Uses of Class

Packages that use ContainerDeserializerBase
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std Contains public standard implementations of abstraction that Jackson uses. 

Uses of ContainerDeserializerBase in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std

Subclasses of ContainerDeserializerBase in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std
 class CollectionDeserializer
          Basic serializer that can take JSON "Array" structure and construct a Collection instance, with typed contents.
 class MapDeserializer
          Basic serializer that can take Json "Object" structure and construct a Map instance, with typed contents.
 class ObjectArrayDeserializer
          Basic serializer that can serialize non-primitive arrays.
 class StringCollectionDeserializer
          Specifically optimized version for Collections that contain String values; reason is that this is a very common type and we can make use of the fact that Strings are final.

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