Uses of Class

Packages that use TypeSerializerBase
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.impl Package that contains standard implementations for TypeResolverBuilder and TypeIdResolver

Uses of TypeSerializerBase in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.impl

Subclasses of TypeSerializerBase in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.impl
 class AsArrayTypeSerializer
          Type serializer that will embed type information in an array, as the first element, and actual value as the second element.
 class AsExternalTypeSerializer
          Type serializer that preferably embeds type information as an "external" type property; embedded in enclosing JSON object.
 class AsPropertyTypeSerializer
          Type serializer that preferably embeds type information as an additional JSON Object property, if possible (when resulting serialization would use JSON Object).
 class AsWrapperTypeSerializer
          Type wrapper that tries to use an extra JSON Object, with a single entry that has type name as key, to serialize type information.

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