Uses of Class

Packages that use JsonGenerator
com.fasterxml.jackson.core Main public API classes of the core streaming JSON processor: most importantly JsonFactory used for constructing JSON parser (JsonParser) and generator (JsonParser) instances. 
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base Base classes used by concrete Parser and Generator implementations; contain functionality that is not specific to JSON or input abstraction (byte vs char). 
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json JSON-specific parser and generator implementation classes that Jackson defines and uses. 
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util Utility classes used by Jackson Core functionality. 

Uses of JsonGenerator in com.fasterxml.jackson.core

Methods in com.fasterxml.jackson.core that return JsonGenerator
protected  JsonGenerator JsonFactory._createJsonGenerator(Writer out, IOContext ctxt)
          Overridable factory method that actually instantiates generator for given Writer and context object.
protected  JsonGenerator JsonFactory._createUTF8JsonGenerator(OutputStream out, IOContext ctxt)
          Overridable factory method that actually instantiates generator for given OutputStream and context object, using UTF-8 encoding.
 JsonGenerator JsonGenerator.configure(JsonGenerator.Feature f, boolean state)
          Method for enabling or disabling specified feature: check JsonGenerator.Feature for list of available features.
 JsonGenerator JsonFactory.createJsonGenerator(File f, JsonEncoding enc)
          Method for constructing JSON generator for writing JSON content to specified file, overwriting contents it might have (or creating it if such file does not yet exist).
 JsonGenerator JsonFactory.createJsonGenerator(OutputStream out)
          Convenience method for constructing generator that uses default encoding of the format (UTF-8 for JSON and most other data formats).
 JsonGenerator JsonFactory.createJsonGenerator(OutputStream out, JsonEncoding enc)
          Method for constructing JSON generator for writing JSON content using specified output stream.
 JsonGenerator JsonFactory.createJsonGenerator(Writer out)
          Method for constructing JSON generator for writing JSON content using specified Writer.
abstract  JsonGenerator JsonGenerator.disable(JsonGenerator.Feature f)
          Method for disabling specified features (check JsonGenerator.Feature for list of features)
abstract  JsonGenerator JsonGenerator.enable(JsonGenerator.Feature f)
          Method for enabling specified parser features: check JsonGenerator.Feature for list of available features.
 JsonGenerator JsonGenerator.setCharacterEscapes(CharacterEscapes esc)
          Method for defining custom escapes factory uses for JsonGenerators it creates.
abstract  JsonGenerator JsonGenerator.setCodec(ObjectCodec oc)
          Method that can be called to set or reset the object to use for writing Java objects as JsonContent (using method writeObject(java.lang.Object)).
 JsonGenerator JsonGenerator.setHighestNonEscapedChar(int charCode)
          Method that can be called to request that generator escapes all character codes above specified code point (if positive value); or, to not escape any characters except for ones that must be escaped for the data format (if -1).
 JsonGenerator JsonGenerator.setPrettyPrinter(PrettyPrinter pp)
          Method for setting a custom pretty printer, which is usually used to add indentation for improved human readability.
abstract  JsonGenerator JsonGenerator.useDefaultPrettyPrinter()
          Convenience method for enabling pretty-printing using the default pretty printer (DefaultPrettyPrinter).

Methods in com.fasterxml.jackson.core with parameters of type JsonGenerator
 void PrettyPrinter.beforeArrayValues(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after array start marker has been output, and right before the first value is to be output.
 void PrettyPrinter.beforeObjectEntries(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after object start marker has been output, and right before the field name of the first entry is to be output.
 void PrettyPrinter.writeArrayValueSeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after an array value has been completely output, and before another value is to be output.
 void PrettyPrinter.writeEndArray(JsonGenerator jg, int nrOfValues)
          Method called after an Array value has been completely output (minus closing bracket).
 void PrettyPrinter.writeEndObject(JsonGenerator jg, int nrOfEntries)
          Method called after an Object value has been completely output (minus closing curly bracket).
 void PrettyPrinter.writeObjectEntrySeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after an object entry (field:value) has been completely output, and before another value is to be output.
 void PrettyPrinter.writeObjectFieldValueSeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after an object field has been output, but before the value is output.
 void PrettyPrinter.writeRootValueSeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after a root-level value has been completely output, and before another value is to be output.
 void PrettyPrinter.writeStartArray(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called when an Array value is to be output, before any member/child values are output.
 void PrettyPrinter.writeStartObject(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called when an Object value is to be output, before any fields are output.
abstract  void ObjectCodec.writeValue(JsonGenerator jgen, Object value)
          Method to serialize given Java Object, using generator provided.

