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after(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
after(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
AudioProvider - Class in discord4j.voice
Used to send audio.
AudioProvider() - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.AudioProvider
AudioProvider(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.AudioProvider
AudioReceiver - Class in discord4j.voice
Discord does not officially support bots receiving audio. It is not guaranteed that this functionality works properly. Use at your own risk.
AudioReceiver() - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.AudioReceiver
AudioReceiver(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.AudioReceiver


before() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
blocks(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.poly1305
Box(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
Box(byte[], byte[], long) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
box(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
box(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
box(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
box(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
box(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
boxzerobytesLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
boxzerobytesLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox


close() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceWebsocketHandler
Initiates a close sequence that will terminate this session and instruct consumers downstream that a reconnect should take place afterwards.
close(DisconnectBehavior) - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceWebsocketHandler
Initiates a close sequence that will terminate this session and then execute a given DisconnectBehavior.
com.iwebpp.crypto - package com.iwebpp.crypto
create(VoiceGatewayOptions) - Method in class discord4j.voice.DefaultVoiceConnectionFactory
create(Scheduler, Flux<ByteBuf>, PacketTransformer, AudioReceiver) - Method in class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceReceiveTaskFactory
create(Scheduler, Consumer<Boolean>, Consumer<ByteBuf>, AudioProvider, PacketTransformer) - Method in class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceSendTaskFactory
create(ReconnectOptions, ReconnectContext) - Static method in class discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayRetrySpec
create(VoiceGatewayOptions) - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnectionFactory
Return a Mono that, upon subscription, is able to obtain a VoiceConnection from the given VoiceGatewayOptions.
create(Scheduler, Flux<ByteBuf>, PacketTransformer, AudioReceiver) - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceReceiveTaskFactory
Create a task that is capable of handling incoming audio packets.
create(Scheduler, Consumer<Boolean>, Consumer<ByteBuf>, AudioProvider, PacketTransformer) - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceSendTaskFactory
Create a task that is capable of handling outbound audio packets.
crypto_box(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_box_afternm(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_box_beforenm(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_box_keypair(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_box_open(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_box_open_afternm(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_core_hsalsa20(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_core_salsa20(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_hash(byte[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_hash(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_onetimeauth(byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_onetimeauth_verify(byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_onetimeauth_verify(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_scalarmult(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_scalarmult_base(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_secretbox(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_secretbox_open(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_sign(byte[], long, byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_sign_keypair(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_sign_open(byte[], long, byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_stream(byte[], int, long, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_stream_salsa20(byte[], int, long, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_stream_xor(byte[], int, byte[], int, long, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_verify_16(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_verify_32(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast


Data(long) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Hello.Data
Data(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Identify.Data
Data(int, String, int) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Ready.Data
Data(String, String, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Resume.Data
Data(String, SelectProtocol.Data.Inner) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.SelectProtocol.Data
Data(boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.SentSpeaking.Data
Data(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.SessionDescription.Data
Data(String) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.VoiceDisconnect.Data
DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.AudioProvider
DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.AudioReceiver
DefaultVoiceConnectionFactory - Class in discord4j.voice
Default implementation for a VoiceConnectionFactory.
DefaultVoiceConnectionFactory() - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.DefaultVoiceConnectionFactory
DefaultVoiceGatewayClient - Class in discord4j.voice
A default implementation for client that is able to connect to Discord Voice Gateway and establish a VoiceConnection capable of sending and receiving audio.
DefaultVoiceGatewayClient(VoiceGatewayOptions) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.DefaultVoiceGatewayClient
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.VoiceGatewayPayloadDeserializer
detached(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
detached_verify(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
disconnect(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceConnectionRegistry
disconnect() - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnection
Disconnects this voice connection, tearing down existing resources associated with it.
disconnect(Snowflake) - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnectionRegistry
Disconnect a VoiceConnection for given guildId and remove it from the registry.
discord4j.voice - package discord4j.voice
Components to build and maintain voice connections.
discord4j.voice.json - package discord4j.voice.json
Contains JSON mappings for voice connection lifecycle.
discord4j.voice.retry - package discord4j.voice.retry
dispose() - Method in class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceReceiveTask
dispose() - Method in class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceSendTask
doBeforeRetry(Consumer<VoiceGatewayRetrySignal>) - Method in class discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayRetrySpec


