Class ModalSubmitInteractionEvent

    • Method Detail

      • getComponents

        public List<MessageComponent> getComponents()
        Gets the components from the modal
        The components from the modal
      • getComponents

        public <T extends MessageComponentList<T> getComponents​(Class<T> componentType)
        Gets the components from the modal that match the given component type.
        componentType - the modal component type to return
        The components from the modal
      • presentModal

        public Mono<Void> presentModal​(discord4j.core.spec.InteractionPresentModalSpec spec)
        Description copied from class: DeferrableInteractionEvent
        Requests to respond to the interaction by presenting a modal for the user to fill out and submit with the given spec contents. Once the user submits the modal, it will be received as a new ModalSubmitInteractionEvent.
        presentModal in class DeferrableInteractionEvent
        spec - an immutable object that specifies how to present the modal window
        A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits nothing; indicating the interaction response has been sent. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.