Class OptionKey<T>

    • Field Detail


        public static final OptionKey<Integer> DELETE_MEMBER_DAYS
        Number of days after which inactive members were kicked.

        public static final OptionKey<Integer> MEMBERS_REMOVED
        Number of members removed by the prune.
      • CHANNEL_ID

        public static final OptionKey<Snowflake> CHANNEL_ID
        Channel in which the entities were targeted.
      • MESSAGE_ID

        public static final OptionKey<Snowflake> MESSAGE_ID
        Id of the message that was targeted.
      • COUNT

        public static final OptionKey<Integer> COUNT
        Number of entities that were targeted.
      • TYPE

        public static final OptionKey<String> TYPE
        Type of overwritten entity ("member" or "role").
      • ROLE_NAME

        public static final OptionKey<String> ROLE_NAME
        Name of the role if type is "role".