Class LegacyVoiceChannelCreateSpec

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    LegacyAuditSpec<discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelCreateRequest>, LegacySpec<discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelCreateRequest>

    public class LegacyVoiceChannelCreateSpec
    extends Object
    implements LegacyAuditSpec<discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelCreateRequest>
    A spec used to configure and create a VoiceChannel.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LegacyVoiceChannelCreateSpec

        public LegacyVoiceChannelCreateSpec()
    • Method Detail

      • setBitrate

        public LegacyVoiceChannelCreateSpec setBitrate​(int bitrate)
        Sets the bitrate for the created VoiceChannel.
        bitrate - The maximum amount of bits to send per second in the voice channel, related to the quality of audio. A valid bitrate is a number from 8 to 96.
        This spec.
      • setUserLimit

        public LegacyVoiceChannelCreateSpec setUserLimit​(int userLimit)
        Sets the user limit for the created VoiceChannel.

        Users with Permission.MOVE_MEMBERS ignore this limit and can also move other users into the channel past the limit.

        userLimit - The maximum number of users that can join the voice channel at once.
        This spec.
      • setPosition

        public LegacyVoiceChannelCreateSpec setPosition​(int position)
        Sets the position for the created VoiceChannel.
        position - The raw position for the channel.
        This spec.
      • setPermissionOverwrites

        public LegacyVoiceChannelCreateSpec setPermissionOverwrites​(Set<? extends PermissionOverwrite> permissionOverwrites)
        Sets the permission overwrites for the created VoiceChannel.
        permissionOverwrites - The Set<PermissionOverwrite> which contains overwrites for the channel.
        This spec.
      • getReason

        public String getReason()
        Description copied from interface: LegacyAuditSpec
        Returns the current audit log reason set on the spec.
        Specified by:
        getReason in interface LegacyAuditSpec<discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelCreateRequest>
        The current audit log reason.
      • asRequest

        public discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelCreateRequest asRequest()
        Specified by:
        asRequest in interface LegacySpec<discord4j.discordjson.json.ChannelCreateRequest>