Interface DeviceFactoryInterface

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AnalogInputDeviceFactoryInterface, AnalogOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, GpioDeviceFactoryInterface, I2CDeviceFactoryInterface, NativeDeviceFactoryInterface, PwmOutputDeviceFactoryInterface, SerialDeviceFactoryInterface, SpiDeviceFactoryInterface
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDeviceFactory, Ads112C04, Ads1x15, BaseNativeDeviceFactory, DefaultDeviceFactory, MCP23008, MCP23017, MCP23S17, MCP23x08, MCP23x17, MCP23xxx, McpAdc, PCA9685, PCF8574, PCF8591, PiconZero

public interface DeviceFactoryInterface
extends AutoCloseable
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void close()
    Close this device factory including all devices that have been provisioned by it.
    String createI2CKey​(int controller, int address)
    diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the I2C device at the specified address attached to the specified I2C bus controller.
    String createPinKey​(PinInfo pinInfo)
    diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the specified pin.
    String createSerialKey​(String deviceFilename)
    diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the specified serial device.
    String createSpiKey​(int controller, int chipSelect)
    diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the SPI device attached to the specified SPI controller and chip select.
    void deviceClosed​(InternalDeviceInterface device)
    diozero internal method to notify the AbstractDeviceFactory that a device has been closed.
    void deviceOpened​(InternalDeviceInterface device)
    diozero internal method to notify the AbstractDeviceFactory that a device has been opened.
    BoardPinInfo getBoardPinInfo()
    Get information about pins that can be provisioned by this device factory.
    <T extends InternalDeviceInterface>
    getDevice​(String key)
    Get the already provisioned device for the specified key
    String getName()
    Get the name of this device factory
    boolean isClosed()
    Check if this device factory is closed.
    boolean isDeviceOpened​(String key)
    Check if the device with the given unique key is opened
    void reopen()
    Reopen this device factory.
    default void start()
    Lifecycle method to start this device factory
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Get the name of this device factory
      the name of this device factory
    • start

      default void start()
      Lifecycle method to start this device factory
    • close

      void close() throws RuntimeIOException
      Close this device factory including all devices that have been provisioned by it.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • isClosed

      boolean isClosed()
      Check if this device factory is closed.
      true if this device factory is closed
    • reopen

      void reopen()
      Reopen this device factory.
    • isDeviceOpened

      boolean isDeviceOpened​(String key)
      Check if the device with the given unique key is opened
      key - the unique key of the device
      true if the device is opened
    • deviceOpened

      void deviceOpened​(InternalDeviceInterface device)
      diozero internal method to notify the AbstractDeviceFactory that a device has been opened. Enables diozero to perform cleanup operations, for example closing a device factory closes all devices provisionined by that device factory.
      device - the internal device
    • deviceClosed

      void deviceClosed​(InternalDeviceInterface device)
      diozero internal method to notify the AbstractDeviceFactory that a device has been closed.
      device - the internal device
    • getBoardPinInfo

      BoardPinInfo getBoardPinInfo()
      Get information about pins that can be provisioned by this device factory.
      board pin info instance for this device factory
    • createPinKey

      String createPinKey​(PinInfo pinInfo)
      diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the specified pin. Used for maintaining the state of devices provisioned by this device factory.
      pinInfo - the pin to create the key for
      a key that is unique to this pin
    • createI2CKey

      String createI2CKey​(int controller, int address)
      diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the I2C device at the specified address attached to the specified I2C bus controller.
      controller - the I2C bus controller number
      address - the I2C device address
      a unique I2C key
    • createSpiKey

      String createSpiKey​(int controller, int chipSelect)
      diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the SPI device attached to the specified SPI controller and chip select.
      controller - the SPI controller number
      chipSelect - the SPI chip select number
      a unique SPI key
    • createSerialKey

      String createSerialKey​(String deviceFilename)
      diozero internal method to generate a unique key for the specified serial device.
      deviceFilename - the serial device filename
      a unique serial key
    • getDevice

      <T extends InternalDeviceInterface> T getDevice​(String key)
      Get the already provisioned device for the specified key
      Type Parameters:
      T - derived device type to return
      key - the unique device key
      the device otherwise null if not found