal.board.odroid - package com.diozero.internal.board.odroid
com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi - package com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi
com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard - package com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard
com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin - package com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
The built-in default provider supporting GPIO, I2C, SPI and Serial device communication.
com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio - package com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio
com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c - package com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c
com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.serial - package com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.serial
com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi - package com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi
com.diozero.internal.spi - package com.diozero.internal.spi
Service Provider Interface package.
com.diozero.sbc - package com.diozero.sbc
com.diozero.util - package com.diozero.util
command(byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
compareMakeAndModel(String, String) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
Compare make and model
COMPUTE_MODULE - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
COMPUTE_MODULE_3 - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
COMPUTE_MODULE_3_PLUS - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
constrain(double, double, double) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.RangeUtil
constrain(float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.RangeUtil
constrain(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.RangeUtil
CONTINUOUS - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.ConversionMode
CONTINUOUS - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Mode
CONTINUOUS_HIGH_RES_MODE - com.diozero.devices.BH1750.Mode
CONTINUOUS_HIGH_RES_MODE_2 - com.diozero.devices.BH1750.Mode
CONTINUOUS_LOW_RES_MODE - com.diozero.devices.BH1750.Mode
CONTROLLER_0 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.I2CConstants
CONTROLLER_1 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.I2CConstants
CONTROLLER_2 - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.I2CConstants
convertAngleToPulseWidthMs(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
convertPulseWidthMsToAngle(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
convertToScaledValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
Convert the specified unscaled value (-1..1) to a scaled one (-range..range).
Crc - Class in com.diozero.util
CRC-8 and CRC-16 calculator.
Crc() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC_WRONG - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
Crc.Params - Class in com.diozero.util
crc16(Crc.Params, byte...) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16 - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.CrcConfig
CRC16_A - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_ARC - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_AUG_CCITT - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_BUYPASS - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_CCITT_FALSE - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_CDMA2000 - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_DDS_110 - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_DECT_R - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_DECT_X - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_DNP - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_EN_13757 - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_GENIBUS - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_KERMIT - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_MAXIM - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_MCRF4XX - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_MODBUS - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_RIELLO - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_T10_DIF - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_TELEDISK - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_TMS37157 - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_USB - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_X25 - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC16_XMODEM - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
crc16Short(Crc.Params, short) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Crc
Calculate CRC-16 using the specified parameters
crc8(byte...) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Crc
Calculate CRC-8 checksum using the default CRC8 parameters
crc8(short) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Crc
Calculate CRC-8 checksum using the default CRC8 parameters
crc8(Crc.Params, byte...) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Crc
Calculate CRC-8 checksum using the specified parameters
crc8(Crc.Params, short) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Crc
Calculate CRC-8 checksum using the specified parameters
CRC8 - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC8_CDMA2000 - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC8_DARC - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC8_DVBS2 - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC8_EBU - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC8_ICODE - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC8_ITU - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC8_MAXIM - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC8_ROHC - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
CRC8_WCDMA - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.Crc
createAnalogInputDevice(String, PinInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
createAnalogInputDevice(String, PinInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
createAnalogInputDevice(String, PinInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
createAnalogInputDevice(String, PinInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
createAnalogInputDevice(String, PinInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
createAnalogInputDevice(String, PinInfo) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogInputDeviceFactoryInterface
createAnalogOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
createAnalogOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
createAnalogOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, float) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
createAnalogOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, float) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogOutputDeviceFactoryInterface
createChar(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
createColour565(byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.ColourUtil
createDigitalInputDevice(String, PinInfo, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
createDigitalInputDevice(String, PinInfo, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
createDigitalInputDevice(String, PinInfo, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
createDigitalInputDevice(String, PinInfo, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
createDigitalInputDevice(String, PinInfo, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDeviceFactoryInterface
createDigitalInputOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
createDigitalInputOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
createDigitalInputOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
createDigitalInputOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
createDigitalInputOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, DeviceMode) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDeviceFactoryInterface
createDigitalOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
createDigitalOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
createDigitalOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
createDigitalOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
createDigitalOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, boolean) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDeviceFactoryInterface
createI2CDevice(String, int, int, I2CConstants.AddressSize) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
createI2CDevice(String, int, int, I2CConstants.AddressSize) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.I2CDeviceFactoryInterface
createI2CKey(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
createI2CKey(int, int) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the I2C device at the specified address attached to the specified I2C bus controller.
createI2CKey(String, int, int) - Static method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.I2CDeviceFactoryInterface
createMmapBuffer(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.MmapBufferNative
createMmapGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfoProvider.AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfo
createMmapGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider.CHIPBoardInfo
createMmapGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider.OdroidC2BoardInfo
createMmapGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiComputeModuleBoardInfo
createMmapGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardBoardInfoProvider.TinkerBoardBoardInfo
createMmapGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
Instantiate the memory mapped GPIO interface for this board.
createPinKey(PinInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
createPinKey(PinInfo) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the specified pin.
createPwmOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, int, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
createPwmOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, int, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
createPwmOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, int, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
createPwmOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, int, float) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
createPwmOutputDevice(String, PinInfo, int, float) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface
createQuaternion(int[], double) - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuDataFactory
createSerialDevice(String, String, int, SerialConstants.DataBits, SerialConstants.StopBits, SerialConstants.Parity, boolean, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
createSerialDevice(String, String, int, SerialConstants.DataBits, SerialConstants.StopBits, SerialConstants.Parity, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.SerialDeviceFactoryInterface
createSerialKey(String) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
createSerialKey(String) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the specified serial device.
createSerialKey(String, String) - Static method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.SerialDeviceFactoryInterface
createSpiDevice(String, int, int, int, SpiClockMode, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
createSpiDevice(String, int, int, int, SpiClockMode, boolean) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.SpiDeviceFactoryInterface
createSpiKey(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
createSpiKey(int, int) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the SPI device attached to the specified SPI controller and chip select.
createSpiKey(String, int, int) - Static method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.SpiDeviceFactoryInterface
createVector(short[], double) - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuDataFactory
CS5 - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.DataBits
CS6 - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.DataBits
CS7 - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.DataBits
CS8 - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.DataBits
Cubic - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
Cubic() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.Cubic
cursorOff() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
cursorOn() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
cursorOrDisplayShift(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
Cursor or display shift shifts the cursor position or display to the right or left without writing or reading display data.


DAC_KEY_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
data() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1351
data() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
data(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1351
data(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
Data() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Data
DB_18A - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
DB_18B - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
DB_23A - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
DB_23B - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
DB_33 - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
DB_38 - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
DB_43 - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
DB_48 - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
dcPin - Variable in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
DebouncedDigitalInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.devices.sandpit
Represents a generic input device with typical on/off behaviour.
DebouncedDigitalInputDevice(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.DebouncedDigitalInputDevice
DebouncedDigitalInputDevice(int, GpioPullUpDown, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.DebouncedDigitalInputDevice
DebouncedDigitalInputDevice(int, GpioPullUpDown, float, GpioEventTrigger) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.DebouncedDigitalInputDevice
decodeHex(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Hex
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
DEFAULT_90_DELTA - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
DEFAULT_ADC_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
DEFAULT_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom
DEFAULT_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
DEFAULT_BAUD - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
DEFAULT_BYTE_ORDER - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.Builder
DEFAULT_CLOCK_SPEED - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MCP23S17
DEFAULT_DAC_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
DEFAULT_DATA_BITS - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
DEFAULT_DEVICE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection
DEFAULT_GPIO_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
DEFAULT_HEADER - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.BME280
DEFAULT_KEY - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
DEFAULT_LSB_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SpiConstants
DEFAULT_MID - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
DEFAULT_MIN_READ_CHARS - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
DEFAULT_PARITY - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
DEFAULT_READ_BLOCKING - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
DEFAULT_SPI_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.SpiDeviceFactoryInterface
Many distributions have a maximum SPI transfer of 4096 bytes.
DEFAULT_SPI_CLOCK_FREQUENCY - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SpiConstants
DEFAULT_SPI_CLOCK_MODE - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SpiConstants
DEFAULT_SPI_CONTROLLER - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SpiConstants
DEFAULT_STOP_BITS - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
DEFAULT_WORD_LENGTH - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SpiConstants
DefaultDeviceFactory - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
DefaultDeviceFactory() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
DefaultNativeSerialDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
DefaultNativeSerialDevice(DeviceFactoryInterface, String, String, int, SerialConstants.DataBits, SerialConstants.StopBits, SerialConstants.Parity, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSerialDevice
DefaultNativeSpiDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
DefaultNativeSpiDevice(DeviceFactoryInterface, String, int, int, int, SpiClockMode, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSpiDevice
DEGREES - com.diozero.devices.Servo.OutputDeviceUnit
deregister(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
deregister(String) - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollNative
device - Variable in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
DEVICE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
Default I2C address for the sensor.
DEVICE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MCP23008
DEVICE_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MCP23017
DEVICE_FACTORY_PROP - Static variable in class com.diozero.sbc.DeviceFactoryHelper
DeviceAlreadyOpenedException - Exception in com.diozero.api
DeviceAlreadyOpenedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.diozero.api.DeviceAlreadyOpenedException
DeviceBusyException - Exception in com.diozero.api
DeviceBusyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.diozero.api.DeviceBusyException
deviceClosed(DeviceInterface) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
deviceClosed(DeviceInterface) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
diozero internal method to notify the AbstractDeviceFactory that a device has been closed.
DeviceEvent - Class in com.diozero.api
Abstract class representing an event from a GPIO device.
DeviceEvent(int, long, long) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DeviceEvent
Constructor for a device event.
DeviceEventConsumer<T extends DeviceEvent> - Interface in com.diozero.api.function
DeviceFactoryHelper - Class in com.diozero.sbc
Helper class for automatically detecting the native device factory that will be used for provisioning I/O devices.
DeviceFactoryHelper() - Constructor for class com.diozero.sbc.DeviceFactoryHelper
DeviceFactoryInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
DeviceInfo(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.DeviceInfo
DeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.api
Fundamental interface for all low-level device types.
DeviceMode - Enum in com.diozero.api
Valid GPIO modes
deviceOpened(DeviceInterface) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
deviceOpened(DeviceInterface) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
diozero internal method to notify the AbstractDeviceFactory that a device has been opened.
deviceStates - Variable in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
DeviceStates - Class in com.diozero.internal
DeviceStates() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.DeviceStates
DIGITAL - com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.InputConfig
DIGITAL - com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.OutputConfig
DIGITAL_ANALOG_INPUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
DIGITAL_IN - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
DIGITAL_IN_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
DIGITAL_IN_OUT_PWM - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
DIGITAL_INPUT - com.diozero.api.DeviceMode
DIGITAL_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
DIGITAL_OUTPUT - com.diozero.api.DeviceMode
DIGITAL_PULL_UP - com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.InputConfig
DIGITAL_PWM_OUTPUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
DigitalInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
Represents a generic digital input device.
DigitalInputDevice(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
DigitalInputDevice(int, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
DigitalInputDevice(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, int, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
DigitalInputDevice(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, PinInfo, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
DigitalInputDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.api
Base interface for devices with digital input.
DigitalInputEvent - Class in com.diozero.api
Represents an input event from a digital device.
DigitalInputEvent(int, long, long, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputEvent
Constructs an input event from a digital device.
DigitalInputOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
A digital device whose Mode can be initialised to and changed to DIGITAL_INPUT and DIGITAL_OUTPUT.
DigitalInputOutputDevice(int, DeviceMode) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputOutputDevice
DigitalInputOutputDevice(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, int, DeviceMode) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputOutputDevice
DigitalInputOutputDevice(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, PinInfo, DeviceMode) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputOutputDevice
DigitalMotor - Class in com.diozero.devices.motor
DigitalMotor(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.motor.DigitalMotor
DigitalMotor(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.motor.DigitalMotor
DigitalOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
Provides generic digital (on/off) output control with support for active high and low logic.
DigitalOutputDevice(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
Defaults to active high logic, initial value is off.
DigitalOutputDevice(int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
DigitalOutputDevice(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
DigitalOutputDevice(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, PinInfo, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
DiozeroScheduler - Class in com.diozero.util
DISABLE - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorQueue
DISABLED - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.BurnoutCurrentSources
DISABLED - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.CrcConfig
DISABLED - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.DataCounter
DISABLED - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig
DISABLED - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig
DISABLED - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Pga
DISABLED - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.TemperatureSensorMode
disableDeviceListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AbstractDigitalInputDevice
disableDeviceListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
disableDeviceListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.GpioInputDevice
disableDeviceListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.WaitableDigitalInputDevice
disableEvents() - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollNative
disableListener() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputDevice
disableListener() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputOutputDevice
disableListener() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputDevice
disableListener() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
disableListener() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractInputDevice
display() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
display(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.ColourSsdOled
display(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1306
display(BufferedImage) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
display(BufferedImage, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1306
displayControl(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
displayOff() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
displayOn() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
DistanceSensorInterface - Interface in com.diozero.devices
doWait() - Method in class com.diozero.util.Event
Wait indefinitely for set() to be called.
doWait(int) - Method in class com.diozero.util.Event
Wait the specified time period for set() to be called.
DS1822 - com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
DS1825 - com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
DS18B20 - com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.InputConfig
DS18B20 - com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
DS18S20 - com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
DS28EA00 - com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
DualMotor - Class in com.diozero.devices.motor
Generic dual bi-directional motor driver
DualMotor(MotorInterface, MotorInterface) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
dumpByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Hex
dumpByteArray(byte[], PrintStream) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Hex
dumpDetailsToConsole(MFRC522.UID) - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
kept for backward compatibility
dumpIntBuffer(IntBuffer) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Hex
dumpIntBuffer(IntBuffer, int, int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Hex
dumpMifareClassicSectorToConsole(MFRC522.UID, byte[], byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Dumps memory contents of a sector of a MIFARE Classic PICC.
dumpMifareClassicToConsole(MFRC522.UID, byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Dumps memory contents of a MIFARE Classic PICC.
dumpMifareUltralightToConsole() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Dumps memory contents of a MIFARE Ultralight PICC.
dumpToConsole(MFRC522.UID) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Kept for backward compatibility
dumpToConsole(MFRC522.UID, byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
dumpVersionToConsole() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Dumps debug info about the connected PCD to Serial.


