Class ExtendedPermissionOverwrite

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ExtendedPermissionOverwrite extends PermissionOverwrite implements DiscordObject
A Discord permission overwrite.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ExtendedPermissionOverwrite

      public ExtendedPermissionOverwrite(GatewayDiscordClient gateway, discord4j.discordjson.json.OverwriteData data, long guildId, long channelId)
      Constructs a ExtendedPermissionOverwrite with an associated GatewayDiscordClient and Discord data.
      gateway - The GatewayDiscordClient associated to this object, must be non-null.
      data - The raw data as represented by Discord, must be non-null.
      guildId - The ID of the guild associated to this overwrite.
      channelId - The ID of the channel associated to this overwrite.
  • Method Details

    • getClient

      public GatewayDiscordClient getClient()
      Description copied from interface: DiscordObject
      Returns the GatewayDiscordClient that created this object. Methods in it are exclusively based on the entity cache or Store in use. Refer to calling getClient().rest() to access a DiscordClient that is capable of requesting entities directly from the REST API.
      Specified by:
      getClient in interface DiscordObject
      The GatewayDiscordClient associated to this object.
    • getRole

      public Mono<Role> getRole()
      Requests to retrieve the role this overwrite is associated to, if present.
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the Role this overwrite is associated to, if present. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
    • getRole

      public Mono<Role> getRole(EntityRetrievalStrategy retrievalStrategy)
      Requests to retrieve the role this overwrite is associated to, if present, using the given retrieval strategy.
      retrievalStrategy - the strategy to use to get the role
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the Role this overwrite is associated to, if present. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
    • getUser

      public Mono<User> getUser()
      Requests to retrieve the user this overwrite is associated to, if present.
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the User this overwrite is associated to, if present. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
    • getUser

      public Mono<User> getUser(EntityRetrievalStrategy retrievalStrategy)
      Requests to retrieve the user this overwrite is associated to, if present, using the given retrieval strategy.
      retrievalStrategy - the strategy to use to get the user
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the User this overwrite is associated to, if present. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
    • getGuildId

      public Snowflake getGuildId()
      Gets the ID of the guild associated to this overwrite.
      The ID of the guild associated to this overwrite.
    • getGuild

      public Mono<Guild> getGuild()
      Requests to retrieve the guild associated to this overwrite.
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the Guild associated to this overwrite. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
    • getGuild

      public Mono<Guild> getGuild(EntityRetrievalStrategy retrievalStrategy)
      Requests to retrieve the guild associated to this overwrite, using the given retrieval strategy.
      retrievalStrategy - the strategy to use to get the guild
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the Guild associated to this overwrite. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
    • getChannelId

      public Snowflake getChannelId()
      Gets the ID of the channel associated to this overwrite.
      The ID of the channel associated to this overwrite.
    • getChannel

      public Mono<GuildChannel> getChannel()
      Requests to retrieve the channel associated to this overwrite.
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the GuildChannel associated to this overwrite. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
    • getChannel

      public Mono<GuildChannel> getChannel(EntityRetrievalStrategy retrievalStrategy)
      Requests to retrieve the channel associated to this overwrite, using the given retrieval strategy.
      retrievalStrategy - the strategy to use to get the channel
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the GuildChannel associated to this overwrite. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
    • delete

      public Mono<Void> delete()
      Requests to delete this permission overwrite.
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits nothing; indicating the permission overwrite has been deleted. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
    • delete

      public Mono<Void> delete(@Nullable String reason)
      Requests to delete this permission overwrite while optionally specifying a reason.
      reason - The reason, if present.
      A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits nothing; indicating the permission overwrite has been deleted. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.