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ABNORMAL_CLOSE - Static variable in class discord4j.common.close.CloseStatus
APPLICATION_NAME - Static variable in class discord4j.common.GitProperties
APPLICATION_URL - Static variable in class discord4j.common.GitProperties
APPLICATION_VERSION - Static variable in class discord4j.common.GitProperties
Use it on the properties given by GitProperties.getProperties() to get project version captured at build time.
apply(Publisher<T>) - Method in class discord4j.common.operator.RateLimitOperator
asBigInteger() - Method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Gets the unsigned ID of this Snowflake as a BigInteger.
asLong(String) - Static method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Constructs a Snowflake represented as a long utilizing an unsigned ID.
asLong() - Method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Gets the unsigned ID of this Snowflake as a primitive long.
asString(long) - Static method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Constructs a Snowflake represented as a String utilizing an unsigned ID.
asString() - Method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Gets the unsigned ID of this Snowflake as an object String.


Beta - Annotation Type in discord4j.common.annotations
A feature in beta state, API signature may change between releases.
blockingTaskScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources.Builder
Sets the Scheduler to use for potentially blocking tasks.
build() - Method in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources.Builder
Create the ReactorResources.
build() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions.Builder
builder() - Static method in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
Builder() - Constructor for class discord4j.common.ReactorResources.Builder
builder() - Static method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions
Create a new builder for ReconnectOptions.
Builder() - Constructor for class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions.Builder


clear() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectContext
Clear the attempt count, treating further calls to as brand new retry context.
clearContext() - Static method in class discord4j.common.LogUtil
CloseException - Exception in discord4j.common.close
Unchecked exception thrown when closing a websocket session, expectedly or not.
CloseException(CloseStatus, Context) - Constructor for exception discord4j.common.close.CloseException
Create a CloseException with the given status and Reactor context.
CloseException(CloseStatus, Context, Throwable) - Constructor for exception discord4j.common.close.CloseException
Create a CloseException with the given status, Reactor context and cause.
CloseStatus - Class in discord4j.common.close
Container for WebSocket "close" status codes and reasons.
CloseStatus(int, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.common.close.CloseStatus
Create a new CloseStatus instance.
compareTo(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Compares this snowflake to the specified snowflake.
create() - Static method in class discord4j.common.JacksonResources
Create with a pre-configured ObjectMapper for all Discord4J related operations.
create() - Static method in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
create() - Static method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions
Create a default ReconnectOptions.
createFromObjectMapper(ObjectMapper) - Static method in class discord4j.common.JacksonResources
Create based on ObjectMapper applying on it all changes required for Discord4J related operations.


DEFAULT_BACKOFF_SCHEDULER - Static variable in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions
DEFAULT_BLOCKING_TASK_SCHEDULER - Static variable in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT - Static variable in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
DEFAULT_TIMER_TASK_SCHEDULER - Static variable in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
DisconnectBehavior - Class in discord4j.common.close
Encapsulates a strategy to deal with the closing and release of a resource.
DisconnectBehavior.Action - Enum in discord4j.common.close
The action to trigger to close a resource.
discord4j.common - package discord4j.common
Common classes and utilities used across modules.
discord4j.common.annotations - package discord4j.common.annotations
Common annotations used across modules.
discord4j.common.close - package discord4j.common.close
Utility classes to handle closing behavior.
discord4j.common.jackson - package discord4j.common.jackson
discord4j.common.operator - package discord4j.common.operator
discord4j.common.retry - package discord4j.common.retry
discord4j.common.util - package discord4j.common.util
DISCORD_EPOCH - Static variable in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
The UNIX time that represents Discord's epoch (January 1, 2015).


equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this Snowflake.
Experimental - Annotation Type in discord4j.common.annotations
An experimental feature that can be removed or have signature and behavior changes between releases.


format(Context, String) - Static method in class discord4j.common.LogUtil
Format a message by unwrapping certain Context values as metadata, and if they exist, prepend them to the given message.
formatValue(Object, int) - Static method in class discord4j.common.LogUtil
Format a given Object to a String, optionally limiting their length.


