
object Json


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def read[A : Schema](blob: Blob): Either[PayloadError, A]

Reads an instance of A from a smithy4s.Blob holding a json payload.

Reads an instance of A from a smithy4s.Blob holding a json payload.

Beware : using this method with a non-static schema (for instance, dynamically generated) may result in memory leaks.


def readDocument(blob: Blob): Either[PayloadError, Document]

Parses a smithy4s.Document from a smithy4s.Blob containing a Json payload.

Parses a smithy4s.Document from a smithy4s.Blob containing a Json payload.


def readDocument(string: String): Either[PayloadError, Document]

Parses a smithy4s.Document from a String containing a Json payload.

Parses a smithy4s.Document from a String containing a Json payload.


def readDocument(bytes: Array[Byte]): Either[PayloadError, Document]

Parses a smithy4s.Document from a Array containing a Json payload.

Parses a smithy4s.Document from a Array containing a Json payload.


def writeBlob[A : Schema](a: A): Blob

Writes the json representation for an instance of A into a smithy4s.Blob.

Writes the json representation for an instance of A into a smithy4s.Blob.

Beware : using this method with a non-static schema (for instance, dynamically generated) may result in memory leaks.

When writing interpreters, please prefer using the payloadCodecs object.


def writeDocumentAsBlob(document: Document): Blob

Writes a smithy4s.Document into a binary Blob.

Writes a smithy4s.Document into a binary Blob.


def writeDocumentAsPrettyString(document: Document): String

Writes a smithy4s.Document into a pretty string with a 2-spaces indentation

Writes a smithy4s.Document into a pretty string with a 2-spaces indentation


def writePrettyString[A : Schema](a: A): String

Writes the json representation for an instance of A into a 2-spaces-indented string.

Writes the json representation for an instance of A into a 2-spaces-indented string.

Beware : using this method with a non-static schema (for instance, dynamically generated) may result in memory leaks.

When writing interpreters, please prefer using the payloadCodecs object.


Concrete fields

val EmptyObjectBlob: Blob
val NullBlob: Blob

Default jsoniter codec compiler, which can produce instances of com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core.JsonCodec from instances of smithy4s.schema.Schema (which are generated for all smithy data types)

Default jsoniter codec compiler, which can produce instances of com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core.JsonCodec from instances of smithy4s.schema.Schema (which are generated for all smithy data types)


Default payload codec compiler, which can produce instances of smithy4s.codec.PayloadCodec from instances of smithy4s.schema.Schema (which are generated for all smithy data types). PayloadCodecs can be used, for instance, in http-interpreters.

Default payload codec compiler, which can produce instances of smithy4s.codec.PayloadCodec from instances of smithy4s.schema.Schema (which are generated for all smithy data types). PayloadCodecs can be used, for instance, in http-interpreters.




implicit def deriveJsonCodec[A : Schema]: JsonCodec[A]