error(Throwable) - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceWebsocketHandler
Initiates a close sequence with the given error.
events() - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnection
A sequence of VoiceGatewayEvent received from the Voice Gateway session.


failure() - Method in class discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayRetrySignal
finish(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.poly1305
FRAME_SIZE - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.Opus
FRAME_TIME - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.Opus


generateCompanion(Flux<Retry.RetrySignal>) - Method in class discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayRetrySpec
getAddress() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.SelectProtocol.Data.Inner
getAudioProvider() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getAudioReceiver() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getBuffer() - Method in class discord4j.voice.AudioProvider
getBuffer() - Method in class discord4j.voice.AudioReceiver
getChannelId() - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnection
Return the current channel ID associated with this VoiceConnection, if available from caching sources.
getChannelRetrieveTask() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getContext() - Method in exception discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayException
getData() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.SelectProtocol.Data
getData() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.VoiceGatewayPayload
getDelay() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.SentSpeaking.Data
getDisconnectTask() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getEndpoint() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceServerOptions
getGuildId() - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnection
Return the guild ID tied to this VoiceConnection.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getHeartbeatInterval() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Hello.Data
getIp() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Ready.Data
getIpDiscoveryRetrySpec() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getIpDiscoveryTimeout() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getJacksonResources() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getMode() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.SelectProtocol.Data.Inner
getMode() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.SessionDescription.Data
getNonce() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
getNonce() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
getOp() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.VoiceGatewayPayload
getPort() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Ready.Data
getPort() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.SelectProtocol.Data.Inner
getProtocol() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.SelectProtocol.Data
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box.KeyPair
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature.KeyPair
getReactorResources() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getReceiveTaskFactory() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getReceiveTaskScheduler() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceReactorResources
getReconnectOptions() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getSecretKey() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box.KeyPair
getSecretKey() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature.KeyPair
getSecretKey() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.SessionDescription.Data
getSelfId() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getSendTaskFactory() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getSendTaskScheduler() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceReactorResources
getServerId() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Identify.Data
getServerId() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Resume.Data
getServerUpdateTask() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getSession() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getSessionId() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Identify.Data
getSessionId() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Resume.Data
getSsrc() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Ready.Data
getSsrc() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.SentSpeaking.Data
getSsrc() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Speaking.Data
getStateUpdateTask() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
getToken() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Identify.Data
getToken() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Resume.Data
getToken() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceServerOptions
getUdpClient() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceReactorResources
getUserId() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Identify.Data
getUserId() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Speaking.Data
getUserId() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.VoiceDisconnect.Data
getVoiceConnection(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceConnectionRegistry
getVoiceConnection(Snowflake) - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnectionRegistry
Return the current VoiceConnection this registry holds for a given guildId.
getVoiceServerOptions() - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
groupElementLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult


handle(WebsocketInbound, WebsocketOutbound) - Method in class discord4j.voice.VoiceWebsocketHandler
Handle an upgraded websocket connection, given by both WebsocketInbound and WebsocketOutbound to manage a session until the remote closes or one of the local methods close() or error(Throwable) methods are called.
Hash() - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Hash
hashLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Hash
Heartbeat - Class in discord4j.voice.json
Heartbeat(long) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Heartbeat
HeartbeatAck - Class in discord4j.voice.json
HeartbeatAck(long) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.HeartbeatAck
Hello - Class in discord4j.voice.json
Hello(long) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Hello
Hello(Hello.Data) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Hello
Hello.Data - Class in discord4j.voice.json
hexDecode(String) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
hexEncodeToString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast


Identify - Class in discord4j.voice.json
Identify(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Identify
Identify(Identify.Data) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Identify
Identify.Data - Class in discord4j.voice.json
incrNonce() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
incrNonce() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
Inner(String, int, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.SelectProtocol.Data.Inner
isConnected() - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnection
Return whether this voice connection is currently in the VoiceConnection.State.CONNECTED state.
isDisposed() - Method in class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceReceiveTask
isDisposed() - Method in class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceSendTask
isSpeaking() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.SentSpeaking.Data
isSpeaking() - Method in class discord4j.voice.json.Speaking.Data
iteration() - Method in class discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayRetrySignal


keyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
keyPair() - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
KeyPair() - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box.KeyPair
keyPair() - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
KeyPair() - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature.KeyPair
keyPair_fromSecretKey(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
keyPair_fromSecretKey(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
keyPair_fromSeed(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature


LocalVoiceConnectionRegistry - Class in discord4j.voice
A simple VoiceConnectionRegistry that tracks local VoiceConnection instances.
LocalVoiceConnectionRegistry() - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceConnectionRegistry
LocalVoiceReceiveTask - Class in discord4j.voice
A receive task that can locally consume audio packets and pass them to an AudioReceiver.
LocalVoiceReceiveTask(Scheduler, Flux<ByteBuf>, PacketTransformer, AudioReceiver) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceReceiveTask
LocalVoiceReceiveTaskFactory - Class in discord4j.voice
A local implementation of a VoiceReceiveTaskFactory, performing all actions in the same JVM instance.
LocalVoiceReceiveTaskFactory() - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceReceiveTaskFactory
LocalVoiceSendTask - Class in discord4j.voice
A send task that can derive packets from an AudioProvider and submit audio packets locally.
LocalVoiceSendTask(Scheduler, Consumer<Boolean>, Consumer<ByteBuf>, AudioProvider, PacketTransformer) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceSendTask
LocalVoiceSendTaskFactory - Class in discord4j.voice
A local implementation of a VoiceSendTaskFactory, performing all actions in the same JVM instance.
LocalVoiceSendTaskFactory() - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceSendTaskFactory


makeBoxNonce() - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
makeSecretBoxNonce() - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast


nextBackoff() - Method in class discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayRetrySignal
nextState() - Method in class discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayRetrySignal
NO_OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.AudioProvider
NO_OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.AudioReceiver
NON_RETRYABLE_STATUS_CODES - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayRetrySpec
nonceLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
nonceLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox


onConnectOrDisconnect() - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnection
Return a Mono that completes when this connection reaches a VoiceConnection.State.CONNECTED or VoiceConnection.State.DISCONNECTED state.
onDisconnect(Snowflake) - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceDisconnectTask
onRequest() - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceChannelRetrieveTask
onVoiceServerUpdate(Snowflake) - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceServerUpdateTask
onVoiceStateUpdate(Snowflake) - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceStateUpdateTask
OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.json.Heartbeat
OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.json.HeartbeatAck
OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.json.Hello
OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.json.Identify
OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.json.Ready
OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.json.Resume
OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.json.Resumed
OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.json.SelectProtocol
OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.json.SessionDescription
OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.json.Speaking
OP - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.json.VoiceDisconnect
open(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
open(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
open(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
open_after(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open_after(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
Opus - Class in discord4j.voice
Opus constants.
Opus() - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.Opus
overheadLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
overheadLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox


PartialDisconnectException - Exception in discord4j.voice.retry
PartialDisconnectException(Context) - Constructor for exception discord4j.voice.retry.PartialDisconnectException
poly1305(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.poly1305
provide() - Method in class discord4j.voice.AudioProvider
Called every 20 milliseconds and is expected to provide Opus-encoded audio according to the format in Opus by writing to the provider's buffer.
publicKeyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
publicKeyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature


randombytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
randombytes(int) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
randombytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
Ready - Class in discord4j.voice.json
Ready(int, String, int) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Ready
Ready(Ready.Data) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Ready
Ready.Data - Class in discord4j.voice.json
receive() - Method in class discord4j.voice.AudioReceiver
Called when audio is received.
receive(char, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class discord4j.voice.AudioReceiver
Called when audio is received, automatically extracting useful information.
reconnect() - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnection
Instruct a reconnect procedure on this voice connection.
registerVoiceConnection(Snowflake, VoiceConnection) - Method in class discord4j.voice.LocalVoiceConnectionRegistry
registerVoiceConnection(Snowflake, VoiceConnection) - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnectionRegistry
Register a VoiceConnection for a given guildId, replacing any existing one.
Resume - Class in discord4j.voice.json
Resume(String, String, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Resume
Resume(Resume.Data) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Resume
Resume.Data - Class in discord4j.voice.json
Resumed - Class in discord4j.voice.json
Resumed(Object) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Resumed


SAMPLE_RATE - Static variable in class discord4j.voice.Opus
scalarLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult
ScalarMult() - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult
scalseMult(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult
scalseMult_base(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult
SecretBox(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
SecretBox(byte[], long) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
secretKeyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
secretKeyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
seedLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
SelectProtocol - Class in discord4j.voice.json
SelectProtocol(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.SelectProtocol
SelectProtocol(SelectProtocol.Data) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.SelectProtocol
SelectProtocol.Data - Class in discord4j.voice.json
SelectProtocol.Data.Inner - Class in discord4j.voice.json
SentSpeaking - Class in discord4j.voice.json
SentSpeaking(boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.SentSpeaking
SentSpeaking.Data - Class in discord4j.voice.json
SessionDescription - Class in discord4j.voice.json
SessionDescription(SessionDescription.Data) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.SessionDescription
SessionDescription(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.SessionDescription
SessionDescription.Data - Class in discord4j.voice.json
setNonce(long) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
setNonce(long) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
sha512(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Hash
sha512(String) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Hash
sharedKeyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
sign(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
sign(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
sign(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
Signature(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
signatureLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
Speaking - Class in discord4j.voice.json
Speaking(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Speaking
Speaking(Speaking.Data) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.Speaking
Speaking.Data - Class in discord4j.voice.json
start(VoiceServerOptions, String) - Method in class discord4j.voice.DefaultVoiceGatewayClient
stateEvents() - Method in interface discord4j.voice.VoiceConnection
Return a sequence of the VoiceConnection.State transitions this voice connection receives.
stop() - Method in class discord4j.voice.DefaultVoiceGatewayClient


toString() - Method in exception discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayException
toString() - Method in class discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayRetrySignal
TweetNaclFast - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast() - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
TweetNaclFast.Box - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.Box.KeyPair - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.Hash - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.poly1305 - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.SecretBox - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.Signature - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.Signature.KeyPair - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto


update(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.poly1305


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.voice.VoiceConnection.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.voice.VoiceConnection.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VoiceChannelRetrieveTask - Interface in discord4j.voice
A supplier to obtain a channel ID.
VoiceConnection - Interface in discord4j.voice
Allows for manipulation of an already-established voice connection.
VoiceConnection.State - Enum in discord4j.voice
States of a voice connection.
VoiceConnectionFactory - Interface in discord4j.voice
A factory to create VoiceConnection instances using a set of VoiceGatewayOptions.
VoiceConnectionRegistry - Interface in discord4j.voice
A centralized registry to hold VoiceConnection instances.
VoiceDisconnect - Class in discord4j.voice.json
VoiceDisconnect(String) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.VoiceDisconnect
VoiceDisconnect(VoiceDisconnect.Data) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.VoiceDisconnect
VoiceDisconnect.Data - Class in discord4j.voice.json
VoiceDisconnectTask - Interface in discord4j.voice
A task to encapsulate actions needed to terminate a voice connection on a given guild.
VoiceGatewayEvent - Interface in discord4j.voice
Marker interface for Discord voice Gateway events.
VoiceGatewayException - Exception in discord4j.voice.retry
VoiceGatewayException(Context) - Constructor for exception discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayException
VoiceGatewayException(Context, String) - Constructor for exception discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayException
VoiceGatewayException(Context, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayException
VoiceGatewayOptions - Class in discord4j.voice
A set of options required to establish and customize building VoiceConnection instances.
VoiceGatewayOptions(Snowflake, Snowflake, String, VoiceServerOptions, JacksonResources, VoiceReactorResources, ReconnectOptions, AudioProvider, AudioReceiver, VoiceSendTaskFactory, VoiceReceiveTaskFactory, VoiceDisconnectTask, VoiceServerUpdateTask, VoiceStateUpdateTask, VoiceChannelRetrieveTask, Duration, RetrySpec) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.VoiceGatewayOptions
VoiceGatewayPayload<T> - Class in discord4j.voice.json
VoiceGatewayPayload(int, T) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.VoiceGatewayPayload
VoiceGatewayPayloadDeserializer - Class in discord4j.voice.json
VoiceGatewayPayloadDeserializer() - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.json.VoiceGatewayPayloadDeserializer
VoiceGatewayReconnectException - Exception in discord4j.voice.retry
VoiceGatewayReconnectException(Context) - Constructor for exception discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayReconnectException
VoiceGatewayRetrySignal - Class in discord4j.voice.retry
VoiceGatewayRetrySignal(Throwable, long, Duration, VoiceConnection.State) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceGatewayRetrySignal
VoiceGatewayRetrySpec - Class in discord4j.voice.retry
VoiceReactorResources - Class in discord4j.voice
Provides an extra level of configuration for ReactorResources, tailored for the Voice Gateway operations.
VoiceReactorResources(ReactorResources) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.VoiceReactorResources
VoiceReactorResources(ReactorResources, UdpClient, Scheduler, Scheduler) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.VoiceReactorResources
VoiceReactorResources(HttpClient, Scheduler, Scheduler, UdpClient, Scheduler, Scheduler) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.VoiceReactorResources
VoiceReceiveTaskFactory - Interface in discord4j.voice
A factory to create a task that receives audio packets from a source and processes them through a given AudioReceiver.
VoiceSendTaskFactory - Interface in discord4j.voice
A factory to create a task that reads audio packets from an AudioProvider, encodes them and then sends them through a given raw packet sink.
VoiceServerOptions - Class in discord4j.voice
A set of options required to identify a voice server, for identifying.
VoiceServerOptions(String, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.VoiceServerOptions
VoiceServerUpdateReconnectException - Exception in discord4j.voice.retry
VoiceServerUpdateReconnectException(Context) - Constructor for exception discord4j.voice.retry.VoiceServerUpdateReconnectException
VoiceServerUpdateTask - Interface in discord4j.voice
A listener to derive a potentially new VoiceServerOptions from a VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE gateway event.
VoiceSocket - Class in discord4j.voice
A UDP client abstraction dedicated to handling the transport of raw voice packets.
VoiceSocket(UdpClient) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.VoiceSocket
VoiceStateUpdateTask - Interface in discord4j.voice
A listener to derive a potentially new session ID from a VOICE_STATE_UPDATE gateway event.
VoiceWebsocketHandler - Class in discord4j.voice
Represents a WebSocket handler specialized for Discord voice gateway operations.
VoiceWebsocketHandler(FluxSink<ByteBuf>, Flux<ByteBuf>, Context) - Constructor for class discord4j.voice.VoiceWebsocketHandler
Create a new handler with the given data pipelines.


zerobytesLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
zerobytesLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
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