getAction() - Method in class discord4j.common.close.DisconnectBehavior
Returns the action to perform while closing a resource.
getAttempts() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectContext
getBackoff() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions
only select implementations will use this value. Moving forward, consider assuming an exponential backoff function bounded by ReconnectOptions.getFirstBackoff() and ReconnectOptions.getMaxBackoffInterval()
getBackoffScheduler() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions
Returns a scheduler provided every reconnect attempt, as backoff delay.
getBlockingTaskScheduler() - Method in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
Get the Scheduler configured by this provider to be used in blocking tasks.
getCause() - Method in class discord4j.common.close.DisconnectBehavior
Returns the cause that triggered this close intent.
getCloseStatus() - Method in exception discord4j.common.close.CloseException
Return the underlying CloseStatus that triggered this exception.
getCode() - Method in exception discord4j.common.close.CloseException
Return the websocket close code.
getCode() - Method in class discord4j.common.close.CloseStatus
Return the websocket close code.
getContext() - Method in exception discord4j.common.close.CloseException
Return the Reactor Context providing metadata about this exception.
getFirstBackoff() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectContext
getFirstBackoff() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions
Return the minimum backoff duration.
getHttpClient() - Method in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
Get the HttpClient configured by this provider.
getJitter() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions
only select implementations will use this value. Moving forward, consider also using ReconnectOptions.getJitterFactor()
getJitterFactor() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions
Retrieve the jitter factor to be applied on each backoff delay.
getMaxBackoffInterval() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectContext
getMaxBackoffInterval() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions
Return the maximum backoff duration.
getMaxRetries() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions
Returns the number of retries.
getMessage() - Method in exception discord4j.common.close.CloseException
getObjectMapper() - Method in class discord4j.common.JacksonResources
Get the ObjectMapper configured by this provider.
getProperties() - Static method in class discord4j.common.GitProperties
Load a Properties object with application version data.
getReason() - Method in exception discord4j.common.close.CloseException
Return a websocket close reason, if present.
getReason() - Method in class discord4j.common.close.CloseStatus
Return a websocket close reason, if present.
getResetCount() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectContext
getSelfId(String) - Static method in class discord4j.common.util.TokenUtil
Extracts the bot user's ID from the token used to authenticate requests.
getTimerTaskScheduler() - Method in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
Get the Scheduler configured by this provider to be used in timed tasks.
getTimestamp() - Method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Gets the timestamp of this Snowflake.
GIT_COMMIT_ID_DESCRIBE - Static variable in class discord4j.common.GitProperties
Use it on the properties given by GitProperties.getProperties() to get repository version captured at build time.
GitProperties - Class in discord4j.common
Provide information about the Git repository version captured at build time.
GitProperties() - Constructor for class discord4j.common.GitProperties


HANDLE_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class discord4j.common.JacksonResources
A mapper of ObjectMapper to handle unknown properties without throwing errors.
handleUnknownProperty(DeserializationContext, JsonParser, JsonDeserializer<?>, Object, String) - Method in class discord4j.common.jackson.UnknownPropertyHandler
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Gets the hash code value of the ID.
httpClient(HttpClient) - Method in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources.Builder
Sets the underlying HttpClient to use.


INITIALIZER - Static variable in class discord4j.common.JacksonResources
A mapper of ObjectMapper with all the required options for Discord4J operations.


JacksonResources - Class in discord4j.common
Provides a centralized Jackson 2.10 ObjectMapper allowing customization and reuse across the application.
JacksonResources() - Constructor for class discord4j.common.JacksonResources
JacksonResources(Function<ObjectMapper, ObjectMapper>) - Constructor for class discord4j.common.JacksonResources
use one of the static factories and then call JacksonResources.withMapperFunction(Function)
JacksonResources(ObjectMapper) - Constructor for class discord4j.common.JacksonResources
use JacksonResources.createFromObjectMapper(ObjectMapper) instead, but consider all Discord4J-related transformations are applied on the given ObjectMapper


KEY_BUCKET_ID - Static variable in class discord4j.common.LogUtil
KEY_GATEWAY_ID - Static variable in class discord4j.common.LogUtil
KEY_GUILD_ID - Static variable in class discord4j.common.LogUtil
KEY_REQUEST_ID - Static variable in class discord4j.common.LogUtil
KEY_SHARD_ID - Static variable in class discord4j.common.LogUtil


LogUtil - Class in discord4j.common
Utility to support logging details.
LogUtil() - Constructor for class discord4j.common.LogUtil


newHttpClient(ConnectionProvider, LoopResources) - Static method in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
Create a Reactor Netty HttpClient using the given connection pool and event loop threads.
next() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectContext
Signal that the next retry attempt should be underway.
NORMAL_CLOSE - Static variable in class discord4j.common.close.CloseStatus


of(long) - Static method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Constructs a Snowflake utilizing an unsigned ID.
of(String) - Static method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Constructs a Snowflake utilizing an unsigned ID.
of(Instant) - Static method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Constructs a Snowflake utilizing a timestamp.
of(BigInteger) - Static method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Constructs a Snowflake utilizing a BigInteger representing an unsigned ID.


