Uses of Class

Packages that use StdSerializer
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ext Contains extended support for "external" packages: things that may or may not be present in runtime environment, but that are commonly enough used so that explicit support can be added. 
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser Contains implementation classes of serialization part of data binding. 
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.impl Contains implementation classes of serialization part of data binding. 

Uses of StdSerializer in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ext

Subclasses of StdSerializer in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ext
static class CoreXMLSerializers.XMLGregorianCalendarSerializer
 class DOMSerializer

Uses of StdSerializer in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser

Subclasses of StdSerializer in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser
 class BeanSerializer
          Serializer class that can serialize Java objects that map to JSON Object output.
 class ContainerSerializer<T>
          Intermediate base class for serializers used for serializing types that contain element(s) of other types, such as arrays, Collections (Lists, Sets etc) and Maps and iterable things (Iterators).

Uses of StdSerializer in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.impl

Subclasses of StdSerializer in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.impl
 class FailingSerializer
          Special bogus "serializer" that will throw JsonGenerationException if its FailingSerializer.serialize(java.lang.Object, com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider) gets invoked.
 class IndexedListSerializer
          This is an optimized serializer for Lists that can be efficiently traversed by index (as opposed to others, such as LinkedList that can not}.
 class IndexedStringListSerializer
          Efficient implement for serializing Lists that contains Strings and are random-accessible.
 class IteratorSerializer
 class StringArraySerializer
          Standard serializer used for String[] values.
 class StringCollectionSerializer
          Efficient implement for serializing Collections that contain Strings.
 class UnknownSerializer
 class UnwrappingBeanSerializer

Uses of StdSerializer in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std

Subclasses of StdSerializer in com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std
 class ArraySerializerBase<T>
          Intermediate base class for serializers used for various Java arrays.
 class AsArraySerializerBase<T>
          Base class for serializers that will output contents as JSON arrays; typically serializers used for Collection and array types.
 class BeanSerializerBase
          Base class both for the standard bean serializer, and couple of variants that only differ in small details.
 class BooleanSerializer
          Serializer used for primitive boolean, as well as java.util.Boolean wrapper type.
 class CalendarSerializer
          Standard serializer for Calendar.
 class CollectionSerializer
          Fallback serializer for cases where Collection is not known to be of type for which more specializer serializer exists (such as index-accessible List).
 class DateSerializer
          For efficiency, we will serialize Dates as longs, instead of potentially more readable Strings.
 class DateTimeSerializerBase<T>
 class EnumMapSerializer
          Specialized serializer for EnumMaps.
 class EnumSerializer
          Standard serializer used for Enum types.
 class EnumSetSerializer
 class InetAddressSerializer
          Simple serializer for InetAddress.
 class IterableSerializer
 class JsonValueSerializer
          Serializer class that can serialize Object that have a JsonValue annotation to indicate that serialization should be done by calling the method annotated, and serializing result it returns.
 class MapSerializer
          Standard serializer implementation for serializing {link java.util.Map} types.
 class NonTypedScalarSerializerBase<T>
          Intermediate base class for limited number of scalar types that should never include type information.
 class NullSerializer
          This is a simple dummy serializer that will just output literal JSON null value whenever serialization is requested.
static class NumberSerializers.DoubleSerializer
          This is the special serializer for regular Doubles (and primitive doubles)
static class NumberSerializers.FloatSerializer
static class NumberSerializers.IntegerSerializer
          This is the special serializer for regular Integers (and primitive ints)
static class NumberSerializers.IntLikeSerializer
          Similar to NumberSerializers.IntegerSerializer, but will not cast to Integer: instead, cast is to Number, and conversion is by calling Number.intValue().
static class NumberSerializers.LongSerializer
static class NumberSerializers.NumberSerializer
          As a fallback, we may need to use this serializer for other types of Numbers (custom types).
 class ObjectArraySerializer
          Generic serializer for Object arrays (Object[]).
 class RawSerializer<T>
          This is a simple dummy serializer that will just output raw values by calling toString() on value to serialize.
 class SerializableSerializer
          Generic handler for types that implement JsonSerializable.
 class SqlDateSerializer
          Compared to regular Date serialization, we do use String representation here.
 class SqlTimeSerializer
 class StaticListSerializerBase<T extends Collection<?>>
          Intermediate base class for Lists, Collections and Arrays that contain static (non-dynamic) value types.
static class StdArraySerializers.BooleanArraySerializer
static class StdArraySerializers.ByteArraySerializer
          Unlike other integral number array serializers, we do not just print out byte values as numbers.
static class StdArraySerializers.CharArraySerializer
          Character arrays are different from other integral number arrays in that they are most likely to be textual data, and should be written as Strings, not arrays of entries.
static class StdArraySerializers.DoubleArraySerializer
static class StdArraySerializers.FloatArraySerializer
static class StdArraySerializers.IntArraySerializer
static class StdArraySerializers.LongArraySerializer
static class StdArraySerializers.ShortArraySerializer
protected static class StdArraySerializers.TypedPrimitiveArraySerializer<T>
          Intermediate base class used for cases where we may add type information (excludes boolean/int/double arrays).
static class StdJdkSerializers.AtomicBooleanSerializer
static class StdJdkSerializers.AtomicIntegerSerializer
static class StdJdkSerializers.AtomicLongSerializer
static class StdJdkSerializers.AtomicReferenceSerializer
static class StdJdkSerializers.ClassSerializer
          Also: default bean access will not do much good with Class.class.
static class StdJdkSerializers.FileSerializer
          For now, File objects get serialized by just outputting absolute (but not canonical) name as String value
 class StdKeySerializer
          Specialized serializer that can be used as the generic key serializer, when serializing Maps to JSON Objects.
static class StdKeySerializers.CalendarKeySerializer
static class StdKeySerializers.DateKeySerializer
static class StdKeySerializers.StringKeySerializer
 class StdScalarSerializer<T>
 class StringSerializer
          This is the special serializer for regular Strings.
 class TimeZoneSerializer
 class TokenBufferSerializer
          We also want to directly support serialization of TokenBuffer; and since it is part of core package, it can not implement JsonSerializable (which is only included in the mapper package)
 class ToStringSerializer
          Simple general purpose serializer, useful for any type for which Object.toString() returns the desired JSON value.

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