
class SimpleProtocolBuilder[P](codecs: CodecAPI)(implicit protocolKey: Key[P])

Abstract construct helping the construction of routers and clients for a given protocol. Upon constructing the routers/clients, it will first check that they are indeed annotated with the protocol in question.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class RouterBuilder[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]], Op[_, _, _, _, _], F[_]]
class ServiceBuilder[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]], Op[_, _, _, _, _]]

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]], Op[_, _, _, _, _]](service: Service[Alg, Op]): ServiceBuilder[Alg, Op]
def routes[Alg[_[_, _, _, _, _]], Op[_, _, _, _, _], F[_]](impl: Alg[<none>])(implicit service: Service[Alg, Op], F: Concurrent[F]): RouterBuilder[Alg, Op, F]