Class PushDownRequest

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PushDownRequest
    extends AbstractAdapterRequest
    This class represents a request that tells a Virtual Schema Adapter to push a SQL statement down to the external data source.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PushDownRequest

        public PushDownRequest​(SchemaMetadataInfo schemaMetadataInfo,
                               SqlStatement select,
                               List<TableMetadata> involvedTablesMetadata,
                               List<DataType> selectListDataType)
        Create a new request of type PushDownRequest.
        schemaMetadataInfo - schema metadata
        select - SQL statement to be pushed down to the external data source
        involvedTablesMetadata - tables involved in the push-down request
        selectListDataType - expected data types for the result set
    • Method Detail

      • getSelect

        public SqlStatement getSelect()
        Get the SELECT statement that should be pushed down to the external data source.
        SELECT statement
      • getInvolvedTablesMetadata

        public List<TableMetadata> getInvolvedTablesMetadata()
        Get the metadata for the tables involved in the pushdown operation
        metadata of involved tables
      • getSelectListDataTypes

        public List<DataType> getSelectListDataTypes()
        Get the expected data types for the result set.
        expected data types for the result set