

package multilabel

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class VwDownsampledMultilabelRowCreator[-A, K](allLabelsInTrainingSet: IndexedSeq[K], featuresFunction: FeatureExtractorFunction[A, Sparse], defaultNamespace: List[Int], namespaces: List[(String, List[Int])], normalizer: Option[(CharSequence) ⇒ CharSequence], positiveLabelsFunction: GenAggFunc[A, IndexedSeq[K]], classNs: Char, dummyClassNs: Char, numDownsampledNegLabels: Int, seedCreator: () ⇒ Long, includeZeroValues: Boolean = false) extends StatefulRowCreator[A, Array[String], Long] with Logging with Product with Serializable

    Creates training data for multilabel models in Vowpal Wabbit's CSOAA LDF and WAP LDF format for the JNI.

  2. final case class VwMultilabelRowCreator[-A, K](allLabelsInTrainingSet: IndexedSeq[K], featuresFunction: FeatureExtractorFunction[A, Sparse], defaultNamespace: List[Int], namespaces: List[(String, List[Int])], normalizer: Option[(CharSequence) ⇒ CharSequence], positiveLabelsFunction: GenAggFunc[A, IndexedSeq[K]], classNs: Char, dummyClassNs: Char, includeZeroValues: Boolean = false) extends RowCreator[A, Array[String]] with Product with Serializable

    Creates training data for multilabel models in Vowpal Wabbit's CSOAA LDF and WAP LDF format for the JNI.

Value Members

  1. object VwDownsampledMultilabelRowCreator extends Rand with Serializable

  2. object VwMultilabelRowCreator extends Rand with Serializable

  3. package json
