Class BytesToNameCanonicalizer

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.core.sym.BytesToNameCanonicalizer

public final class BytesToNameCanonicalizer
extends Object

This class is basically a caching symbol table implementation used for canonicalizing Names, constructed directly from a byte-based input source.

Tatu Saloranta

Field Summary
protected static int DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE
protected static int MAX_TABLE_SIZE
          Let's not expand symbol tables past some maximum size; this should protected against OOMEs caused by large documents with uniquer (~= random) names.
Method Summary
 Name addName(String symbolStr, int[] quads, int qlen)
 Name addName(String symbolStr, int q1, int q2)
static int calcHash(int firstQuad)
static int calcHash(int[] quads, int qlen)
static int calcHash(int firstQuad, int secondQuad)
static BytesToNameCanonicalizer createRoot()
 Name findName(int firstQuad)
          Finds and returns name matching the specified symbol, if such name already exists in the table.
 Name findName(int[] quads, int qlen)
          Finds and returns name matching the specified symbol, if such name already exists in the table; or if not, creates name object, adds to the table, and returns it.
 Name findName(int firstQuad, int secondQuad)
          Finds and returns name matching the specified symbol, if such name already exists in the table.
static Name getEmptyName()
 BytesToNameCanonicalizer makeChild(boolean canonicalize, boolean intern)
 boolean maybeDirty()
          Method called to check to quickly see if a child symbol table may have gotten additional entries.
 void release()
          Method called by the using code to indicate it is done with this instance.
 int size()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int MAX_TABLE_SIZE
Let's not expand symbol tables past some maximum size; this should protected against OOMEs caused by large documents with uniquer (~= random) names.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static BytesToNameCanonicalizer createRoot()


public BytesToNameCanonicalizer makeChild(boolean canonicalize,
                                          boolean intern)
intern - Whether canonical symbol Strings should be interned or not


public void release()
Method called by the using code to indicate it is done with this instance. This lets instance merge accumulated changes into parent (if need be), safely and efficiently, and without calling code having to know about parent information


public int size()


public boolean maybeDirty()
Method called to check to quickly see if a child symbol table may have gotten additional entries. Used for checking to see if a child table should be merged into shared table.


public static Name getEmptyName()


public Name findName(int firstQuad)
Finds and returns name matching the specified symbol, if such name already exists in the table. If not, will return null.

Note: separate methods to optimize common case of short element/attribute names (4 or less ascii characters)

firstQuad - int32 containing first 4 bytes of the name; if the whole name less than 4 bytes, padded with zero bytes in front (zero MSBs, ie. right aligned)
Name matching the symbol passed (or constructed for it)


public Name findName(int firstQuad,
                     int secondQuad)
Finds and returns name matching the specified symbol, if such name already exists in the table. If not, will return null.

Note: separate methods to optimize common case of relatively short element/attribute names (8 or less ascii characters)

firstQuad - int32 containing first 4 bytes of the name.
secondQuad - int32 containing bytes 5 through 8 of the name; if less than 8 bytes, padded with up to 3 zero bytes in front (zero MSBs, ie. right aligned)
Name matching the symbol passed (or constructed for it)


public Name findName(int[] quads,
                     int qlen)
Finds and returns name matching the specified symbol, if such name already exists in the table; or if not, creates name object, adds to the table, and returns it.

Note: this is the general purpose method that can be called for names of any length. However, if name is less than 9 bytes long, it is preferable to call the version optimized for short names.

quads - Array of int32s, each of which contain 4 bytes of encoded name
qlen - Number of int32s, starting from index 0, in quads parameter
Name matching the symbol passed (or constructed for it)


public Name addName(String symbolStr,
                    int q1,
                    int q2)


public Name addName(String symbolStr,
                    int[] quads,
                    int qlen)


public static final int calcHash(int firstQuad)


public static final int calcHash(int firstQuad,
                                 int secondQuad)


public static final int calcHash(int[] quads,
                                 int qlen)

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