Interface EntityRetrievalStrategy

All Superinterfaces:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface EntityRetrievalStrategy extends Function<GatewayDiscordClient,EntityRetriever>
Defines the entity retrieval strategy to use for a given GatewayDiscordClient.

This class pre-defines some factories according to its main modes of operations:

  • STORE to exclusively fetch data from the Gateway state cache.
  • REST to fetch data directly from the REST API.
  • STORE_FALLBACK_REST to attempt fetching from the state cache, and if not successful, fetch from REST. This the default mode.
  • Field Details

    • STORE

      static final EntityRetrievalStrategy STORE
      Strategy that consists of retrieving entities from the Gateway state cache. Avoids making REST API requests in case the object is not present in the cache. If you want to perform actions when a requested entity is missing, use operators such as Mono.switchIfEmpty(Mono).

      Note that using this strategy can have some unintended consequences like being unable to fetch some entities not cached by the gateway, for example, private channels. If that is your use case, locally apply a method like GatewayDiscordClient.withRetrievalStrategy(EntityRetrievalStrategy) using REST.

    • REST

      static final EntityRetrievalStrategy REST
      Strategy that consists of retrieving entities from REST API.

      static final EntityRetrievalStrategy STORE_FALLBACK_REST
      Strategy that consists of retrieving entities from stores first, then hit the REST API if not found.