ease(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface com.diozero.animation.easing.EasingFunction
ease(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Linear
easeIn(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Back
easeIn(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Bounce
easeIn(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Circular
easeIn(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Cubic
easeIn(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Elastic
easeIn(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Exponential
easeIn(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quad
easeIn(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quart
easeIn(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quintic
easeIn(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Sine
easeIn(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Back
easeIn(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Elastic
easeInOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Back
easeInOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Bounce
easeInOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Circular
easeInOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Cubic
easeInOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Elastic
easeInOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Exponential
easeInOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quad
easeInOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quart
easeInOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quintic
easeInOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Sine
easeInOut(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Back
easeInOut(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Elastic
easeOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Back
easeOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Bounce
easeOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Circular
easeOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Cubic
easeOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Elastic
easeOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Exponential
easeOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quad
easeOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quart
easeOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quintic
easeOut(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Sine
easeOut(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Back
easeOut(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Elastic
EasingFunction - Interface in com.diozero.animation.easing
See for examples.
EasingFunctions - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
EasingFunctions() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.EasingFunctions
Elastic - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
Elastic() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.Elastic
ENABLED - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.BurnoutCurrentSources
ENABLED - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.DataCounter
ENABLED - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Pga
ENABLED - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.TemperatureSensorMode
enableDeviceListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AbstractDigitalInputDevice
enableDeviceListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
enableDeviceListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.GpioInputDevice
enableEvents() - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollNative
enableListener() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputDevice
enableListener() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputOutputDevice
enableListener() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputDevice
enableListener() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
enableListener() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractInputDevice
encodeHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Hex
encodeHexString(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Hex
enqueue(int, float[], List<AnimationInstance.KeyFrame[]>) - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
Add a segment to the animation's queue.
enqueue(AnimationInstance) - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
entryModeControl(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
Control text entry mode.
EpollEvent - Class in com.diozero.util
EpollEvent(int, int, long, long, byte) - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.EpollEvent
EpollNative - Class in com.diozero.util
EpollNative() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.EpollNative
EpollNativeCallback - Interface in com.diozero.util
equals(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.util.MutableByte
equals(Object) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.UID
ERROR - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
EVEN_PARITY - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.Parity
event(int, int, long) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
event(int, int, long) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLineEventListener
event(int, int, long) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputDevice
event(int, int, long) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputOutputDevice
Event - Class in com.diozero.util
Event() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.Event
execute(Runnable) - Method in class com.diozero.util.DiozeroScheduler
Exponential - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
Exponential() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.Exponential
export(int, DeviceMode) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.SysFsGpioUtil
EXTERNAL - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.VRef


fadeInOutLoop(float, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
FALLING - com.diozero.api.GpioEventTrigger
FeatureSetVersion(int[]) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.FeatureSetVersion
FeatureSetVersion(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.FeatureSetVersion
FileDescriptorUtil - Class in com.diozero.util
FileDescriptorUtil() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.FileDescriptorUtil
FILTER_16 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.FilterCoefficient
FILTER_2 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.FilterCoefficient
FILTER_4 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.FilterCoefficient
FILTER_8 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.FilterCoefficient
FILTER_OFF - com.diozero.devices.BME280.FilterCoefficient
flags - Variable in class com.diozero.api.I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage
FloatConsumer - Interface in com.diozero.api.function
Represents an operation that accepts a single float-valued argument and returns no result.
FM17522_firmware_reference - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
FORCED - com.diozero.devices.BME680.PowerMode
forId(byte) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
forName(String) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.easing.EasingFunctions
forValue(byte) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
forward() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DigitalMotor
forward() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.PwmMotor
Forward at full speed
forward(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
forward(float) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
forward(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.PwmMotor
forward(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.TB6612FNGMotor
forward(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZeroMotor
forwardLeft(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
forwardRight(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
FOUR_SINGLE_ENDED_INPUTS - com.diozero.devices.PCF8591.InputMode
fromValues(float[][]) - Static method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame


GasSettings() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BME680.GasSettings
generatesEvents() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractInputDevice
generatesEvents() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogInputDeviceInterface
GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board
GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo(LocalSystemInfo) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo
GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo(LocalSystemInfo, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo
GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo
GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo(String, String, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo
GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo(String, String, int, float, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo
GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo
get(int) - Method in class com.diozero.util.MmapIntBuffer
get(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.util.MmapIntBuffer
get(LocalSystemInfo) - Static method in class com.diozero.sbc.UnknownBoardInfo
get(String) - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.Characters
getAccel() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuData
getAccelerometerData() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getAccelerometerData() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
getAccelFsr() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getActivityInactivityControlFlags() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
D7 - Activity ac/dc D6 - ACT_X enable D5 - ACT_Y enable D4 - ACT_Z enable D3 - Inactivity ac/dc D2 - INACT_X enable D1 - INACT_Y enable D0 - INACT_Z enable A setting of 0 selects dc-coupled operation, and a setting of 1 enables ac-coupled operation.
getActivityThreshold() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getAdcNumber() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogInputDevice
getAdcNumber() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogOutputDevice
getAdcNumber() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsAnalogInputDevice
getAdcNumber() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogInputDeviceInterface
getAdcNumber() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogOutputDeviceInterface
getAdcPins() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getAdcVRef() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
Get the Analog to Digital converter reference voltage to be used when taking ADC readings
getAddress() - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
getAddress() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.LM73.Configuration
getAddress() - Method in class com.diozero.util.MmapByteBuffer
getAddressSize() - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
getAddressSizeBytes() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom.Type
getAirQuality() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getAirQualityScore() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Data
getAngle() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
Get the current servo angle where 90 degrees is the middle position
getAntennaGain() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Get the current MFRC522 Receiver Gain (RxGain[2:0]) value.
getAvailableSensors() - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor
getAvailableSensors(String) - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor
getBackData() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.Response
getBackLen() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.Response
getBacklightBit() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.LcdConnection
getBacklightBit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection
getBacklightBit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PiFaceCadLcdConnection
getBandwidth() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345.OutputDataRateType
getBandwidthDataRate() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getBitMask(int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.BitManipulation
getBitMask(int...) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.BitManipulation
getBlackLevel() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Get the black level calibration
getBoardInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.BaseNativeDeviceFactory
getBoardInfo() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.NativeDeviceFactoryInterface
getBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
getBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
getBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
getBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
getBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
getBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
getBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.BaseNativeDeviceFactory
getBoardPinInfo() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
Get information about pins that can be provisioned by this device factory.
getBoardPwmFrequency() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getBoardPwmFrequency() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
getBoardPwmFrequency() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
getBoardPwmFrequency() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
getBoardPwmFrequency() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface
getBooleanProperty(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.PropertyUtil
getBuffer() - Method in class com.diozero.util.MmapByteBuffer
getBurnoutCurrentSources() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getByAdcNumber(int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getByAdcNumber(int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.UnknownBoardInfo
getByChipAndLineOffset(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getByDacNumber(int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getByDacNumber(int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.UnknownBoardInfo
getByGpioNumber(int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getByGpioNumber(int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.UnknownBoardInfo
getByMode(int) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.SpiClockMode
getByName(String) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getByPwmNumber(int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getByteOrder() - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
getChannel() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogInputDevice
getChannel() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalInputDevice
getChannel() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalOutputDevice
getChannel() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroPwmOutputDevice
getChip() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
the Linux GPIO chip number for this GPIO as defined by the Linux GPIO character device; see /sys/gpiochip<n>, run gpiodetect to list
getChipId() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
getChips() - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
getChipSelect() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
Get the SPI Chip Select
getChipSelect() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.SpiDeviceInterface
Get the SPI Chip Select
getChipSelect() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSpiDevice
getChipSelect() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi.NativeSpiDevice
getCO2Equivalent() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.SGP30Measurement
getCode() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345.OutputDataRateType
getCode() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
getCode() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiComputeModuleBoardInfo
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
getCommand() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BH1750.Mode
getCompass() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuData
getCompassData() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getCompassData() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
getConfiguration() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LM73
getConsumer() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
getControlFlags() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.PCF8591.InputMode
getController() - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
getController() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
Get the SPI controller
getController() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.SpiDeviceInterface
Get the SPI controller
getController() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSpiDevice
getController() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi.NativeSpiDevice
getCount() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent
getCpuTemperature() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
Utility method to get the CPU temperate of the attached board
getCpuTemperature() - Static method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
Utility method to get the CPU temperate of the attached board
getCrcConfig() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getCuePoints() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance
getCycles() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME680.OversamplingMultiplier
getDacPins() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getDaemonInstance() - Static method in class com.diozero.util.DiozeroScheduler
getData() - Method in class com.diozero.util.Crc.Params
getDataRate() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.DataRate
getDataRate() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getDataRate() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Ads1015DataRate
getDataRate() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Ads1115DataRate
getDataRate() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
getDataRateFrequency() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getDataReadWriteBit() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.LcdConnection
getDataReadWriteBit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection
getDataReadWriteBit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PiFaceCadLcdConnection
getDefaultLibraryPath() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
getDefValReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getDefValReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getDefValReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getDelay() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BMP180.BMPMode
Return the conversion delay (in ms) associated with this sampling mode
getDelta() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
getDescription() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.DeviceInfo
getDevice(String) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.DeviceStates
getDevice(String) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
getDevice(String) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
Get the already provisioned device for the specified key
getDeviceFactory() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDevice
getDeviceFile() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.DeviceInfo
getDeviceFile() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.serial.NativeSerialDevice
getDeviceFilename() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Get the device filename
getDeviceId() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.Model
getDeviceName() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.DeviceInfo
getDeviceNumber() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
Get the logical device GPIO number
getDevices() - Method in class com.diozero.api.OutputDeviceCollection
getDirection() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent
getDirection() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
getDistanceCm() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.DistanceSensorInterface
getDistanceCm() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.GP2Y0A21YK
Read distance in centimetres, range 10 to 80cm.
getDistanceCm() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HCSR04
Send a pulse to HCSR04 and compute the echo to obtain distance
getDistanceCm() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.HCSR04UsingEvents
Send a pulse to HCSR04 and compute the echo to obtain distance
getDistanceCm() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.HCSR04UsingWait
Send a pulse to HCSR04 and compute the echo to obtain distance
getDistanceCm() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.VL6180
getDriverName() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.DeviceInfo
getDurationMillis() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance
getEasing() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
getEasingFunction() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
getEasingFunction() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
getEnableBit() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.LcdConnection
getEnableBit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection
getEnableBit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PiFaceCadLcdConnection
getEpochTime() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DeviceEvent
getEpochTime() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorEvent
getEpochTime() - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollEvent
getError() - Method in exception com.diozero.api.RuntimeIOException
getEthanol() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.RawMeasurement
getEventAge() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SmoothedInputDevice
The time in milliseconds to keep items in the queue.
getEventDetectPeriod() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SmoothedInputDevice
How frequently (in milliseconds) to check the state of the queue.
getEventMask() - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollEvent
getFactory() - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.Builder
getFd() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
getFd() - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollEvent
getFd() - Method in class com.diozero.util.MmapByteBuffer
getFeatureSetVersion() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
getFifoControlFlags() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
D7 D6 | D5 | D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 FIFO_MODE | Trigger | Samples FIFO modes: 0 Bypass - FIFO is bypassed 1 FIFO - FIFO collects up to 32 values and then stops collecting data, collecting new data only when FIFO is not full 2 Stream - FIFO holds the last 32 data values.
getFifoStatus() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
D7 | D6 | D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 FIFO Trig | 0 | Entries FIFO Trig: A 1 in the FIFO_TRIG bit corresponds to a trigger event occurring, and a 0 means that a FIFO trigger event has not occurred Entries: These bits report how many data values are stored in FIFO.
getFilter() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getFps() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
getFreefallThreshold() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getFreefallTime() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getFrequency() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Get the current frequency scaling
getGain() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.GainConfig
getGainConfig() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getGainDb() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
getGasHeaterProfile() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getGasMeasurementIndex() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Data
getGasResistance() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Data
getGasResistance() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getGPIntEnReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getGPIntEnReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getGPIntEnReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DeviceEvent
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.api.GpioDevice
Get the GPIO for this device.
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputOutputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalOutputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalInputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalOutputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroPwmOutputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2SysFsPwmOutputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputOutputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioOutputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalOutputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice
getGpio() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.SoftwarePwmOutputDevice
getGpio() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDeviceInterface
getGpioDirectoryPath(int) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.SysFsGpioUtil
getGpioPins() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getGPIOReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getGPIOReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getGPIOReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getGpios() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getGPPullUpReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getGPPullUpReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getGPPullUpReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getGyro() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuData
getGyroData() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getGyroData() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
getH2() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.RawMeasurement
getHardware() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
getHeader() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
Get the name of the board header to which this pin is attached
getHeaders() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getHeaderValues() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
getHeight() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
getHertz() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Get the latest hertz reading
getHumidity() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Data
getHumidityOversample() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getI2CBusNumbers() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
Detect the I2C bus controller numbers that are available on this board.
getI2CBusNumbers() - Static method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
getIaqBaseline() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
getId() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
getIdac1RoutingConfig() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getIdac2RoutingConfig() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getIdacCurrent() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getImuData() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getImuData() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
getImuName() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getImuName() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
getInactivityThreshold() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getInactivityTime() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getInit() - Method in class com.diozero.util.Crc.Params
getInputMultiplexer() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getInputValue(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Read input value in PiconZero range
getInstance() - Static method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
getIntBuffer() - Method in class com.diozero.util.MmapIntBuffer
getIntCapReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getIntCapReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getIntCapReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getIntConReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getIntConReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getIntConReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getInterruptEnableFlags() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getInterruptMapFlags() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getInterruptSourceFlags() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getIntFReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getIntFReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getIntFReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getIntProperty(String, int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.PropertyUtil
getIOConReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getIOConReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getIOConReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getIODirReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getIODirReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getIODirReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getIPolReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getIPolReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getIPolReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getKey() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.DeviceInterface
Get the unique device identifier for this device
getKey() - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Get the unique device identifier for this device
getKey() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Get the unique device identifier for this device
getKey() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
Get the unique device identifier for this device
getKey() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDevice
getKeyFrames() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance
getKeyPrefix() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
Internal only attribute used by AbstractDeviceFactory when provisioning GPIO devices
getKeys() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Keypad
getLabel() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChipInfo
getLastMeasurement() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
getLastResult() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
getLdrResistance() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LDR
Read the resistance across the LDR.
getLeftMotor() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
getLength() - Method in class com.diozero.util.MmapByteBuffer
getLibFileExtension() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
getLibraryPath() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
Internal diozero method to get the library path prefix to be used when loading native libraries for this device.
getLineByName(String) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
getLineOffset() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
Get the line number offset for this GPIO on the GPIO chip - Linux GPIO character device; run gpioinfo <n> to list
getLineOffset() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
getLines() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
getLinuxOperatingSystemId() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
Get the local operating system id as defined by the ID property in /etc/os-release
getLinuxOperatingSystemVersion() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
Get the local operating system version as defined by the VERSION property in /etc/os-release
getLinuxOperatingSystemVersionId() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
Get the local operating system version id as defined by the VERSION_ID property in /etc/os-release
getLinuxOsReleaseProperty(String) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
Get a property from the operating system release file /etc/os-release
getLocalSerialDevices() - Static method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Attempt to discover the locally attached serial devices using Linux device tree.
getLongName() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiComputeModuleBoardInfo
getLongName() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
getLoop() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
getLuminosity() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BH1750
getLuminosity() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.LuminositySensorInterface
getLuminosity() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.TSL2561
Converts the raw sensor values to the standard SI lux equivalent.
getMake() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
The make of the connected board, e.g.
getManufacturer() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.DeviceInfo
getManufacturer() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiComputeModuleBoardInfo
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.VRef
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Ads1015DataRate
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Ads1115DataRate
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorMode
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorPolarity
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorQueue
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Mode
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.PgaConfig
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.FilterCoefficient
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.HumidityOversampling
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.OperatingMode
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.PressureOversampling
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.StandbyDuration
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.TemperatureOversampling
getMask() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.LM73.Resolution
getMaxAngle() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
getMaxFreq2v7() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
getMaxFreq5v0() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
getMaxPulseWidthMs() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
getMeasureIndex() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Data
getMeasurementTimeMs() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BH1750.Mode
getMemoryKb() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
Get the memory (in KB) of the connected board
getMemoryKb() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
getMemorySizeBits() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom.Type
getMemorySizeBytes() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom.Type
getMicroAmps() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.IdacCurrent
getMidAngle() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
getMidPulseWidthMs() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
getMinAngle() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
getMinPulseWidthMs() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
getMode() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputOutputDevice
Get the input / output mode
getMode() - Method in enum com.diozero.api.SpiClockMode
getMode() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BH1750
getMode() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputOutputDevice
getMode() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputOutputDevice
getMode() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
getMode() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogInputDeviceInterface
getMode() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogOutputDeviceInterface
getMode() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDeviceInterface
getMode() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDigitalInputDeviceInterface
getMode() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDigitalOutputDeviceInterface
getMode() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.PwmOutputDeviceInterface
getMode(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iMmapGpio
getMode(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipMmapGpio
getMode(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2MmapGpio
getMode(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiMmapGpio
Returns the function of a GPIO: 0=input, 1=output, 4=alt0
getMode(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardMmapGpio
getMode(int) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.MmapGpioInterface
getModel() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
getModel() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
The model of the connected board, e.g.
getModel() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
getModes() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
Get the set of valid modes for this pin
getMotor(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Get motor output value (normalised to range -1..1)
getMotorValue(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Get the current motor speed (PiconZero range -128..127)
getMultiplier() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.OperatingMode
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
Get the name of this pin
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
getName() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
getName() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.PCF8591.InputMode
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChipInfo
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
getName() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
Get the name of this device factory
getName() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
Get the name of this board - usual a concatenation of make and model
getNanoTime() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DeviceEvent
getNanoTime() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorEvent
getNanoTime() - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollEvent
getNativeDeviceFactory() - Static method in class com.diozero.sbc.DeviceFactoryHelper
Auto-detect the native device factory class to be used for provisioning I/O devices in this lookup order: Command line property / environment variable diozero.devicefactory Java ServiceLoader using the class com.diozero.internal.provider.NativeDeviceFactoryInterface The built-in device factory
getNativeFileDescriptor(FileDescriptor) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.FileDescriptorUtil
getNativeImageType() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
getNinetyDegPulseWidthMs() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
getNonDaemonInstance() - Static method in class com.diozero.util.DiozeroScheduler
getNumChannels() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Model
getNumLines() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChipInfo
getNumPins() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
getNumPins() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
getNumPins() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.PCF8591.InputMode
getOffset() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
getOffsets() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getOffsetX() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getOffsetY() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getOffsetZ() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getOLatReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
getOLatReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
getOLatReg(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getOrientation() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.OrientationEvent
getOsArch() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
getOsName() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
getOutputDataRate() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345.OutputDataRateType
getOutputDeviceUnit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
getPageSizeBytes() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom.Type
getPeriodMs() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
getPga() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getPgaConfig() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
getPhysicalPin() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
Get the physical header pin number
getPiccType(byte) - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Translates the SAK (Select Acknowledge) to a PICC type.
getPollInterval() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getPollInterval() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
Get the recommended poll interval in milliseconds
getPolynomial() - Method in class com.diozero.util.Crc.Params
getPowerMode() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getPressure() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.BarometerInterface
Get the pressure in kPa
getPressure() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Reads the temperature, pressure, and humidity registers; compensates the raw values to provide meaningful results.
getPressure() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Data
getPressure() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getPressure() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BMP180
Read the barometric pressure (in hPa) from the device.
getPressure() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LPS25H
getPressureCommand() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BMP180.BMPMode
Return the pressure command to the control register for this sampling mode
getPressureOversample() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getProcessor() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiComputeModuleBoardInfo
getProductType() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.FeatureSetVersion
getProductVersion() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.FeatureSetVersion
getProperty(String, String) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.PropertyUtil
getPullUpDown() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
Get pull up / down configuration.
getPullUpDown(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipMmapGpio
getPullUpDown(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2MmapGpio
getPulseWidthMs() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
Get the current servo pulse width in milliseconds
getPwmChip(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone.BeagleBoneBoardInfoProvider.BeagleBoneBlackBoardInfo
getPwmChip(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider.CHIPBoardInfo
getPwmChip(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider.OdroidC1BoardInfo
getPwmChip(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider.OdroidC2BoardInfo
getPwmChip(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardBoardInfoProvider.TinkerBoardBoardInfo
getPwmChip(int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
Get the PWM chip for the specified PWM number.
getPwmFrequency() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
getPwmNum() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PwmPinInfo
getPwmNum() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroPwmOutputDevice
getPwmNum() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2SysFsPwmOutputDevice
getPwmNum() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice
getPwmNum() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.SoftwarePwmOutputDevice
getPwmNum() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.PwmOutputDeviceInterface
Get the device PWM output device number
getQuaternion() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuData
getRange() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
Get the analog range for this input device as used by AnalogInputDevice.getScaledValue() and AnalogInputDevice.convertToScaledValue(float)
getRange() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputEvent
Get the maximum scaled value for the analog input device that generated this event
getRange() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
getReadingOnDataCounterChange() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getReadingOnDataReadyBit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
Read data whenever the data read bit is set in Config Register #2
getReadingOnDataReadyBit2() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
Read data whenever the data read bit is set in Config Register #2
getRegisterSelectBit() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.LcdConnection
getRegisterSelectBit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection
getRegisterSelectBit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PiFaceCadLcdConnection
getRelativeHumidity() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Reads the temperature, pressure, and humidity registers; compensates the raw values to provide meaningful results.
getRelativeHumidity() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getRelativeHumidity() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HTS221
getRelativeHumidity() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.HygrometerInterface
Get the relative humidity in percent.
getResolution() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LM73
getResolution() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
getRevision() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Get the board revision details
getRevision() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiComputeModuleBoardInfo
getRevision() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
getRgb() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Get the latest RGB reading.
getRightMotor() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
getRowCount() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
getSak() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.UID
getSampleSize() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Get the sample size
getSamplingMode() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.BMP180.BMPMode
Return this sampling mode
getScaledValue() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
Get the scaled value in the range 0..range (if unsigned) or -range..range (if signed)
getScaledValue() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputEvent
Value from -range..range
getScaledValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.TMP36
getSegmentValues() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance
getSensorData() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getSerialId() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
getSerialNumber() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor
getShiftRight(int, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.util.MmapIntBuffer
getSingleShotReading(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getSize() - Method in enum com.diozero.api.I2CConstants.AddressSize
getSize() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.UID
getSpeed() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
Get the current speed
getSpiBufferSize() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.SpiDeviceFactoryInterface
getStatus() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.Response
getSysFsNumber() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
Get sysfs number for this pin.
getTapActivityStatusFlags() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
getTapDuration() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Get the tap duration in milliseconds
getTapLatency() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Get the tap latency in milliseconds
getTapThreshold() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Get the tap threshold in g
getTapWindow() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Get the tap window in milliseconds
getTargets() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
getTemperature() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Reads the temperature, pressure, and humidity registers; compensates the raw values to provide meaningful results.
getTemperature() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Data
getTemperature() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getTemperature() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BMP180
Method for reading the temperature.
getTemperature() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HTS221
Get temperature (degrees C).
getTemperature() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuData
getTemperature() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LM73
getTemperature() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LPS25H
getTemperature() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.ThermometerInterface
Get temperature in degrees celsius
getTemperature() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.TMP36
Get the current temperature in °C.
getTemperature() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor
Get temperature in degrees celsius
getTemperatureOversample() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
getThreshold() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SmoothedInputDevice
If the number of on events younger than eventAge exceeds this amount, then 'isActive' will return 'True'.
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuData
getTotalVOC() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.SGP30Measurement
getTrigger() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
Get event trigger configuration.
getTvocInceptiveBaseline() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
getType() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.UID
getType() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor
getUidByte(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.UID
getUidBytes() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.UID
getUnscaledValue() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
Get the unscaled normalised value in the range 0..1 (if unsigned) or -1..1 (if signed)
getUnscaledValue() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputEvent
Value from -1..1
getUpdateInterval() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Get the interval between RGB updates
getUsbProductId() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.DeviceInfo
getUsbVendorId() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.DeviceInfo
getVal() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapAxisType
getValidBits() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.Response
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
Read the current underlying state of the input pin.
getValue() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDeviceInterface
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputEvent
Returns the underlying GPIO state.
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputOutputDevice
Read the current underlying state of the input pin.
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
Get the current PWM output value (0..1).
getValue() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
getValue() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Address
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
Get the proportion of LEDs currently lit.
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DigitalMotor
Represents the speed of the motor as a floating point value between -1 (full speed backward) and 1 (full speed forward)
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorEvent
getValue() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.PwmMotor
Represents the speed of the motor as a floating point value between -1 (full speed backward) and 1 (full speed forward).
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.TB6612FNGMotor
Represents the speed of the motor as a floating point value between -1 (full speed backward) and 1 (full speed forward)
getValue() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.InputConfig
getValue() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.OutputConfig
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogInputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalInputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroPwmOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZeroMotor
Get the relative output value for the motor
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
Get the proportion of LEDs currently lit.
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2SysFsPwmOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsAnalogInputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in enum com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice.Polarity
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.SoftwarePwmOutputDevice
getValue() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogInputDeviceInterface
Read the analog value in the range 0..1 or -1..1 (if the ADC type is signed)
getValue() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogOutputDeviceInterface
getValue() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDigitalDeviceInterface
getValue() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.PwmOutputDeviceInterface
Get the current PWM output value (0..1)
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollEvent
getValue() - Method in class com.diozero.util.MutableByte
getValue(byte) - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.LM73.Resolution
getValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
getValue(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
getValue(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getValue(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
Read the analog value in the range 0..1 or -1..1 (if the ADC type is signed)
getValue(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
getValue(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
getValue(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
Read the analog value in the range 0..1
getValue(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Read input value in normalised range (0..1)
getValues() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Reads the temperature, pressure, and humidity registers; compensates the raw values to provide meaningful results.
getValues() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
getValues() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbLed
Get the state of all LEDs.
getValues() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbPwmLed
Get the value of all LEDs.
getValues(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
getValues(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
getVersion() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
getVoltage() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.PgaConfig
getVoltage() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Potentiometer
getVRef() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
getVRef() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
getVRef() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
getVRef() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
getVRef() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
getVRef() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogInputDeviceFactoryInterface
getVRef() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.BaseNativeDeviceFactory
getWhiteLevel() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Get the white level calibration
getWidth() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
getWriteCycleTimeMillis() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom.Type
getXorOut() - Method in class com.diozero.util.Crc.Params
GND - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Address
GND_GND - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
GND_SCL - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
GND_SDA - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
GND_VDD - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
goTo(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1306
goTo(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1331
goTo(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1351
goTo(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
GP2Y0A21YK - Class in com.diozero.devices
Sharp GP2Y0A21YK distance sensor.
GP2Y0A21YK(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.GP2Y0A21YK
GP2Y0A21YK(AnalogInputDeviceFactoryInterface, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.GP2Y0A21YK
gpio - Variable in class com.diozero.api.GpioDevice
gpio - Variable in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputDevice
gpio - Variable in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
GPIO_KEY_PREFIX - Static variable in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
GpioChip - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio
GpioChipInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio
GpioChipInfo(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChipInfo
GpioChipTest - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio
GpioChipTest() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChipTest
GpioDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
Abstract base class for all GPIO related devices.
GpioDevice(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.GpioDevice
GpioDeviceFactoryInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
GpioDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
GpioDigitalDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
GpioDigitalInputDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
GpioDigitalInputOutputDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
GpioDigitalOutputDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
GPIOEVENT_EVENT_FALLING_EDGE - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
GPIOEVENT_EVENT_RISING_EDGE - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
GpioEventTrigger - Enum in com.diozero.api
Values for input event triggers - none (no events), rising edge (transition from off to on), falling (transition from on to off) and both
GpioExpander - Interface in com.diozero.devices
Interface for GPIO expansion boards such as the MCP23xxx family of devices
GpioInputDevice<T extends DeviceEvent> - Class in com.diozero.api
Common base class for digital and analog input devices.
GpioInputDevice(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.GpioInputDevice
GpioLine - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio
GpioLine(int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
GpioLine.Direction - Enum in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio
GpioLineEventListener - Interface in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio
GpioPullUpDown - Enum in com.diozero.api
gpioRead(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iMmapGpio
gpioRead(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipMmapGpio
gpioRead(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2MmapGpio
gpioRead(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiMmapGpio
gpioRead(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardMmapGpio
gpioRead(int) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.MmapGpioInterface
gpioWrite(int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iMmapGpio
gpioWrite(int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipMmapGpio
gpioWrite(int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2MmapGpio
gpioWrite(int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiMmapGpio
gpioWrite(int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardMmapGpio
gpioWrite(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.MmapGpioInterface
GREEN - com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Filter
GROUND - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo


haltA() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Instructs a PICC in state ACTIVE(*) to go to state HALT.
HARDWARE - com.diozero.api.PwmType
hasAccelerometer() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
hasAccelerometer() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
hasCompass() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
hasCompass() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
hasGyro() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
hasGyro() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
hashCode() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.UID
HCSR04 - Class in com.diozero.devices
User's manual: Product specification: Provides 2cm - 400cm non-contact measurement function, the ranging accuracy can reach to 3mm You only need to supply a short 10uS pulse to the trigger input to start the ranging, and then the module will send out an 8 cycle burst of ultrasound at 40 kHz and raise its echo.
HCSR04(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.HCSR04
Initialise GPIO to echo and trigger pins
HCSR04UsingEvents - Class in com.diozero.devices.sandpit
Note this version doesn't work as well as the polling-based HCSR04 version.
HCSR04UsingEvents(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.HCSR04UsingEvents
Initialise GPIO to echo and trigger pins
HCSR04UsingWait - Class in com.diozero.devices.sandpit
User's manual: Product specification: Provides 2cm - 400cm non-contact measurement function, the ranging accuracy can reach to 3mm You only need to supply a short 10uS pulse to the trigger input to start the ranging, and then the module will send out an 8 cycle burst of ultrasound at 40 kHz and raise its echo.
HCSR04UsingWait(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.HCSR04UsingWait
Initialise GPIO to echo and trigger pins
HD44780Lcd - Class in com.diozero.devices
LCD with HD44780 controller.
Code based on this Raspberry-Pi Spy article, Python code.
HD44780Lcd(HD44780Lcd.LcdConnection, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
HD44780Lcd.Characters - Class in com.diozero.devices
HD44780Lcd.LcdConnection - Interface in com.diozero.devices
HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection - Class in com.diozero.devices
HD44780Lcd.PiFaceCadLcdConnection - Class in com.diozero.devices
height - Variable in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
Hex - Class in com.diozero.util
Hex() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.Hex
HIGH_RESOLUTION - com.diozero.devices.BMP180.BMPMode
home() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.ColourSsdOled
home() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1306
home() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
HTS221 - Class in com.diozero.devices
STMicroelectronics HTS221 "ultra compact sensor for relative humidity and temperature".
HTS221() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.HTS221
HTS221(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.HTS221
HygrometerInterface - Interface in com.diozero.devices


I2C_ADDRESS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
I2C_M_IGNORE_NAK - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage
I2C_M_NO_RD_ACK - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage
I2C_M_NOSTART - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage
I2C_M_RD - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage
I2C_M_WR - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage
I2C_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.I2CDeviceFactoryInterface
I2C_SMBUS_READ - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2C
I2C_SMBUS_WRITE - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2C
I2CConstants - Interface in com.diozero.api
I2CConstants.AddressSize - Enum in com.diozero.api
I2CDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
Utility class for interfacing with to I2C devices.
I2CDevice(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Use the default 7-bit address size and default byte order
I2CDevice(int, int, I2CConstants.AddressSize) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
I2CDevice(int, int, I2CConstants.AddressSize, ByteOrder) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Use the default native device factory
I2CDevice(int, int, ByteOrder) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Use the default 7-bit address size
I2CDevice(I2CDeviceFactoryInterface, int, int, I2CConstants.AddressSize, ByteOrder) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Construct an I2C device using the specified I2C bus / controller, device address, address size and byte order.
I2CDevice.Builder - Class in com.diozero.api
I2C device builder.
I2CDevice.ProbeMode - Enum in com.diozero.api
I2CDeviceFactoryInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
I2CDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.api
I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage - Class in com.diozero.api
I2CMessage(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage
I2CSMBusInterface - Interface in com.diozero.api
I2C device interface Linux SMBus interface
imageType - Variable in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
ImuBase - Class in com.diozero.devices.imu
ImuBase() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuBase
ImuData - Class in com.diozero.devices.imu
ImuData(Vector3D, Vector3D, Quaternion, Vector3D, float, long) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuData
ImuDataFactory - Class in com.diozero.devices.imu
ImuDataFactory() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuDataFactory
ImuInterface - Interface in com.diozero.devices.imu
IN - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Back
IN - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Bounce
IN - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Circular
IN - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Cubic
IN - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Elastic
IN - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Exponential
IN - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quad
IN - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quart
IN - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quintic
IN - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Sine
IN_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Back
IN_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Bounce
IN_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Circular
IN_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Cubic
IN_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Elastic
IN_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Exponential
IN_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quad
IN_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quart
IN_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quintic
IN_OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Sine
INFINITE_ITERATIONS - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
INFINITE_ITERATIONS - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
init() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Initializes the MFRC522 chip.
init() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1306
init() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1331
init() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1351
init() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
initialise() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
initialise() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iMmapGpio
initialise() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipMmapGpio
initialise() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2MmapGpio
initialise() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiMmapGpio
initialise() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardMmapGpio
initialise() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.MmapGpioInterface
initialisePinsOld() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiABPlusBoardInfo
INPUT - com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine.Direction
INPUTS_HEADER - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroBoardPinInfo
INTERNAL - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.VRef
INTERNAL_ERROR - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
INTERRUPT_GPIO_NOT_SET - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
INVALID - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
InvalidModeException - Exception in com.diozero.api
InvalidModeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.diozero.api.InvalidModeException
INVERSED - com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice.Polarity
invertDisplay(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1306
Sets if the display should be inverted
invertDisplay(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1331
Sets if the display should be inverted
invertDisplay(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1351
invertDisplay(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
INVERTED_DATA_OUTPUT - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.CrcConfig
invokeAtFixedRate(Supplier<Float>, Consumer<Float>, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.diozero.util.DiozeroScheduler
IOUtil - Class in com.diozero.util
IOUtil() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.IOUtil
isActive() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
Read the current on/off state for this device taking into account the pull up / down configuration.
isActive() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputEvent
Determine if the event is active or not compensating for active low / high wiring
isActive() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DigitalMotor
isActive() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
isActive() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.PwmMotor
isActive() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.TB6612FNGMotor
isActive() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZeroMotor
isActiveHigh() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AbstractDigitalInputDevice
Get active high configuration.
isActiveLow() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
isAnalogInputSupported() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
isAnalogOutputSupported() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
isArm() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
isArm32() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
isArm64() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
isBacklightEnabled() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
isBitSet(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.util.MutableByte
isBitSet(byte, int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.BitManipulation
isBlinkEnabled() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
isChange() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
isClosed() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
isClosed() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
Check if this device factory is closed.
isCursorEnabled() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
isDataAvailable() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Indicates if data is available.
isDataAvailable() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LM73
isDataCounterEnabled() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
isDataInHighNibble() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.LcdConnection
isDataInHighNibble() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection
isDataInHighNibble() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PiFaceCadLcdConnection
isDeviceOpened(String) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
isDeviceOpened(String) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
Check if the device with the given unique key is opened
isDigitalInputSupported() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
isDigitalOutputSupported() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
isDoubleTapSuppressed() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
isEnabled() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.BurnoutCurrentSources
isEnabled() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.DataCounter
isEnabled() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Pga
isEnabled() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.TemperatureSensorMode
isExported(int) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.SysFsGpioUtil
Check if this pin is exported by checking the existance of /sys/class/gpio/gpioxxx/
isFullResolutionMode() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
isGasMeasurementEnabled() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
isGasMeasurementValid() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Data
isHeaterEnabled() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
isHeaterTempStable() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Data
isIncrementOn() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
isLinux() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
isLit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LED
Return true if the LED is currently on.
isLit() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLed
Return true if the PWM value is >0.
isLowPowerMode() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
isNewCardPresent() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Returns true if a PICC responds to PICC_CMD_REQA.
isNewData() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680.Data
ISO_14443_4 - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
ISO_18092 - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
isOn() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
Get the device on / off status.
isOn() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
Get the device on / off status.
isOpen() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.DeviceInterface
Check if this device is open or closed
isOpen() - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Check if this device is open or closed
isOpen() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Check if this device is open or closed
isOpen() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
Check if this device is open or closed
isOpen() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDevice
isOpenDrain() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
isOpened(String) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.DeviceStates
isOpenSource() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
isPressed() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Button
Get the current state.
isPropertySet(String) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.PropertyUtil
isPwmOutputSupported() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
isReleased() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Button
Get the current state.
isReserved() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
isReverseIn() - Method in class com.diozero.util.Crc.Params
isReverseOut() - Method in class com.diozero.util.Crc.Params
isSelfTestMode() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
isShiftDisplayOn() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
isShutdown() - Method in class com.diozero.util.DiozeroScheduler
isSigned() - Method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
isSupported(DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
Check if the specified mode is supported by this pin
isTemperatureSensorModeEnabled() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
isTurboModeEnabled() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
isValid(Path) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
isValidId(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
isWindows() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo


KeyFrame() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
KeyFrame(boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
KeyFrame(float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
Keypad - Class in com.diozero.devices
Keypad(int[], int[], char[][]) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Keypad


LANDSCAPE - com.diozero.devices.imu.OrientationEvent.OrientationType
LDR - Class in com.diozero.devices
LDR(int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LDR
LDR(AnalogInputDeviceFactoryInterface, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LDR
LED - Class in com.diozero.devices
Provides utility methods for controlling a Light Emitting Diode (LED).
LED(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LED
LED(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LED
LED(PinInfo, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LED
LED(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LED
LED(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LED
LedBarGraph - Class in com.diozero.devices
LedBarGraph(int...) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
LedBarGraph(LED...) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
LedBarGraph(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, boolean, int...) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
LedBarGraph(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, int...) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
LedBarGraph(List<LED>) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
len - Variable in class com.diozero.api.I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage
LibraryLoader - Class in com.diozero.util
LibraryLoader() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.LibraryLoader
Linear - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
Linear() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.Linear
LINEAR - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Linear
LM73 - Class in com.diozero.devices
LM73(int, LM73.Configuration) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LM73
LM73_0_ADDRESS_PIN_FLOAT - com.diozero.devices.LM73.Configuration
LM73_0_ADDRESS_PIN_GROUND - com.diozero.devices.LM73.Configuration
LM73_0_ADDRESS_PIN_VDD - com.diozero.devices.LM73.Configuration
LM73_1_ADDRESS_PIN_FLOAT - com.diozero.devices.LM73.Configuration
LM73_1_ADDRESS_PIN_GROUND - com.diozero.devices.LM73.Configuration
LM73_1_ADDRESS_PIN_VDD - com.diozero.devices.LM73.Configuration
LM73.Configuration - Enum in com.diozero.devices
LM73.Resolution - Enum in com.diozero.devices
loadBoardPinInfoDefinition(String...) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo
loadInstances() - Static method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.BoardInfoProvider
loadInstances() - Static method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.NativeDeviceFactoryInterface
loadLibrary(Class<?>, String, String) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.LibraryLoader
loadLinuxBoardCompatibility() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
loadSystemUtils() - Static method in class com.diozero.util.LibraryLoader
LocalBoardInfoUtil - Class in com.diozero.sbc
Utility class for accessing information for the local board that the application is executing on.
LocalBoardInfoUtil() - Constructor for class com.diozero.sbc.LocalBoardInfoUtil
LocalSystemInfo - Class in com.diozero.sbc
Utility class for accessing information about the local system.
lookup(LocalSystemInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfoProvider
lookup(LocalSystemInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone.BeagleBoneBoardInfoProvider
lookup(LocalSystemInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider
lookup(LocalSystemInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider
lookup(LocalSystemInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
lookup(LocalSystemInfo) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardBoardInfoProvider
lookup(LocalSystemInfo) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.BoardInfoProvider
lookupBoardInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.BaseNativeDeviceFactory
lookupByRevision(String) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
lookupLocalBoardInfo() - Static method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalBoardInfoUtil
Returns information for the local device only.
LPS25H - Class in com.diozero.devices
STMicroelectronics LPS25H "ultra compact absolute piezoresistive pressure sensor".
LPS25H() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LPS25H
LPS25H(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.LPS25H
LuminositySensorInterface - Interface in com.diozero.devices


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.LM73
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.HCSR04UsingWait
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iMmapGpio
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipMmapGpio
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2MmapGpio
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiMmapGpio
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardMmapGpio
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChipTest
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.sbc.LocalSystemInfo
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.Hex
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
MAKE - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iBoardInfoProvider
MAKE - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone.BeagleBoneBoardInfoProvider
MAKE - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider
MAKE - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider
MAKE - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MAKE - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardBoardInfoProvider
map(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.RangeUtil
Map a number from one range to another.
map(double, double, double, double, double, boolean) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.RangeUtil
map(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.RangeUtil
Map a number from one range to another.
map(float, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.RangeUtil
Map a number from one range to another.
map(float, float, float, int, int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.RangeUtil
Map a number from one range to another.
map(float, float, float, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.RangeUtil
Map a number from one range to another.
mapToSysFsGpioNumber(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider.CHIPBoardInfo
mapToSysFsGpioNumber(int) - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardPinInfo
MARK_PARITY - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.Parity
max() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
MAX_ANALOG_INPUT_VALUE - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
MAX_BLUE - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.oled.ColourSsdOled
MAX_CLOCK_SPEED - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MCP23S17
MAX_GREEN - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.oled.ColourSsdOled
MAX_I2C_BLOCK_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
MAX_MOTOR_VALUE - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
MAX_OUTPUT_VALUE - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
MAX_RED - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.oled.ColourSsdOled
MAX31850K - com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
MCP_24xx256 - com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom.Type
MCP_24xx512 - com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom.Type
MCP23008 - Class in com.diozero.devices
MCP23008() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23008
MCP23008(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23008
MCP23008(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23008
MCP23008(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23008
MCP23008(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23008
MCP23017 - Class in com.diozero.devices
MCP23017() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23017
MCP23017(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23017
MCP23017(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23017
MCP23017(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23017
MCP23017(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23017
MCP23S17 - Class in com.diozero.devices
MCP23S17(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23S17
MCP23S17(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23S17
MCP23S17(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23S17
MCP23S17(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23S17
MCP23S17(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MCP23S17
MCP23x08 - Class in com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx
MCP23x08(String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
MCP23x08(String, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
MCP23x08(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08
MCP23x08.MCP23x08BoardPinInfo - Class in com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx
MCP23x08BoardPinInfo() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x08.MCP23x08BoardPinInfo
MCP23x17 - Class in com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx
MCP23x17(String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
MCP23x17(String, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
MCP23x17(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17
MCP23x17.MCP23x17BoardPinInfo - Class in com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx
MCP23x17BoardPinInfo() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23x17.MCP23x17BoardPinInfo
MCP23xxx - Class in com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx
Support for both MCP23008 and MCP23017 GPIO expansion boards.
MCP23xxx(int, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
MCP23xxx(int, String, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
MCP23xxx(int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
MCP23xxxDigitalInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx
MCP23xxxDigitalInputDevice(MCP23xxx, String, int, GpioEventTrigger) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputDevice
MCP23xxxDigitalInputOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx
MCP23xxxDigitalInputOutputDevice(MCP23xxx, String, int, DeviceMode) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputOutputDevice
MCP23xxxDigitalOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx
MCP23xxxDigitalOutputDevice(MCP23xxx, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalOutputDevice
MCP3001 - com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
MCP3001 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
MCP3002 - com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
MCP3002 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
MCP3004 - com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
MCP3004 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
MCP3008 - com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
MCP3008 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
Datasheet: "
MCP3201 - com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
MCP3201 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
MCP3202 - com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
MCP3202 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
MCP3204 - com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
MCP3204 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
MCP3208 - com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
MCP3208 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
MCP3301 - com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
MCP3301 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
MCP3302 - com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
MCP3302 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
MCP3304 - com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
MCP3304 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
McpAdc - Class in com.diozero.devices
McpAdc(McpAdc.Type, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
McpAdc(McpAdc.Type, int, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc
McpAdc.McpAdcBoardPinInfo - Class in com.diozero.devices
McpAdc.Type - Enum in com.diozero.devices
The MCP3204/3208 devices offer the choice of using the analog input channels configured as single-ended inputs or pseudo-differential pairs.
McpAdcBoardPinInfo(McpAdc.Type) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.McpAdcBoardPinInfo
McpEeprom - Class in com.diozero.devices
McpEeprom(int, int, McpEeprom.Type) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom
McpEeprom(int, McpEeprom.Type) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom
McpEeprom.Type - Enum in com.diozero.devices
measureTest() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
MF_ACK - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MF_KEY_SIZE - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MFRC522 - Class in com.diozero.devices
MFRC522(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MFRC522(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MFRC522(int, int, DigitalOutputDevice) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MFRC522_firmware_referenceV0_0 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MFRC522_firmware_referenceV1_0 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MFRC522_firmware_referenceV2_0 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MFRC522.AntennaGain - Enum in com.diozero.devices
MFRC522.PiccType - Enum in com.diozero.devices
MFRC522.Response - Class in com.diozero.devices
MFRC522.StatusCode - Enum in com.diozero.devices
MFRC522.UID - Class in com.diozero.devices
MG996R - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
MI_ERR - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MI_NOTAGERR - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MI_OK - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MID_ANGLE - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
MIFARE_1K - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
MIFARE_4K - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
MIFARE_DESFIRE - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
MIFARE_MINI - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
MIFARE_NACK - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
MIFARE_PLUS - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
MIFARE_UL - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
mifareDecrement(byte, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MIFARE Decrement subtracts the delta from the value of the addressed block, and stores the result in a volatile memory.
mifareGetValue(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Helper routine to read the current value from a Value Block.
mifareIncrement(byte, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MIFARE Increment adds the delta to the value of the addressed block, and stores the result in a volatile memory.
mifareOpenUidBackdoor() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Performs the "magic sequence" needed to get Chinese UID changeable Mifare cards to allow writing to sector 0, where the card UID is stored.
mifareRead(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Reads 16 bytes (+ 2 bytes CRC_A) from the active PICC.
mifareRestore(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MIFARE Restore copies the value of the addressed block into a volatile memory.
mifareSetUid(byte[], MFRC522.UID, byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Reads entire block 0, including all manufacturer data, and overwrites that block with the new UID, a freshly calculated BCC, and the original manufacturer data.
mifareSetValue(byte, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Helper routine to write a specific value into a Value Block.
mifareTransceive(byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
mifareTransceive(byte[], boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Wrapper for MIFARE protocol communication.
mifareTransfer(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
MIFARE Transfer writes the value stored in the volatile memory into one MIFARE Classic block.
mifareTwoStepHelper(MFRC522.PiccCommand, byte, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Helper function for the two-step MIFARE Classic protocol operations Decrement, Increment and Restore.
mifareUltralightWrite(byte, byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Writes a 4 byte page to the active MIFARE Ultralight PICC.
mifareUnbrickUidSector() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Resets entire sector 0 to zeroes, so the card can be read again by readers.
mifareWrite(byte, byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Writes 16 bytes to the active PICC.
min() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
MIN_MOTOR_VALUE - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
MmapBufferNative - Class in com.diozero.util
MmapBufferNative() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.MmapBufferNative
MmapByteBuffer - Class in com.diozero.util
MmapByteBuffer(int, int, int, ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.MmapByteBuffer
MmapGpioInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
MmapIntBuffer - Class in com.diozero.util
MmapIntBuffer(String, int, int, ByteOrder) - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.MmapIntBuffer
mode - Variable in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
MODE_0 - com.diozero.api.SpiClockMode
MODE_1 - com.diozero.api.SpiClockMode
MODE_2 - com.diozero.api.SpiClockMode
MODE_3 - com.diozero.api.SpiClockMode
MODE_FORCED - com.diozero.devices.BME280.OperatingMode
MODE_NORMAL - com.diozero.devices.BME280.OperatingMode
MODE_SLEEP - com.diozero.devices.BME280.OperatingMode
MODEL - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardBoardInfoProvider.TinkerBoardBoardInfo
MODEL_2B - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_3A_PLUS - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_3B - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_3B_PLUS - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_4B - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_A - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_A_PLUS - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_ALPHA - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_B - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_B_PLUS - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_CHIP - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_CHIP_PRO - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_ZERO - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MODEL_ZERO_W - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
MotionSensor - Class in com.diozero.devices.sandpit
A Passive Infra-Red (PIR) motion sensor.
MotionSensor(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.MotionSensor
Defaults 'threshold' to 1, eventAge t0 20ms and eventDetectPeriod to 10ms.
MotionSensor(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.MotionSensor
MotionSensor(int, GpioPullUpDown, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.MotionSensor
MotorBase - Class in com.diozero.devices.motor
MotorBase() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorBase
MotorEvent - Class in com.diozero.devices.motor
MotorEvent(long, long, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorEvent
MotorEventListener - Interface in com.diozero.devices.motor
MotorInterface - Interface in com.diozero.devices.motor
MOTORS_HEADER - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroBoardPinInfo
moveCursorLeft() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
moveCursorRight() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
MQTT_QOS_AT_LEAST_ONCE - Static variable in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.MqttConstants
MQTT_QOS_AT_MOST_ONCE - Static variable in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.MqttConstants
MQTT_QOS_ONCE - Static variable in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.MqttConstants
MQTT_SERVER_OPTION - Static variable in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.MqttConstants
MQTT_TOPIC_ACCEL - Static variable in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.MqttConstants
MQTT_TOPIC_COMPASS - Static variable in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.MqttConstants
MQTT_TOPIC_EULER_ANGLE - Static variable in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.MqttConstants
MQTT_TOPIC_GYRO - Static variable in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.MqttConstants
MQTT_TOPIC_IMU - Static variable in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.MqttConstants
MQTT_TOPIC_QUAT - Static variable in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.MqttConstants
MqttConstants - Interface in com.diozero.devices.imu
MS_IN_SEC - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
MutableByte - Class in com.diozero.util
MutableByte() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.MutableByte
MutableByte(byte) - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.MutableByte


NativeDeviceFactoryInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
NativeGpioDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio
NativeGpioDevice() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.NativeGpioDevice
NativeGpioInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
NativeGpioInputDevice(DefaultDeviceFactory, String, GpioChip, PinInfo, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger, MmapGpioInterface) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputDevice
NativeGpioInputOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
NativeGpioInputOutputDevice(DefaultDeviceFactory, String, GpioChip, PinInfo, DeviceMode, MmapGpioInterface) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputOutputDevice
NativeGpioOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
NativeGpioOutputDevice(DefaultDeviceFactory, String, GpioChip, PinInfo, boolean, MmapGpioInterface) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioOutputDevice
NativeI2C - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c
NativeI2C() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2C
NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c
NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf(DeviceFactoryInterface, String, int, int, I2CConstants.AddressSize, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
NativeI2CDeviceSMBus - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c
JNI wrapper of SMBus interface.
NativeI2CDeviceSMBus(DeviceFactoryInterface, String, int, int, I2CConstants.AddressSize, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
NativeSerialDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.serial
NativeSerialDevice(String, int, SerialConstants.DataBits, SerialConstants.StopBits, SerialConstants.Parity, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.serial.NativeSerialDevice
Open a new serial device
NativeSpiDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi
NativeSpiDevice(int, int, int, SpiClockMode, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi.NativeSpiDevice
newInstance(short[], short[], short[], float, double, double, double) - Static method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuDataFactory
NO_KEY - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.Keypad
NO_PARITY - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.Parity
NO_ROOM - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
NONBLOCKING - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.ReadMode
NONE - com.diozero.api.GpioEventTrigger
NONE - com.diozero.api.GpioPullUpDown
NONE - com.diozero.devices.BME680.FilterSize
NONE - com.diozero.devices.BME680.OversamplingMultiplier
NORMAL - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.OperatingMode
NORMAL - com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice.Polarity
NOT_COMPLETE - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
NOT_DEFINED - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
NOT_SET - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
notify(long, long, char) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputDevice
notify(long, long, char) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
notify(long, long, char) - Method in interface com.diozero.util.PollEventListener
NS_IN_MS - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
NS_IN_SEC - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
NS_IN_US - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
NUM_INPUT_CHANNELS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
NUM_MOTORS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero


ODD_PARITY - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.Parity
OdroidBoardInfoProvider - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.odroid
OdroidBoardInfoProvider() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider
OdroidBoardInfoProvider.Model - Enum in com.diozero.internal.board.odroid
OdroidBoardInfoProvider.OdroidC1BoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.odroid
OdroidBoardInfoProvider.OdroidC2BoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.odroid
OdroidC1BoardInfo() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider.OdroidC1BoardInfo
OdroidC2MmapGpio - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.odroid
See Odroid wiringPi fork.
OdroidC2MmapGpio() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2MmapGpio
OdroidC2SysFsPwmOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.odroid
Setting up: 1 PWM Channel (GPIO 234; Pin 33):
OdroidC2SysFsPwmOutputDevice(String, DeviceFactoryInterface, PwmPinInfo, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2SysFsPwmOutputDevice
off() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
Turn off the device.
off() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
Turn off the device (same as setValue(0)).
off() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
off() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
off() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbLed
Turn all LEDs off.
off() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbPwmLed
Turn all LEDs off.
OFF - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.IdacCurrent
OFF - com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Frequency
OK - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
oldPopulateBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone.BeagleBoneBoardInfoProvider.BeagleBoneBlackBoardInfo
on() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
Turn on the device.
on() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
Turn on the device (same as setValue(1)).
on() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
on() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
on() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbLed
Turn all LEDs on.
on() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbPwmLed
Turn all LEDs on.
ON - com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Frequency
ONE_STOP_BIT - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.StopBits
ONE_TIME_HIGH_RES_MODE - com.diozero.devices.BH1750.Mode
ONE_TIME_HIGH_RES_MODE_2 - com.diozero.devices.BH1750.Mode
ONE_TIME_LOW_RES_MODE - com.diozero.devices.BH1750.Mode
oneShotRead() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LM73
onOffLoop(float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
onOffLoop(float, float, int, boolean, Action) - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
Toggle the device on-off.
openAllChips() - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
openChip(int) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
openChip(String) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
opened(DeviceInterface) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.DeviceStates
OrientationEvent - Class in com.diozero.devices.imu
OrientationEvent(OrientationEvent.OrientationType) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.imu.OrientationEvent
OrientationEvent.OrientationType - Enum in com.diozero.devices.imu
OrientationListener - Interface in com.diozero.devices.imu
OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Back
OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Bounce
OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Circular
OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Cubic
OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Elastic
OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Exponential
OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quad
OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quart
OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quintic
OUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.animation.easing.Sine
OUTPUT - com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine.Direction
OutputDeviceCollection - Class in com.diozero.api
A collection of output devices to simplify setting the same output value for a number of devices at the same time
OutputDeviceCollection(OutputDeviceInterface...) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.OutputDeviceCollection
OutputDeviceCollection(Collection<OutputDeviceInterface>) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.OutputDeviceCollection
OutputDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.api
Represents a device capable of output (digital or analog).
OUTPUTS_HEADER - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroBoardPinInfo
OVERSAMPLING_1 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.HumidityOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_1 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.PressureOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_1 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.TemperatureOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_16 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.HumidityOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_16 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.PressureOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_16 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.TemperatureOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_2 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.HumidityOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_2 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.PressureOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_2 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.TemperatureOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_4 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.HumidityOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_4 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.PressureOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_4 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.TemperatureOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_8 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.HumidityOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_8 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.PressureOversampling
OVERSAMPLING_8 - com.diozero.devices.BME280.TemperatureOversampling


P5_HEADER - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiABPlusBoardInfo
P8_HEADER - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone.BeagleBoneBoardInfoProvider.BeagleBoneBlackBoardInfo
P9_HEADER - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.beaglebone.BeagleBoneBoardInfoProvider.BeagleBoneBlackBoardInfo
pad(String, int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.StringUtil
Params(int, int, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.Crc.Params
pause() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Pause reading (until a call to resume).
PCA9685 - Class in com.diozero.devices
PCA9685 I2C-bus controlled 16-channel 12-bit PWM controller as used in the popular Adafruit PWM add-on board Datasheet:
PCA9685(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
PCA9685(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
PCA9685(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
PCA9685.PCA9685BoardPinInfo - Class in com.diozero.devices
PCA9685BoardPinInfo() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685.PCA9685BoardPinInfo
PCF8574 - Class in com.diozero.devices
PCF8574(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
PCF8574(I2CDeviceFactoryInterface, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
PCF8574.PCF8574BoardPinInfo - Class in com.diozero.devices
PCF8574BoardPinInfo() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574.PCF8574BoardPinInfo
PCF8574LcdConnection(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection
PCF8574LcdConnection(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection
PCF8591 - Class in com.diozero.devices
Analog to Digital Converter.
PCF8591() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
PCF8591(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
PCF8591(int, int, PCF8591.InputMode, boolean, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
PCF8591.InputMode - Enum in com.diozero.devices
PCF8591.PCF8591BoardPinInfo - Class in com.diozero.devices
PCF8591BoardPinInfo(PCF8591.InputMode) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591.PCF8591BoardPinInfo
performSelfTest() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Performs a self-test of the MFRC522 See 16.1.1 in
PiABPlusBoardInfo(String, String, String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiABPlusBoardInfo
PiABRev2BoardInfo(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiABRev2BoardInfo
PiBRev1BoardInfo(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiBRev1BoardInfo
PiComputeModuleBoardInfo(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiComputeModuleBoardInfo
PiconZero - Class in com.diozero.devices
PiconZero() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
PiconZero(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
PiconZero.InputConfig - Enum in com.diozero.devices
PiconZero.OutputConfig - Enum in com.diozero.devices
PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.devices
PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.devices
PiconZero.PiconZeroBoardPinInfo - Class in com.diozero.devices
PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.devices
PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.devices
PiconZero.PiconZeroPwmOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.devices
PiconZeroAnalogInputDevice(PiconZero, String, PinInfo) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogInputDevice
PiconZeroAnalogOutputDevice(PiconZero, String, int, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogOutputDevice
PiconZeroBoardPinInfo() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroBoardPinInfo
PiconZeroDigitalInputDevice(PiconZero, String, PinInfo, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalInputDevice
PiconZeroDigitalOutputDevice(PiconZero, String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalOutputDevice
PiconZeroMotor - Class in com.diozero.devices
PiconZeroMotor(PiconZero, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PiconZeroMotor
PiconZeroPwmOutputDevice(PiconZero, String, int, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroPwmOutputDevice
PiFaceCadLcdConnection(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PiFaceCadLcdConnection
PinInfo - Class in com.diozero.api
Describe the various attributes of an individual General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pin.
PinInfo(String, String, int, int, String, Collection<DeviceMode>) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
PinInfo(String, String, int, int, String, Collection<DeviceMode>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
play() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
Play the animation.
poll(String, int, int, PollEventListener) - Method in class com.diozero.util.PollNative
PollEventListener - Interface in com.diozero.util
PollNative - Class in com.diozero.util
PollNative() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.PollNative
populateBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider.CHIPBoardInfo
populateBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider.CHIPProBoardInfo
populateBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.GenericLinuxArmBoardInfo
populateBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiABRev2BoardInfo
populateBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiABPlusBoardInfo
populateBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiBRev1BoardInfo
populateBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiComputeModuleBoardInfo
populateBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
Pin initialisation is done separately to the constructor since all known BoardInfo instances get instantiated on startup by the Java ServiceLoader.
populateBoardPinInfo() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.UnknownBoardInfo
Pin initialisation is done separately to the constructor since all known BoardInfo instances get instantiated on startup by the Java ServiceLoader.
PORTRAIT - com.diozero.devices.imu.OrientationEvent.OrientationType
Potentiometer - Class in com.diozero.devices
Supports taking readings from a potentiometer.
Potentiometer(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Potentiometer
Potentiometer(AnalogInputDeviceFactoryInterface, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Potentiometer
powerDown() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
probe() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
Probe this I2C device using Auto probe mode
probe(I2CDevice.ProbeMode) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Probe this I2C device to see if it is connected
probe(I2CDevice.ProbeMode) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
Probe this I2C device to see if it is connected
probe(I2CDevice.ProbeMode) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
probe(I2CDevice.ProbeMode) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
processCall(int, short) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
SMBus Process Call
processCall(int, short) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
SMBus Process Call
processCall(int, short) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
processCall(int, short) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
processData() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuBase
PRODUCT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
PROFILE_0 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
PROFILE_1 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
PROFILE_2 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
PROFILE_3 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
PROFILE_4 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
PROFILE_5 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
PROFILE_6 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
PROFILE_7 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
PROFILE_8 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
PROFILE_9 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
PropertyUtil - Class in com.diozero.util
PropertyUtil() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.PropertyUtil
provisionAnalogInputDevice(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
provisionAnalogInputDevice(int) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogInputDeviceFactoryInterface
provisionAnalogOutputDevice(int, float) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogOutputDeviceFactoryInterface
provisionDigitalInputDevice(PinInfo, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDeviceFactoryInterface
provisionDigitalInputOutputDevice(PinInfo, DeviceMode) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDeviceFactoryInterface
provisionDigitalOutputDevice(PinInfo, boolean) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDeviceFactoryInterface
provisionGpioInputDevice(int, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
provisionGpioOutputDevice(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
provisionI2CDevice(int, int, I2CConstants.AddressSize) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.I2CDeviceFactoryInterface
provisionPwmOutputDevice(int, int, float) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface
provisionSerialDevice(String, int, SerialConstants.DataBits, SerialConstants.StopBits, SerialConstants.Parity, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.SerialDeviceFactoryInterface
Provision a serial device.
provisionSpiDevice(int, int, int, SpiClockMode, boolean) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.SpiDeviceFactoryInterface
PULL_DOWN - com.diozero.api.GpioPullUpDown
PULL_UP - com.diozero.api.GpioPullUpDown
pulse() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLed
Pulse the LED on and off indefinitely in a background thread with a fade time of 1 second.
pulse(float, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
pulse(float, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLed
Pulse the LED on and off repeatedly.
PULSE_WIDTH_MS - com.diozero.devices.Servo.OutputDeviceUnit
put(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.util.MmapIntBuffer
PWM - com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.OutputConfig
PWM_OUTPUT - com.diozero.api.DeviceMode
PWM_OUTPUT - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
PwmLed - Class in com.diozero.devices
PWM controlled LED.
PwmLed(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PwmLed
PwmLed(int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PwmLed
PwmLed(PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PwmLed
PwmLed(PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PwmLed
PwmLedBarGraph - Class in com.diozero.devices
PwmLedBarGraph(int...) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
PwmLedBarGraph(PwmLed...) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
PwmLedBarGraph(PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, int...) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
PwmLedBarGraph(List<PwmLed>) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
PwmMotor - Class in com.diozero.devices.motor
Generic bi-directional motor controlled by separate forward / backward PWM output GPIOs
PwmMotor(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.motor.PwmMotor
PwmMotor(PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.motor.PwmMotor
PwmOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
Provide generic Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) output control.
PwmOutputDevice(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
PwmOutputDevice(int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
PwmOutputDevice(int, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
PwmOutputDevice(PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
PwmOutputDevice(PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, int, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
PwmOutputDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
PwmPinInfo - Class in com.diozero.api
Describe the various attributes of an individual General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pin used for Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) output.
PwmPinInfo(String, String, int, int, int, String, Collection<DeviceMode>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.PwmPinInfo
PwmType - Enum in com.diozero.api