RateLimitOperator<T> - Class in discord4j.common.operator
A rate limiting operator based off the token bucket algorithm.
RateLimitOperator(int, Duration, Scheduler) - Constructor for class discord4j.common.operator.RateLimitOperator
RateLimitOperator(int, Duration, Scheduler, Scheduler) - Constructor for class discord4j.common.operator.RateLimitOperator
ReactorResources - Class in discord4j.common
Provides Reactor Netty resources like an HttpClient and Scheduler instances that can be customized and reused across the application.
ReactorResources() - Constructor for class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
Create with a default HttpClient and Schedulers for timed and blocking tasks.
ReactorResources(HttpClient, Scheduler, Scheduler) - Constructor for class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
Create with a pre-configured HttpClient and Schedulers for timed and blocking tasks.
ReactorResources(ReactorResources.Builder) - Constructor for class discord4j.common.ReactorResources
ReactorResources.Builder - Class in discord4j.common
ReconnectContext - Class in discord4j.common.retry
Encapsulate retrying state for reconnect operations.
ReconnectContext(Duration, Duration) - Constructor for class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectContext
ReconnectOptions - Class in discord4j.common.retry
A configuration object to customize the gateway reconnection policy.
ReconnectOptions(ReconnectOptions.Builder) - Constructor for class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions
ReconnectOptions.Builder - Class in discord4j.common.retry
reset() - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectContext
Reset the attempt count, treating further calls to as new retry sequences.
ResettableInterval - Class in discord4j.common
Emit ticks at a constant rate specified at ResettableInterval.start(Duration, Duration) and will continue until ResettableInterval.stop() is called or ResettableInterval.start(Duration, Duration) is re-invoked, resetting the previous emitter.
ResettableInterval(Scheduler) - Constructor for class discord4j.common.ResettableInterval
Create a ResettableInterval that emits ticks on the given Scheduler upon calling ResettableInterval.start(Duration, Duration).
retry(Throwable) - Static method in class discord4j.common.close.DisconnectBehavior
Create a DisconnectBehavior that instructs a client to retry in a graceful manner, with an optional cause.
retryAbruptly(Throwable) - Static method in class discord4j.common.close.DisconnectBehavior
Create a DisconnectBehavior that instructs a client to retry abruptly, with an optional cause.


setBackoff(Backoff) - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions.Builder
only select implementations will use this value. Moving forward, consider assuming an exponential backoff function bounded by ReconnectOptions.getFirstBackoff() and ReconnectOptions.getMaxBackoffInterval()
setBackoffScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions.Builder
Set the Scheduler to be used when building delayed sequences as backoff.
setFirstBackoff(Duration) - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions.Builder
Set the first Duration to be applied when computing a backoff.
setJitter(Jitter) - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions.Builder
only select implementations will use this value. Moving forward, consider using ReconnectOptions.Builder.setJitterFactor(double)}
setJitterFactor(double) - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions.Builder
Set a jitter factor for exponential backoff that adds randomness to each backoff.
setMaxBackoffInterval(Duration) - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions.Builder
Set the maximum Duration to be applied when computing a backoff.
setMaxRetries(long) - Method in class discord4j.common.retry.ReconnectOptions.Builder
Set the maximum number of iterations to retry before rethrowing the error as exhausted attempts.
Snowflake - Class in discord4j.common.util
An unsigned 64-bit ID that is guaranteed to be unique across all of Discord, except in some unique scenarios in which child objects share their parent's ID.
start(Duration, Duration) - Method in class discord4j.common.ResettableInterval
Begin producing ticks at the given rate.
stop(Throwable) - Static method in class discord4j.common.close.DisconnectBehavior
Create a DisconnectBehavior that instructs a client to stop in a graceful manner, with an optional cause.
stop() - Method in class discord4j.common.ResettableInterval
Dispose the current emitter task without completing or cancelling existing subscriptions to ResettableInterval.ticks().
stopAbruptly(Throwable) - Static method in class discord4j.common.close.DisconnectBehavior
Create a DisconnectBehavior that instructs a client to stop abruptly, with an optional cause.


ticks() - Method in class discord4j.common.ResettableInterval
Return a Flux that emits ticks at the currently configured rate.
timerTaskScheduler(Scheduler) - Method in class discord4j.common.ReactorResources.Builder
Sets the time-capable Scheduler to use.
TokenUtil - Class in discord4j.common.util
TokenUtil() - Constructor for class discord4j.common.util.TokenUtil
toString() - Method in class discord4j.common.close.CloseStatus
toString() - Method in class discord4j.common.close.DisconnectBehavior
toString() - Method in class discord4j.common.util.Snowflake
Gets the String representation of this Snowflake.
traceDebug(Logger, Function<Boolean, String>) - Static method in class discord4j.common.LogUtil
Log a message depending on the enabled level for a given Logger.


UnknownPropertyHandler - Class in discord4j.common.jackson
UnknownPropertyHandler(boolean) - Constructor for class discord4j.common.jackson.UnknownPropertyHandler


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.common.close.DisconnectBehavior.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.common.close.DisconnectBehavior.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withMapperFunction(Function<ObjectMapper, ObjectMapper>) - Method in class discord4j.common.JacksonResources
Return a new JacksonResources based on this current ObjectMapper but applying the given function.
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