
See theWriter companion object
trait Writer[-In, +Out, -A]

An abstraction that codifies the notion of writing a piece of data into an output, provided some contextual information.

This has two input channels:

  • one for contextual information (In)
  • one for the actual data (A)

This is particularly useful for http requests/responses, where different subsets of data have a different impact on different locations of the http message : some fields may impact headers, some fields may impact the http body, other things that are driven from static information (smithy traits) may lead to a transformation of the message. In this situation, the Input and Output channels are of the same type.

Having the ability to decompose the notion of encoding a piece of data into different writers that can be composed together is powerful and helps centralising some complexity in third-party agnostic code.

Type parameters


the type of data that is being written into the output channel


: some input channel used as context to write data. When set to Any, the implication is that the data produces some output on its own


the output channel in which the data is written.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
Writer[In, Out, A]

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def write(input: In, a: A): Out

Symbolises the action of writing some content A into an output Out, provided some context In

Symbolises the action of writing some content A into an output Out, provided some context In


Concrete methods

final def andThen[Out0](f: Out => Out0): Writer[In, Out0, A]

Transforms the Output type

Transforms the Output type


final def compose[In0](f: In0 => In): Writer[In0, Out, A]

Transforms the context Input type

Transforms the context Input type


final def contramap[B](f: B => A): Writer[In, Out, B]

Contramap the data which this writer works. The writer is a contravariant-functor on A.

Contramap the data which this writer works. The writer is a contravariant-functor on A.


def encode[In0 <: In](a: A)(implicit ev: Any =:= In0): Out

When the data A is sufficient to produce the output, anything can be used as a context input. Therefore, traditional encoders (like Json/Xml) can be modelled as Writers with type In == Any

When the data A is sufficient to produce the output, anything can be used as a context input. Therefore, traditional encoders (like Json/Xml) can be modelled as Writers with type In == Any

This method is a short-hand for encoding the data without the caller forced to pass a dummy input.


def pipe[Out0, A0 <: A](other: Writer[Out, Out0, A0]): Writer[In, Out0, A0]

Connects this writer's output channel to the contextual input channel of another writer.

Connects this writer's output channel to the contextual input channel of another writer.


def pipeData[Message <: In, Out0 >: Out](other: Writer[Message, Message, Out]): Writer[Message, Message, A]

Connects this writer's output channel to the data channel of another writer. This is useful for connecting an encoder into a larger writer.

Connects this writer's output channel to the data channel of another writer. This is useful for connecting an encoder into a larger writer.


final def toEncoder(in: In): Writer[Any, Out, A]

Transforms a writer into an Encoder by supplying an initial value.

Transforms a writer into an Encoder by supplying an initial value.