Quad - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
Quad() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quad
Quart - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
Quart() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quart
QUICK - com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.ProbeMode
Quintic - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
Quintic() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.Quintic


RADIANS - com.diozero.devices.Servo.OutputDeviceUnit
RangeUtil - Class in com.diozero.util
RangeUtil() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.RangeUtil
RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi
RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider
RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiABPlusBoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi
RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiABRev2BoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi
RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiBRev1BoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi
RaspberryPiBoardInfoProvider.PiComputeModuleBoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi
RaspberryPiMmapGpio - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi
RaspberryPiMmapGpio(boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiMmapGpio
rawMeasurement() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
RawMeasurement(int[]) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.RawMeasurement
read() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Read a single byte returning error responses
read() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.SerialDeviceInterface
Read a single byte returning error responses
read() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSerialDevice
read() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.serial.NativeSerialDevice
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Attempt to read buffer.length bytes into the specified buffer, returning the number of bytes actually read; throw a RuntimeIOException if an I/O error occurs
read(byte[]) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.SerialDeviceInterface
Attempt to read buffer.length bytes into the specified buffer, returning the number of bytes actually read; throw a RuntimeIOException if an I/O error occurs
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSerialDevice
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.serial.NativeSerialDevice
read(InputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.IOUtil
Attempt to read buffer.length bytes into buffer from the input steam.
READ - com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.ProbeMode
READ_BLOCKING_NO_TIMEOUT - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.ReadMode
READ_BLOCKING_WITH_TIMEOUT - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.ReadMode
READ_SEMI_BLOCKING_NO_TIMEOUT - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.ReadMode
READ_SEMI_BLOCKING_WITH_TIMEOUT - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.ReadMode
READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.diozero.api.SerialConstants
readBit(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that wraps I2CDevice.readByteData(int) to check if the specified bit number is set.
readBlockData(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
SMBus Block Read: i2c_smbus_read_block_data()
readBlockData(int) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
SMBus Block Read: i2c_smbus_read_block_data()
readBlockData(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
readBlockData(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
readByte() - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
SMBus Receive Byte: i2c_smbus_read_byte()
readByte() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
SMBus Receive Byte: i2c_smbus_read_byte()
readByte() - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Read a single byte, throw an exception if unable to read any data
readByte() - Method in interface com.diozero.api.SerialDeviceInterface
Read a single byte, throw an exception if unable to read any data
readByte() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSerialDevice
readByte() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
readByte() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
readByte() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.serial.NativeSerialDevice
readByte(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MCP23008
readByte(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MCP23017
readByte(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MCP23S17
readByte(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
readByte(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom
readByteData(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
SMBus Read Byte: i2c_smbus_read_byte_data()
readByteData(int) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
SMBus Read Byte: i2c_smbus_read_byte_data()
readByteData(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
readByteData(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Diozero SMBus extension to read the specified number of bytes from the device
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
Diozero SMBus extension to read the specified number of bytes from the device
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
readBytes(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that wraps I2CDevice.readBytes(byte[]) to read the specified number of bytes.
readBytes(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom
readBytesAsByteBuffer(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that wraps the response from I2CDevice.readBytes(int) in a ByteBuffer that is configured to use the byte order specified in the constructor.
readCalibrationData() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BMP180
This method reads the calibration data common for the Temperature sensor and Barometer sensor included in the BMP180
readCardSerial() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Simple wrapper around PICC_Select.
readConfigRegister(Ads112C04.ConfigRegister) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
readCurrentAddress() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom
readFully(InputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.IOUtil
Attempt to read buffer.length bytes into buffer from the input steam, throw an exception if unable to read buffer.length bytes.
readI2CBlockData(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
I2C Block Read: i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data()
readI2CBlockData(int, byte[]) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
I2C Block Read: i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data()
readI2CBlockData(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
readI2CBlockData(int, byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
readI2CBlockDataByteArray(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that wraps I2CDevice.readI2CBlockData(int, byte[]) to read the specified number of bytes and return as a new byte array.
readI2CBlockDataByteBuffer(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that wraps I2CDevice.readI2CBlockData(int, byte[]) to read the specified number of bytes and return as a ByteBuffer using the byte order specified in the device constructor.
readInt(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that wraps I2CDevice.readI2CBlockDataByteBuffer(int, int) to read a signed int value from the requested register using the byte order specified in the constructor.
readNoStop(byte, int, byte[], boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
readNoStop(byte, int, byte[], boolean) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CDeviceInterface
readNoStop(byte, int, byte[], boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
readShort(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that invokes either I2CDevice.readWordData(int) or I2CDevice.readWordSwapped(int) to read a signed short value from the requested register in the byte order specified in the constructor.
readUByte(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that simply converts the response from I2CDevice.readByteData(int) to an unsigned byte.
readUInt(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that wraps I2CDevice.readInt(int) to read an unsigned int value from the requested register using the byte order specified in the constructor.
readUInt(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that wraps I2CDevice.readI2CBlockDataByteArray(int, int) to read an unsigned int value on the specified length from the requested register using the byte order specified in the constructor.
readUShort(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that wraps I2CDevice.readShort(int) to read an unsigned short value from the requested register using the byte order specified in the constructor.
readWordData(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
SMBus Read Word: i2c_smbus_read_word_data()
readWordData(int) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
SMBus Read Word: i2c_smbus_read_word_data()
readWordData(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
readWordData(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
readWordSwapped(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
SMBus Read Word Swapped: i2c_smbus_read_word_swapped()
readWordSwapped(int) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
SMBus Read Word Swapped: i2c_smbus_read_word_swapped()
readWordSwapped(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
readWrite(I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage[], byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
readWrite(I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CDeviceInterface
readWrite(I2CDeviceInterface.I2CMessage[], byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceSMBus
RED - com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Filter
REFN - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig
REFN - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig
REFP - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig
REFP - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig
register(int, GpioLineEventListener) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioChip
register(String, PollEventListener) - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollNative
registerDeviceFactory(DeviceFactoryInterface) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.BaseNativeDeviceFactory
registerDeviceFactory(DeviceFactoryInterface) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.NativeDeviceFactoryInterface
removeAllListeners() - Method in class com.diozero.api.GpioInputDevice
Remove all listeners.
removeListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AbstractDigitalInputDevice
removeListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
removeListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputOutputDevice
removeListener() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalInputDevice
removeListener() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractInputDevice
removeListener() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogInputDeviceInterface
removeListener() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDigitalInputDeviceInterface
removeListener() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDigitalInputOutputDeviceInterface
removeListener(DeviceEventConsumer<T>) - Method in class com.diozero.api.GpioInputDevice
Remove a specific listener.
removeListener(MotorEventListener) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorBase
removeListener(MotorEventListener) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
reopen() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractDeviceFactory
reopen() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
Reopen this device factory.
requestA(byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Transmits a REQuest command, Type A.
requestAOrWakeUpA(MFRC522.PiccCommand, byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Transmits REQA or WUPA commands.
RES_11_BIT - com.diozero.devices.LM73.Resolution
RES_12_BIT - com.diozero.devices.LM73.Resolution
RES_13_BIT - com.diozero.devices.LM73.Resolution
RES_14_BIT - com.diozero.devices.LM73.Resolution
reset() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
reset() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BH1750
reset() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Resets the device.
reset() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
reset() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Reset the board.
resetPin - Variable in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
resolve(String, String) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.UsbInfo
Response(MFRC522.StatusCode) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.Response
Response(MFRC522.StatusCode, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.Response
Response(MFRC522.StatusCode, byte[], int, byte) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.Response
resume() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Resume reading (after a call to pause)
returnHome() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
Return the cursor to the home position
reverse() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DigitalMotor
reverse() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
reverse() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorBase
Reverse direction of the motors
reverse() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
REVERSE_LANDSCAPE - com.diozero.devices.imu.OrientationEvent.OrientationType
REVERSE_PORTRAIT - com.diozero.devices.imu.OrientationEvent.OrientationType
reverseByte(byte) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.BitManipulation
reverseShort(short) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.BitManipulation
RgbLed - Class in com.diozero.devices
Three pin controlled RGB LED.
RgbLed(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.RgbLed
RgbLed(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.RgbLed
RgbPwmLed - Class in com.diozero.devices
Three pin controlled RGB LED.
RgbPwmLed(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.RgbPwmLed
RgbPwmLed(PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.RgbPwmLed
RISING - com.diozero.api.GpioEventTrigger
rotateLeft(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
rotateRight(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
run() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
run() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputDevice
run() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
run() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
run() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.SoftwarePwmOutputDevice
RuntimeIOException - Exception in com.diozero.api
RuntimeIOException(int) - Constructor for exception com.diozero.api.RuntimeIOException
RuntimeIOException(String) - Constructor for exception com.diozero.api.RuntimeIOException
RuntimeIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.diozero.api.RuntimeIOException
RuntimeIOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.diozero.api.RuntimeIOException
RyanteckDualMotor - Class in com.diozero.devices
RTK MCB Robot.
RyanteckDualMotor() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.RyanteckDualMotor


scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.diozero.util.DiozeroScheduler
SCL - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Address
SCL_GND - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
SCL_SCL - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
SCL_SDA - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
SCL_VDD - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
SDA - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Address
SDA_GND - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
SDA_SCL - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
SDA_SDA - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
SDA_VDD - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
select() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
select(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Transmits SELECT/ANTICOLLISION commands to select a single PICC.
SensorInterface - Interface in com.diozero.devices
SensorSettings() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.BME680.SensorSettings
SERIAL_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.SerialDeviceFactoryInterface
SerialConstants - Interface in com.diozero.api
SerialConstants.DataBits - Enum in com.diozero.api
The number of data bits to use per word.
SerialConstants.Parity - Enum in com.diozero.api
Specifies how error detection is carried out.
SerialConstants.ReadMode - Enum in com.diozero.api
Specifies read mode: whether non-blocking, semi-blocking, blocking; also whether blocks with or without timeout.
SerialConstants.StopBits - Enum in com.diozero.api
The number of stop bits.
SerialDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
Serial device.
SerialDevice(String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Create a new serial device using default values for baud, data bits, stop bits, parity, read blocking, min read chars and read timeout
SerialDevice(String, int, SerialConstants.DataBits, SerialConstants.StopBits, SerialConstants.Parity) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Create a new serial device using default values for read blocking, min read chars and read timeout
SerialDevice(String, int, SerialConstants.DataBits, SerialConstants.StopBits, SerialConstants.Parity, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Create a new serial device
SerialDevice.Builder - Class in com.diozero.api
Serial device builder.
SerialDevice.DeviceInfo - Class in com.diozero.api
Provides descriptive information for a connected serial device.
SerialDeviceFactoryInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
SerialDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.api
Servo - Class in com.diozero.devices
Servo(int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Servo
Servo(int, float, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Servo
Servo(int, float, int, Servo.Trim) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Servo
Servo(int, float, Servo.Trim) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Servo
Servo(PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, int, float, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Servo
Servo(PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, int, float, int, Servo.Trim) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Servo
SERVO - com.diozero.api.DeviceMode
SERVO - com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.OutputConfig
SERVO_CENTRE - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Servo.Array - Class in com.diozero.devices
Servo.OutputDeviceUnit - Enum in com.diozero.devices
Servo.Trim - Class in com.diozero.devices
ServoUtil - Class in com.diozero.util
ServoUtil() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.ServoUtil
set() - Method in class com.diozero.util.Event
setAccelFsr(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setActivityInactivityControlFlags(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setActivityThreshold(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the activity threshold value in g
setAddress(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.Builder
Set the I2c device address
setAddressSize(I2CConstants.AddressSize) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.Builder
Set the I2C device address size
setAllPixels(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Sets all pixels with the selected red, green and blue values (0 to 255) [Available from firmware revision 07]
setAngle(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
Turn the servo to the specified angle where 90 is the middle position
setAntennaGain(MFRC522.AntennaGain) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Set the MFRC522 Receiver Gain (RxGain) to value specified by given mask.
setAntennaOn(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Open antennas, each time you start or shut down the natural barrier between the transmitter should be at least 1ms interval
setAutoGain(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.TSL2561
Enables or disables the auto-gain settings when reading data from the sensor
setBacklightEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
setBandwidthRate(ADXL345.OutputDataRateType) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setBaud(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.Builder
setBit(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.util.MutableByte
setBitValue(byte, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.util.MutableByte
setBitValue(byte, boolean, int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.BitManipulation
setBlackLevel(int[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Set the black level calibration
setBoardPwmFrequency(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
setBoardPwmFrequency(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
setBoardPwmFrequency(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
setBoardPwmFrequency(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
setBoardPwmFrequency(int) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface
setBrightness(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
setBurnoutCurrentSources(Ads112C04.BurnoutCurrentSources) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setBurnoutCurrentSources(Ads112C04.BurnoutCurrentSources) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setBurnoutCurrentSourcesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setByteOrder(ByteOrder) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.Builder
Set the Default byte order for this device
setChange(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
setCharacter(int, int, char) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
setChip(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
Internal method - do not call
setChipSelect(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice.Builder
SPI chip select number
setClockMode(SpiClockMode) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice.Builder
Set the SPI clock mode
setConfig(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
setConfig0(Ads112C04.GainConfig, Ads112C04.Pga) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setConfig1(Ads112C04.DataRate, boolean, Ads112C04.VRef, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setConfig2(boolean, Ads112C04.CrcConfig, Ads112C04.BurnoutCurrentSources, Ads112C04.IdacCurrent) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setConfig3(Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig, Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setContinousMode(DigitalInputDevice, int, FloatConsumer) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
setContinuousMode(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setContrast(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.ColourSsdOled
setContrast(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1306
Sets the display contract.
setContrast(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1331
Switches the display contrast to the desired level, in the range 0-255.
setContrast(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1351
This command is used to set Contrast Setting of the display.
setContrast(byte, byte, byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.ColourSsdOled
setContrast(byte, byte, byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1331
setContrast(byte, byte, byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1351
setController(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.Builder
Set the I2C bus controller
setController(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice.Builder
Set the SPI controller number
setController(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setCrcConfig(Ads112C04.CrcConfig) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setCrcConfig(Ads112C04.CrcConfig) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setCursorPosition(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
setDataBits(SerialConstants.DataBits) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.Builder
setDataCounter(Ads112C04.DataCounter) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setDataCounterEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setDataCounterEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setDataRate(Ads112C04.DataRate) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setDataRate(Ads112C04.DataRate) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setDataRate(Ads1x15.Ads1015DataRate) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
setDataRate(Ads1x15.Ads1115DataRate) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
setDebounceTime(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.DebouncedDigitalInputDevice
setDebounceTimeMillis(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputDevice
setDebounceTimeMillis(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalInputDevice
setDebounceTimeMillis(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputDevice
setDebounceTimeMillis(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputDevice
setDebounceTimeMillis(int) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDigitalInputDeviceInterface
setDelta(float) - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
setDeviceFilename(String) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.Builder
setDirections(int, byte) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.GpioExpander
Set the directions for all pins on this port using the specified directions bit mask.
setDirections(int, byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
setDirections(int, byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
setDisplayOn(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
setDoubleTapSuppressed(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setEasing(String) - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
setEventAge(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SmoothedInputDevice
Set the event age (milliseconds).
setFactory(I2CDeviceFactoryInterface) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.Builder
Set the I2C device factory to use for provisioning I2C device instances
setFifoControlFlags(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setFilter(BME680.FilterSize) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
setFilter(TCS3200.Filter) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Set the colour to be sampled.
setFreefallThreshold(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the freefall threshold value in g
setFreefallTime(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the freefall time value in mS
setFrequency(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice.Builder
Set the SPI clock frequency
setFrequency(TCS3200.Frequency) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Set the frequency scaling.
setFullResolutionMode(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setGain(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.TSL2561
Adjusts the gain on the TSL2561 (adjusts the sensitivity to light)
setGainConfig(Ads112C04.GainConfig) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setGainConfig(Ads112C04.GainConfig) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setGasConfig(BME680.HeaterProfile, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
setGasMeasurementEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
setGyro(Vector3D) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuData
setHeaterEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
setHumidityCompensation(short) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
setHumidityOversample(BME680.OversamplingMultiplier) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
setIaqBaseline(SGP30.SGP30Measurement) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
setIdac1RoutingConfig(Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setIdac1RoutingConfig(Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setIdac2RoutingConfig(Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setIdac2RoutingConfig(Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setIdacCurrent(Ads112C04.IdacCurrent) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setIdacCurrent(Ads112C04.IdacCurrent) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setInactivityThreshold(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the inactivity threshold value in g
setInactivityTime(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the inactivity time value in mS
setInputConfig(int, PiconZero.InputConfig) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Set configuration of selected input channel
setInputMode(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
setInputMode(int, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
setInputMultiplexer(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
Set the input multiplexer configuration For settings where AINN = AVSS, the PGA must be disabled (PGA_BYPASS = 1) and only gains 1, 2, and 4 can be used.
setInterruptEnableFlags(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setInterruptMapFlagS(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setInverted(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
setLineOffset(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
Internal method - do not call
setListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AbstractDigitalInputDevice
setListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputDevice
setListener() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputOutputDevice
setListener(DeviceEventConsumer<AnalogInputEvent>) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogInputDeviceInterface
setListener(DeviceEventConsumer<DigitalInputEvent>) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalInputDevice
setListener(DeviceEventConsumer<DigitalInputEvent>) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDigitalInputDeviceInterface
setListener(DeviceEventConsumer<DigitalInputEvent>) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDigitalInputOutputDeviceInterface
setListener(DeviceEventConsumer<T>) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.AbstractInputDevice
setLogReadsAndWrites(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
setLowPowerMode(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setLsbFirst(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice.Builder
Set the byte order
setMinReadChars(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.Builder
setMode(int, DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iMmapGpio
setMode(int, DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipMmapGpio
setMode(int, DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2MmapGpio
setMode(int, DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiMmapGpio
setMode(int, DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardMmapGpio
setMode(int, DeviceMode) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.MmapGpioInterface
setMode(DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputOutputDevice
Set the input / output mode
setMode(DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputOutputDevice
setMode(DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputOutputDevice
setMode(DeviceMode) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
setMode(DeviceMode) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDigitalInputOutputDeviceInterface
setMode(BH1750.Mode) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BH1750
setMotor(int, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Set motor output value (normalised to range -1..1)
setMotorValue(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Set motor output value (PiconZero range -128..127)
setNormalMeasurementMode() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setOffsets(float, float, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setOffsetX(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the X-axis offset in g
setOffsetY(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the Y-axis offset in g
setOffsetZ(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the Z-axis offset in g
setOn(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
Turn the device on or off.
setOperatingMode(Ads112C04.OperatingMode) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setOperatingModes(BME280.TemperatureOversampling, BME280.PressureOversampling, BME280.HumidityOversampling, BME280.OperatingMode) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Sets the oversampling multipliers and operating mode.
setOutputConfig(int, PiconZero.OutputConfig) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Set configuration of selected output
setOutputDeviceUnit(Servo.OutputDeviceUnit) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
setOutputEnabledFlag(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
setOutputMode(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
setOutputMode(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
setOutputValue(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Set output data for selected output channel in PiconZero range.
setParity(SerialConstants.Parity) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.Builder
setPga(Ads112C04.Pga) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setPga(Ads112C04.Pga) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setPgaEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setPixel(int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1306
setPixel(int, int, byte, byte, byte, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.oled.ColourSsdOled
setPixel(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Set the colour of an individual pixel (always output channel 5)
setPolarity(SysFsPwmOutputDevice.Polarity) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice
setPower(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LM73
setPowerControlFlags(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setPowerMode(BME680.PowerMode) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
setPressureOversample(BME680.OversamplingMultiplier) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
setPullUpDown(int, GpioPullUpDown) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.allwinner.AllwinnerSun8iMmapGpio
setPullUpDown(int, GpioPullUpDown) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipMmapGpio
setPullUpDown(int, GpioPullUpDown) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2MmapGpio
setPullUpDown(int, GpioPullUpDown) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.raspberrypi.RaspberryPiMmapGpio
setPullUpDown(int, GpioPullUpDown) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardMmapGpio
setPullUpDown(int, GpioPullUpDown) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.MmapGpioInterface
setPulseWidthMs(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
Set the servo pulse width in milliseconds
setReadBlocking(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.Builder
setReadTimeoutMillis(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.Builder
setResolution(LM73.Resolution) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LM73
setSampleSize(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Set the sample size (number of frequency cycles to accumulate)
setSelfTestMode(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
setSensorSettings(BME680.HeaterProfile, int, int, BME680.FilterSize) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
setServoPulseWidthMs(int, double) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
Set the pulse duration (micro-seconds) E.g.
setSingleMode(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15
setSingleShotMode() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setStandbyAndFilterModes(BME280.StandbyDuration, BME280.FilterCoefficient) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Sets the standby duration for normal mode and the IIR filter coefficient.
setStopBits(SerialConstants.StopBits) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice.Builder
setTapDuration(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the tap duration in mS
setTapLatency(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the tap latency in mS
setTapThreshold(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the tap threshold in g
setTapWindow(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
Set the tap window in mS
setTemperatureOffset(int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
Set temperature offset in celsius.
setTemperatureOversample(BME680.OversamplingMultiplier) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME680
setTemperatureSensorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setTemperatureSensorMode(Ads112C04.TemperatureSensorMode) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setTemperatureSensorModeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setText(int, String) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
Send string to display
setThreshold(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SmoothedInputDevice
Set the threshold value in terms of number of on events within the specified time period that will trigger an on event to any listeners.
setTurboModeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setTurboModeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setTvocInceptiveBaseline(short) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
setUpdateInterval(double) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Set the interval between RGB updates
setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputOutputDevice
Set the output value (if in output mode).
setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalInputOutputDevice
setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxxDigitalOutputDevice
setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroDigitalOutputDevice
setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioInputOutputDevice
setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.NativeGpioOutputDevice
setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
setValue(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalOutputDevice
setValue(boolean) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.GpioDigitalOutputDeviceInterface
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
Set the output value to true if value != 0
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.api.OutputDeviceCollection
Set the same value to all output devices in this collection
setValue(float) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.OutputDeviceInterface
Sets the output value of the device.
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
Set the PWM output value (0..1).
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
Light a proportion of the LEDs using value as a percentage.
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorBase
Set the speed of the motor as a floating point value between -1 (full speed backward) and 1 (full speed forward)
setValue(float) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroAnalogOutputDevice
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.PiconZeroPwmOutputDevice
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
Light a proportion of the LEDs using value as a percentage.
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Servo
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2SysFsPwmOutputDevice
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice
setValue(float) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.SoftwarePwmOutputDevice
setValue(float) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.AnalogOutputDeviceInterface
setValue(float) - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.PwmOutputDeviceInterface
Set the PWM output value (0..1)
setValue(int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine
setValue(int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
setValue(int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
setValue(int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
setValue(int, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCA9685
Set PWM output on a specific channel, value must be 0..1
setValue(int, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8591
Set the analog output value.
setValue(int, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
Set output value for the specified channel (normalised).
setValueInternal(float) - Method in class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
setValues(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbLed
Set the state of all LEDs.
setValues(float, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
Set the speed and direction for both motors (clockwise / counter-clockwise)
setValues(float, float, float) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbPwmLed
Set the value of all LEDs.
setValues(int, byte) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.GpioExpander
Set the output value for a pins on this port.
setValues(int, byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.mcp23xxx.MCP23xxx
setValues(int, byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PCF8574
setValueUnsafe(boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
Unsafe operation that has no synchronisation checks and doesn't compensate for active low logic.
setVRef(Ads112C04.VRef) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Builder
setVRef(Ads112C04.VRef) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
setWhiteLevel(int[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
Set the white level calibration
SGP30 - Class in com.diozero.devices
SGP30(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
SGP30(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
SGP30.FeatureSetVersion - Class in com.diozero.devices
SGP30.RawMeasurement - Class in com.diozero.devices
SGP30.SGP30Measurement - Class in com.diozero.devices
SGP30Measurement(int[]) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.SGP30Measurement
shiftDisplayLeft() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
shiftDisplayRight() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd
shutdown() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
shutdown() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.spi.BaseNativeDeviceFactory
shutdownAll() - Static method in class com.diozero.util.DiozeroScheduler
Sine - Class in com.diozero.animation.easing
Sine() - Constructor for class com.diozero.animation.easing.Sine
SINGLE - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Mode
SINGLE_ENDED_AND_DIFFERENTIAL_MIXED - com.diozero.devices.PCF8591.InputMode
Channel 0=AIN0, Channel 1=AIN1, Channel 2=AIN2-AIN3.
SINGLE_SHOT - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.ConversionMode
size() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.DeviceStates
SIZE_1 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.FilterSize
SIZE_10 - com.diozero.api.I2CConstants.AddressSize
SIZE_127 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.FilterSize
SIZE_15 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.FilterSize
SIZE_3 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.FilterSize
SIZE_31 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.FilterSize
SIZE_63 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.FilterSize
SIZE_7 - com.diozero.api.I2CConstants.AddressSize
SIZE_7 - com.diozero.devices.BME680.FilterSize
SLEEP - com.diozero.devices.BME680.PowerMode
sleepMicros(int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
sleepMillis(long) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
Sleep for the specific number of milliseconds
sleepNanos(int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
sleepSeconds(double) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
Sleep for the specific number of seconds
sleepSeconds(int) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
Sleep for the specific number of seconds
SleepUtil - Class in com.diozero.util
SleepUtil() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
SmoothedInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
Represents a generic input device which takes its value from the number of active events over a specific time period.
SmoothedInputDevice(int, GpioPullUpDown, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.SmoothedInputDevice
SmoothedInputDevice(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, int, GpioPullUpDown, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.SmoothedInputDevice
SOFTWARE - com.diozero.api.PwmType
SoftwarePwmOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal
Generate a very poor approximation of a PWM signal - use at your own risk! All timing is in milliseconds hence it is strongly recommend to use a frequency of 50Hz to minimise integer rounding errors.
SoftwarePwmOutputDevice(String, DeviceFactoryInterface, GpioDigitalOutputDeviceInterface, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.SoftwarePwmOutputDevice
SPACE_PARITY - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.Parity
SPI_PREFIX - Static variable in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.SpiDeviceFactoryInterface
SpiClockMode - Enum in com.diozero.api
SPI clock mode determines the clock polarity and phase with respect to data.
SpiConstants - Interface in com.diozero.api
spiDevice - Variable in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
SpiDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
Serial Peripheral Interface device
SpiDevice(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
SpiDevice(int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
SpiDevice(int, int, int, SpiClockMode, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
SpiDevice.Builder - Class in com.diozero.api
I2C device builder.
SpiDeviceFactoryInterface - Interface in com.diozero.internal.spi
SpiDeviceInterface - Interface in com.diozero.api
SSD1306 - Class in com.diozero.devices.oled
128x64 Dot Matrix OLED/PLED Segment/Common Driver (128 segments and 64 commons).
Segment = column (x), Common = row (y)
SSD1306(int, int, DigitalOutputDevice, DigitalOutputDevice) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1306
SSD1331 - Class in com.diozero.devices.oled
Encapsulates the serial interface to the 16-bit colour (5-6-5 RGB) SSD1331 96x64 OLED display hardware.
SSD1331(int, int, DigitalOutputDevice, DigitalOutputDevice) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1331
SSD1351 - Class in com.diozero.devices.oled
Encapsulates the serial interface to the 16-bit (5-6-5 RGB) and 18-bit (6-6-6 RGB) colour SSD1351 128x128 OLED display hardware.
SSD1351(int, int, DigitalOutputDevice, DigitalOutputDevice) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.oled.SSD1351
SsdOled - Class in com.diozero.devices.oled
SsdOled(int, int, DigitalOutputDevice, DigitalOutputDevice, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
ST7735 - Class in com.diozero.devices.sandpit
ST7735() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.ST7735
ST77xx - Class in com.diozero.devices.sandpit
ST77xx() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.ST77xx
STANDARD - com.diozero.devices.BMP180.BMPMode
STANDBY_1_S - com.diozero.devices.BME280.StandbyDuration
STANDBY_10_MS - com.diozero.devices.BME280.StandbyDuration
STANDBY_125_MS - com.diozero.devices.BME280.StandbyDuration
STANDBY_20_MS - com.diozero.devices.BME280.StandbyDuration
STANDBY_250_MS - com.diozero.devices.BME280.StandbyDuration
STANDBY_500_MS - com.diozero.devices.BME280.StandbyDuration
STANDBY_500_US - com.diozero.devices.BME280.StandbyDuration
STANDBY_62_5_MS - com.diozero.devices.BME280.StandbyDuration
start() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04
start() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultDeviceFactory
start() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.SoftwarePwmOutputDevice
start() - Method in interface com.diozero.internal.spi.DeviceFactoryInterface
Lifecycle method to start this device factory
start(Consumer<SGP30.SGP30Measurement>) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
startRead() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
startRead() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuBase
startRead() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
statusAll() - Static method in class com.diozero.util.DiozeroScheduler
stop() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.Animation
Immediately stop the animation and flush the segment queue.
stop() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DigitalMotor
stop() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.DualMotor
stop() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
stop() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.PwmMotor
stop() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.TB6612FNGMotor
stop() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZeroMotor
stop() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30
stop() - Method in class com.diozero.internal.SoftwarePwmOutputDevice
stop() - Method in class com.diozero.util.PollNative
stopCrypto1() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Used to exit the PCD from its authenticated state.
stopRead() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345
stopRead() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuBase
stopRead() - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.imu.ImuInterface
StringUtil - Class in com.diozero.util
StringUtil() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.StringUtil
submit(Runnable) - Method in class com.diozero.util.DiozeroScheduler
SysFsAnalogInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
SysFsAnalogInputDevice(DefaultDeviceFactory, String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsAnalogInputDevice
SysFsDigitalInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
Pure Java implementation using the sysfs (/sys/class/gpio) kernel module.
SysFsDigitalInputDevice(DefaultDeviceFactory, String, PinInfo, GpioEventTrigger) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputDevice
SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice(DefaultDeviceFactory, String, PinInfo, DeviceMode) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalInputOutputDevice
SysFsDigitalOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
SysFsDigitalOutputDevice(DefaultDeviceFactory, String, PinInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsDigitalOutputDevice
SysFsGpioUtil - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio
SysFsGpioUtil() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.SysFsGpioUtil
SysFsPwmOutputDevice - Class in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin
SysFsPwmOutputDevice(String, DeviceFactoryInterface, int, PwmPinInfo, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice
SysFsPwmOutputDevice.Polarity - Enum in com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin


T_FN_CL - com.diozero.devices.TSL2561.TSL2561Package
TAP_X - com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapAxisType
TAP_X_DOWN - com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapType
TAP_X_UP - com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapType
TAP_XYZ - com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapAxisType
TAP_Y - com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapAxisType
TAP_Y_DOWN - com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapType
TAP_Y_UP - com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapType
TAP_Z - com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapAxisType
TAP_Z_DOWN - com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapType
TAP_Z_UP - com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapType
TapEvent - Class in com.diozero.devices.imu
TapEvent(TapEvent.TapType, short) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent
TapEvent.TapAxisType - Enum in com.diozero.devices.imu
TapEvent.TapType - Enum in com.diozero.devices.imu
TapListener - Interface in com.diozero.devices.imu
TB6612FNGDualMotorDriver - Class in com.diozero.devices.motor
Dual bi-directional motor controlled by a single PWM pin and separate forward / backward GPIO pins Toshiba TB6612FNG Dual Motor Driver such as this one from Pololu:
TB6612FNGDualMotorDriver(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.motor.TB6612FNGDualMotorDriver
TB6612FNGDualMotorDriver(DigitalOutputDevice, DigitalOutputDevice, PwmOutputDevice, DigitalOutputDevice, DigitalOutputDevice, PwmOutputDevice) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.motor.TB6612FNGDualMotorDriver
TB6612FNGDualMotorDriver(PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.motor.TB6612FNGDualMotorDriver
TB6612FNGMotor - Class in com.diozero.devices.motor
Bi-directional motor controlled by a single PWM pin and separate forward / backward GPIO pins Toshiba TB6612FNG Dual Motor Driver such as @see this one from Pololu Turn forward, set pin 1 to HIGH, pin 2 to LOW, and PWM to >0 Turn backward, set pin 1 to LOW, pin 2 to HIGH, PWM to >0
TB6612FNGMotor(DigitalOutputDevice, DigitalOutputDevice, PwmOutputDevice) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.motor.TB6612FNGMotor
TCS3200 - Class in com.diozero.devices.sandpit
This class reads RGB values from a TCS3200 colour sensor.
TCS3200(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
TCS3200(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200
TCS3200.Filter - Enum in com.diozero.devices.sandpit
TCS3200.Frequency - Enum in com.diozero.devices.sandpit
TemperatureUtil - Class in com.diozero.util
TemperatureUtil() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.TemperatureUtil
test() - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidC2MmapGpio
ThermometerInterface - Interface in com.diozero.devices
THREE_DIFFERENTIAL_INPUTS - com.diozero.devices.PCF8591.InputMode
Channel 0=AIN0-AIN3, Channel 1=AIN1-AIN3, Channel 2=AIN2-AIN3.
TIMEOUT - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
TinkerBoardBoardInfoProvider - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard
TinkerBoardBoardInfoProvider() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardBoardInfoProvider
TinkerBoardBoardInfoProvider.TinkerBoardBoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard
TinkerBoardMmapGpio - Class in com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard
TinkerBoardMmapGpio() - Constructor for class com.diozero.internal.board.tinkerboard.TinkerBoardMmapGpio
TMP36 - Class in com.diozero.devices
Support for reading temperature values from a TMP36 Temperature Sensor by Analog Devices
TMP36(AnalogInputDeviceFactoryInterface, int, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.TMP36
TNP3XXX - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
toFahrenheit(float) - Static method in class com.diozero.util.TemperatureUtil
Convert from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit
toggle() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalOutputDevice
Toggle the state of the device.
toggle() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PwmOutputDevice
Toggle the state of the device (same as setValue(1 - getvalue()) ).
toggle() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.LedBarGraph
toggle() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PwmLedBarGraph
toggle() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbLed
Toggle the state of all LEDs.
toggle() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.RgbPwmLed
Toggle the state of all LEDs.
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance.KeyFrame
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.animation.AnimationInstance
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.api.AnalogInputEvent
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.api.DigitalInputEvent
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.OrientationEvent
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.Response
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.UID
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.FeatureSetVersion
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.RawMeasurement
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.SGP30.SGP30Measurement
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
toString() - Method in class com.diozero.util.EpollEvent
TOWERPRO_SG5010 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
TOWERPRO_SG90 - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
TRADITIONAL - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorMode
Trim(float, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
Assumes 180 degree range of movement
Trim(float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
Trim(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.Servo.Trim
TSL2561 - Class in com.diozero.devices
TSL2561(int, TSL2561.TSL2561Package) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.TSL2561
TSL2561(TSL2561.TSL2561Package) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.TSL2561
TSL2561.TSL2561Package - Enum in com.diozero.devices
TURBO - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.OperatingMode
TWENTY_PERCENT - com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Frequency
TWO_DIFFERENTIAL_INPUTS - com.diozero.devices.PCF8591.InputMode
Channel 0=AIN0-AIN1, Channel 1=AIN2-AIN3.
TWO_PERCENT - com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Frequency
TWO_STOP_BITS - com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.StopBits
TYPES - Static variable in class com.diozero.devices.imu.ADXL345.OutputDataRateType


U13_HEADER - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider.CHIPBoardInfo
U14_HEADER - Static variable in class com.diozero.internal.board.chip.ChipBoardInfoProvider.CHIPBoardInfo
U2_U3 - com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider.Model
UID(List<Byte>, byte) - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.UID
ULTRA_HIGH_RESOLUTION - com.diozero.devices.BMP180.BMPMode
ULTRA_LOW_POWER - com.diozero.devices.BMP180.BMPMode
unexport(int) - Static method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.SysFsGpioUtil
UNKNOWN - com.diozero.api.DeviceMode
UNKNOWN - com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapType
UNKNOWN - com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
UNKNOWN_ADC_VREF - Static variable in class com.diozero.sbc.BoardInfo
UnknownBoardInfo - Class in com.diozero.sbc
Attempt to handle generic boards that don't have explicit support within diozero
UnknownBoardInfo(LocalSystemInfo) - Constructor for class com.diozero.sbc.UnknownBoardInfo
UnknownBoardInfo(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.diozero.sbc.UnknownBoardInfo
UNKOWN - com.diozero.devices.imu.OrientationEvent.OrientationType
unsetBit(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.util.MutableByte
updatePixels() - Method in class com.diozero.devices.PiconZero
US_IN_MS - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
US_IN_SEC - Static variable in class com.diozero.util.SleepUtil
UsbInfo - Class in com.diozero.util
UsbInfo() - Constructor for class com.diozero.util.UsbInfo


valueOf(int) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.I2CConstants.AddressSize
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.DeviceMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.GpioEventTrigger
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.GpioPullUpDown
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.I2CConstants.AddressSize
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.ProbeMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.PwmType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.DataBits
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.Parity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.ReadMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.StopBits
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.SpiClockMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.BurnoutCurrentSources
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.ConfigRegister
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.ConversionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.CrcConfig
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.DataCounter
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.DataRate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.GainConfig
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.IdacCurrent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.OperatingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Pga
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.TemperatureSensorMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.VRef
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Address
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Ads1015DataRate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Ads1115DataRate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorPolarity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorQueue
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Model
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.PgaConfig
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BH1750.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.FilterCoefficient
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.HumidityOversampling
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.Model
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.OperatingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.PressureOversampling
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.StandbyDuration
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.TemperatureOversampling
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME680.FilterSize
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME680.OversamplingMultiplier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME680.PowerMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BMP180.BMPMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.imu.OrientationEvent.OrientationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapAxisType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.LM73.Configuration
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.LM73.Resolution
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.PCF8591.InputMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.InputConfig
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.OutputConfig
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Filter
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Frequency
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Servo.OutputDeviceUnit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.TSL2561.TSL2561Package
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider.Model
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice.Polarity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(Path) - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.DeviceMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.GpioEventTrigger
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.GpioPullUpDown
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.I2CConstants.AddressSize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.I2CDevice.ProbeMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.PwmType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.DataBits
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.Parity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.ReadMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.SerialConstants.StopBits
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.api.SpiClockMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.BurnoutCurrentSources
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.ConfigRegister
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.ConversionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.CrcConfig
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.DataCounter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.DataRate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.GainConfig
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac1RoutingConfig
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Idac2RoutingConfig
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.IdacCurrent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.OperatingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Pga
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.TemperatureSensorMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.VRef
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Address
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Ads1015DataRate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Ads1115DataRate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorPolarity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorQueue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Model
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.PgaConfig
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BH1750.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.FilterCoefficient
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.HumidityOversampling
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.Model
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.OperatingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.PressureOversampling
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.StandbyDuration
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME280.TemperatureOversampling
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME680.FilterSize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME680.HeaterProfile
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME680.OversamplingMultiplier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BME680.PowerMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.BMP180.BMPMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.imu.OrientationEvent.OrientationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapAxisType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.imu.TapEvent.TapType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.LM73.Configuration
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.LM73.Resolution
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpAdc.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.McpEeprom.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.AntennaGain
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.PiccType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.MFRC522.StatusCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.PCF8591.InputMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.InputConfig
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.PiconZero.OutputConfig
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Filter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.sandpit.TCS3200.Frequency
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.Servo.OutputDeviceUnit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.TSL2561.TSL2561Package
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.devices.W1ThermSensor.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.internal.board.odroid.OdroidBoardInfoProvider.Model
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.gpio.GpioLine.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.SysFsPwmOutputDevice.Polarity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VCC_3V3 - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
VCC_5V - Static variable in class com.diozero.api.PinInfo
VDD - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.Address
VDD_GND - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
VDD_SCL - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
VDD_SDA - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
VDD_VDD - com.diozero.devices.Ads112C04.Address
VL6180 - Class in com.diozero.devices.sandpit
VL6180() - Constructor for class com.diozero.devices.sandpit.VL6180
VoidConsumer - Interface in com.diozero.api.function
Represents an operation that accepts a no-valued argument and returns no result.


W1ThermSensor - Class in com.diozero.devices
W1ThermSensor.Type - Enum in com.diozero.devices
WaitableDigitalInputDevice - Class in com.diozero.api
Represents a digital input device with distinct waitable states (active / inactive).
WaitableDigitalInputDevice(int) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.WaitableDigitalInputDevice
WaitableDigitalInputDevice(int, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.WaitableDigitalInputDevice
WaitableDigitalInputDevice(GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, int, GpioPullUpDown, GpioEventTrigger) - Constructor for class com.diozero.api.WaitableDigitalInputDevice
waitDataAvailable(int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.BME280
Waits for data to become available.
waitForActive() - Method in class com.diozero.api.WaitableDigitalInputDevice
Wait indefinitely for the device state to go active.
waitForActive(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.WaitableDigitalInputDevice
Wait the specified time period for the device state to go active.
waitForInactive() - Method in class com.diozero.api.WaitableDigitalInputDevice
Wait indefinitely for the device state to go inactive.
waitForInactive(int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.WaitableDigitalInputDevice
Wait the specified time period for the device state to go inactive.
waitForValue(boolean, int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.WaitableDigitalInputDevice
Wait the specified time period for the device state to switch to value.
wakeupA(byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.MFRC522
Transmits a Wake-UP command, Type A.
whenActivated(Action) - Method in class com.diozero.api.AbstractDigitalInputDevice
Action to perform when the device state is active.
whenBackward(Action) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorBase
whenBackward(Action) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
whenDeactivated(Action) - Method in class com.diozero.api.AbstractDigitalInputDevice
Action to perform when the device state is inactive.
whenForward(Action) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorBase
whenForward(Action) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
whenPressed(Action) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Button
Action to perform when the button is pressed.
whenReleased(Action) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.Button
Action to perform when the button is released.
whenStop(Action) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorBase
whenStop(Action) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.motor.MotorInterface
width - Variable in class com.diozero.devices.oled.SsdOled
WINDOW - com.diozero.devices.Ads1x15.ComparatorMode
write(byte) - Method in interface com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.LcdConnection
write(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PCF8574LcdConnection
write(byte) - Method in class com.diozero.devices.HD44780Lcd.PiFaceCadLcdConnection
write(byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SerialDevice
Write the byte buffer to the device
write(byte...) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.SerialDeviceInterface
Write the byte buffer to the device
write(byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
Write the entire contents of data to the device
write(byte...) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.SpiDeviceInterface
Write the entire contents of data to the device
write(byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSerialDevice
write(byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSpiDevice
write(byte[]) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.serial.NativeSerialDevice
write(byte[], int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi.NativeSpiDevice
write(byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi.NativeSpiDevice
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
Write length bytes from data starting at offset
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.SpiDeviceInterface
Write length bytes from data starting at offset
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSpiDevice
write(byte[], int, int, int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi.NativeSpiDevice
write(byte[], int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi.NativeSpiDevice
writeAndRead(byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.api.SpiDevice
Write the data to the device then read data.length bytes from the device
writeAndRead(byte...) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.SpiDeviceInterface
Write the data to the device then read data.length bytes from the device
writeAndRead(byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.DefaultNativeSpiDevice
writeAndRead(byte[], int) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi.NativeSpiDevice
writeAndRead(byte[], int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.spi.NativeSpiDevice
writeBit(int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
Utility method that wraps I2CDevice.readByteData(int) and I2CDevice.writeByteData(int, byte) to update the specified bit number
writeBlockData(int, byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.api.I2CDevice
SMBus Block Write: i2c_smbus_write_block_data()
writeBlockData(int, byte...) - Method in interface com.diozero.api.I2CSMBusInterface
SMBus Block Write: i2c_smbus_write_block_data()
writeBlockData(int, byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.NativeI2CDeviceJavaRaf
writeBlockData(int, byte...) - Method in class com.diozero.internal.provider.builtin.i2c.