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RequiresDirective - class in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.federation.directives
directive @requires(fields: _FieldSet!) on FIELD_DEFINITON
The @requires directive is used to specify external (provided by other subgraphs) entity fields that are needed to resolve target field.
RequiresScopesDirective - class in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.federation.directives
directive @requiresScopes(scopes: [[Scope!]!]!) on
Directive that is used to indicate that the target element is accessible only to the authenticated supergraph users with the appropriate JWT scopes.
ResolvableEntity - class in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.federation.execution.resolverexecutor
resolve(graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment,java.util.Map) - function in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.federation.execution.FederatedTypePromiseResolver
Resolves underlying federated types by returning a CompletableFuture
resolve(graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment,java.util.Map) - function in com.expediagroup.graphql.generator.federation.execution.FederatedTypeSuspendResolver
Resolves underlying federated types by using suspending functions
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