
See theBlob companion object
sealed trait Blob

A Blob represents an arbitrary piece of binary data that fits in memory.

Its underlying data structure enables several types of layouts, as well as efficient concatenation.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply(i: Int): Byte
def isEmpty: Boolean
def size: Int

Concrete methods

final def ++(other: Blob): Blob
def asByteBuffer(offset: Int, size: Int): ByteBuffer
def asByteBuffer: ByteBuffer
def asByteBufferUnsafe(offset: Int, size: Int): ByteBuffer
def asByteBufferUnsafe: ByteBuffer
def concat(other: Blob): Blob
def copyToArray(xs: Array[Byte], start: Int, offset: Int, size: Int): Unit
def copyToBuffer(buffer: ByteBuffer, offset: Int, size: Int): Int
def copyToStream(s: OutputStream, offset: Int, size: Int): Unit
def foreach(f: Byte => Unit): Unit
def foreachWithIndex(f: (Byte, Int) => Unit): Unit
def sameBytesAs(other: Blob): Boolean
def toArray: Array[Byte]
def toArrayUnsafe: Array[Byte]
final def toBase64String: String
final def toUTF8String: String