Class ApplicationCommandInteractionOption

    • Constructor Detail

      • ApplicationCommandInteractionOption

        public ApplicationCommandInteractionOption​(GatewayDiscordClient gateway,
                                                   discord4j.discordjson.json.ApplicationCommandInteractionOptionData data,
                                                   Long guildId)
        Constructs an ApplicationCommandInteractionOption with an associated GatewayDiscordClient and Discord data.
        gateway - The GatewayDiscordClient associated to this object, must be non-null.
        data - The raw data as represented by Discord, must be non-null.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the name of the option.
        The name of the option.
      • getOptions

        public List<ApplicationCommandInteractionOption> getOptions()
        Gets the options, present if this option is a group or subcommand.
        The options, present if this option is a group or subcommand.
      • getOption

        public Optional<ApplicationCommandInteractionOption> getOption​(String name)
        Gets the option corresponding to the provided name, if present.
        name - The name of the option.
        The option corresponding to the provided name, if present.
      • isFocused

        public boolean isFocused()
        Whether this option is currently focused or not.

        This will always return false unless this option is from an autocomplete interaction.

        Whether this option is currently focused or not.