
See theArn companion object
final case class Arn(template: String, absolute: Option[Boolean], noRegion: Option[Boolean], noAccount: Option[Boolean])

Specifies an ARN template for the resource.

Value parameters


Set to true to indicate that the ARN template contains a fully-formed ARN that does not need to be merged with the service. This type of ARN MUST be used when the identifier of a resource is an ARN or is based on the ARN identifier of a parent resource.


Set to true to specify that the ARN does not contain an account ID. If not set, or if set to false, the resolved ARN will contain a placeholder for the customer account ID. This can only be set to true if absolute is not set or is false.


Set to true to specify that the ARN does not contain a region. If not set, or if set to false, the resolved ARN will contain a placeholder for the region. This can only be set to true if absolute is not set or is false.


Defines the ARN template. The provided string contains URI-template style label placeholders that contain the name of one of the identifiers defined in the identifiers property of the resource. These labels can be substituted at runtime with the actual identifiers of the resource. Every identifier name of the resource MUST have corresponding label of the same name. Note that percent-encoding is not performed on these placeholder values; they are to be replaced literally. For relative ARN templates that have not set absolute to true, the template string contains only the resource part of the ARN (for example, foo/{MyResourceId}). Relative ARNs MUST NOT start with "/".


trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Members list

Value members

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]


Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]


Inherited from: