
trait Helpers
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Helpers.type

Type members


implicit class StringOps(str: String)

Value members

Concrete methods

def exists[L[_], A](la: L[A])(f: A => Expectations)(implicit foldable: Foldable[L], pos: SourceLocation): Expectations

Checks that an assertion is true for at least one element in a foldable. Fails if the foldable is empty.

Checks that an assertion is true for at least one element in a foldable. Fails if the foldable is empty.

Expect macros

Expect macros

def fail[A](hint: String)(implicit pos: SourceLocation): A => Expectations
def failure(hint: String)(implicit pos: SourceLocation): Expectations
def forEach[L[_], A](la: L[A])(f: A => Expectations)(implicit L: Foldable[L]): Expectations

Checks that an assertion is true for all elements in a foldable. Succeeds if the foldable is empty.

Checks that an assertion is true for all elements in a foldable. Succeeds if the foldable is empty.

def inEach[L[_], A](la: L[A])(f: A => Expectations)(implicit L: Foldable[L]): Expectations

Alias to forall

Alias to forall

def not(assertion: Expectations)(implicit pos: SourceLocation): Expectations
def succeed[A]: A => Expectations
def verify(condition: Boolean, hint: String)(implicit pos: SourceLocation): Expectations
def verify(condition: Boolean)(implicit pos: SourceLocation): Expectations

Concrete fields



final implicit def StringOps(str: String): StringOps