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printStackTrace() - function in kotlin.CoercingValueToLiteralException
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - function in kotlin.CoercingValueToLiteralException
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - function in kotlin.CoercingValueToLiteralException
printStackTrace() - function in kotlin.IncorrectFederatedDirectiveUsage
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - function in kotlin.IncorrectFederatedDirectiveUsage
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - function in kotlin.IncorrectFederatedDirectiveUsage
printStackTrace() - function in kotlin.InvalidFederatedSchema
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - function in kotlin.InvalidFederatedSchema
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - function in kotlin.InvalidFederatedSchema
ProvidesDirective - class in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.federation.directives
directive @provides(fields: _FieldSet!) on FIELD_DEFINITION
The @provides directive is a router optimization hint specifying field set that can be resolved locally at the given subgraph through this particular query path.
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