Class InputAccessor.Std

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.core.format.InputAccessor.Std
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static class InputAccessor.Std
extends Object
implements InputAccessor

Basic implementation that reads data from given InputStream and buffers it as necessary.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.fasterxml.jackson.core.format.InputAccessor
Field Summary
protected  byte[] _buffer
protected  int _bufferedAmount
          Number of bytes in _buffer that are valid buffered content.
protected  InputStream _in
protected  int _ptr
          Pointer to next available buffered byte in _buffer.
Constructor Summary
InputAccessor.Std(byte[] inputDocument)
          Constructor used when the full input (or at least enough leading bytes of full input) is available.
InputAccessor.Std(InputStream in, byte[] buffer)
          Constructor used when content to check is available via input stream and must be read.
Method Summary
 DataFormatMatcher createMatcher(JsonFactory match, MatchStrength matchStrength)
 boolean hasMoreBytes()
          Method to call to check if more input is available.
 byte nextByte()
          Returns next byte available, if any; if no more bytes are available, will throw EOFException.
 void reset()
          Method that can be called to reset accessor to read from beginning of input.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final InputStream _in


protected final byte[] _buffer


protected int _bufferedAmount
Number of bytes in _buffer that are valid buffered content.


protected int _ptr
Pointer to next available buffered byte in _buffer.

Constructor Detail


public InputAccessor.Std(InputStream in,
                         byte[] buffer)
Constructor used when content to check is available via input stream and must be read.


public InputAccessor.Std(byte[] inputDocument)
Constructor used when the full input (or at least enough leading bytes of full input) is available.

Method Detail


public boolean hasMoreBytes()
                     throws IOException
Description copied from interface: InputAccessor
Method to call to check if more input is available. Since this may result in more content to be read (at least one more byte), a IOException may get thrown.

Specified by:
hasMoreBytes in interface InputAccessor


public byte nextByte()
              throws IOException
Description copied from interface: InputAccessor
Returns next byte available, if any; if no more bytes are available, will throw EOFException.

Specified by:
nextByte in interface InputAccessor


public void reset()
Description copied from interface: InputAccessor
Method that can be called to reset accessor to read from beginning of input.

Specified by:
reset in interface InputAccessor


public DataFormatMatcher createMatcher(JsonFactory match,
                                       MatchStrength matchStrength)

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