Uses of JsonGenerator in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base

Subclasses of JsonGenerator in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base
 class GeneratorBase
          This base class implements part of API that a JSON generator exposes to applications, adds shared internal methods that sub-classes can use and adds some abstract methods sub-classes must implement.

Methods in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base that return JsonGenerator
 JsonGenerator GeneratorBase.disable(JsonGenerator.Feature f)
 JsonGenerator GeneratorBase.enable(JsonGenerator.Feature f)
 JsonGenerator GeneratorBase.setCodec(ObjectCodec oc)
 JsonGenerator GeneratorBase.useDefaultPrettyPrinter()

Uses of JsonGenerator in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json

Subclasses of JsonGenerator in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json
 class UTF8JsonGenerator
 class WriterBasedJsonGenerator
          JsonGenerator that outputs JSON content using a Writer which handles character encoding.

Methods in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json that return JsonGenerator
 JsonGenerator WriterBasedJsonGenerator.setCharacterEscapes(CharacterEscapes esc)
 JsonGenerator UTF8JsonGenerator.setCharacterEscapes(CharacterEscapes esc)
 JsonGenerator WriterBasedJsonGenerator.setHighestNonEscapedChar(int charCode)
 JsonGenerator UTF8JsonGenerator.setHighestNonEscapedChar(int charCode)

Uses of JsonGenerator in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util

Subclasses of JsonGenerator in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util
 class JsonGeneratorDelegate

Fields in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util declared as JsonGenerator
protected  JsonGenerator JsonGeneratorDelegate.delegate
          Delegate object that method calls are delegated to.

Methods in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util that return JsonGenerator
 JsonGenerator JsonGeneratorDelegate.disable(JsonGenerator.Feature f)
 JsonGenerator JsonGeneratorDelegate.enable(JsonGenerator.Feature f)
 JsonGenerator JsonGeneratorDelegate.setCodec(ObjectCodec oc)
 JsonGenerator JsonGeneratorDelegate.useDefaultPrettyPrinter()

Methods in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util with parameters of type JsonGenerator
 void MinimalPrettyPrinter.beforeArrayValues(JsonGenerator jg)
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.beforeArrayValues(JsonGenerator jg)
 void MinimalPrettyPrinter.beforeObjectEntries(JsonGenerator jg)
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.beforeObjectEntries(JsonGenerator jg)
 void MinimalPrettyPrinter.writeArrayValueSeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after an array value has been completely output, and before another value is to be output.
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.writeArrayValueSeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after an array value has been completely output, and before another value is to be output.
 void MinimalPrettyPrinter.writeEndArray(JsonGenerator jg, int nrOfValues)
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.writeEndArray(JsonGenerator jg, int nrOfValues)
 void MinimalPrettyPrinter.writeEndObject(JsonGenerator jg, int nrOfEntries)
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.writeEndObject(JsonGenerator jg, int nrOfEntries)
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.Indenter.writeIndentation(JsonGenerator jg, int level)
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.NopIndenter.writeIndentation(JsonGenerator jg, int level)
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.FixedSpaceIndenter.writeIndentation(JsonGenerator jg, int level)
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.Lf2SpacesIndenter.writeIndentation(JsonGenerator jg, int level)
 void MinimalPrettyPrinter.writeObjectEntrySeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after an object entry (field:value) has been completely output, and before another value is to be output.
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.writeObjectEntrySeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after an object entry (field:value) has been completely output, and before another value is to be output.
 void MinimalPrettyPrinter.writeObjectFieldValueSeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after an object field has been output, but before the value is output.
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.writeObjectFieldValueSeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
          Method called after an object field has been output, but before the value is output.
 void MinimalPrettyPrinter.writeRootValueSeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.writeRootValueSeparator(JsonGenerator jg)
 void MinimalPrettyPrinter.writeStartArray(JsonGenerator jg)
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.writeStartArray(JsonGenerator jg)
 void MinimalPrettyPrinter.writeStartObject(JsonGenerator jg)
 void DefaultPrettyPrinter.writeStartObject(JsonGenerator jg)

Constructors in com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util with parameters of type JsonGenerator
JsonGeneratorDelegate(JsonGenerator d)

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