Package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser

Contains implementation classes of deserialization part of data binding.


Interface Summary
ContextualDeserializer Add-on interface that JsonDeserializers can implement to get a callback that can be used to create contextual (context-dependent) instances of deserializer to use for handling properties of supported type.
ContextualKeyDeserializer Add-on interface that KeyDeserializers can implement to get a callback that can be used to create contextual instances of key deserializer to use for handling Map keys of supported type.
Deserializers Interface that defines API for simple extensions that can provide additional deserializers for various types.
KeyDeserializers Interface that defines API for simple extensions that can provide additional deserializers for deserializer Map keys of various types, from JSON property names.
ResolvableDeserializer Interface used to indicate deserializers that want to do post-processing after construction but before being returned to caller (and possibly cached) and used.
ValueInstantiators Interface for providers of ValueInstantiator instances.

Class Summary
AbstractDeserializer Deserializer only used for abstract types used as placeholders during polymorphic type handling deserialization.
BasicDeserializerFactory Abstract factory base class that can provide deserializers for standard JDK classes, including collection classes and simple heuristics for "upcasting" commmon collection interface types (such as Collection).
BeanDeserializer Deserializer class that can deserialize instances of arbitrary bean objects, usually from JSON Object structs, but possibly also from simple types like String values.
BeanDeserializerBase Base class for BeanDeserializer.
BeanDeserializerBuilder Builder class used for aggregating deserialization information about a POJO, in order to build a JsonDeserializer for deserializing intances.
BeanDeserializerFactory Concrete deserializer factory class that adds full Bean deserializer construction logic using class introspection.
BeanDeserializerModifier Abstract class that defines API for objects that can be registered (for BeanDeserializerFactory to participate in constructing BeanDeserializer instances.
BuilderBasedDeserializer Class that handles deserialization using a separate Builder class, which is used for data binding and produces actual deserialized value at the end of data binding.
CreatorProperty This concrete sub-class implements property that is passed via Creator (constructor or static factory method).
DefaultDeserializationContext Default DeserializationContext implementation that adds extended API for ObjectMapper (and ObjectReader) to call, as well as implements certain parts that base class has left abstract.
DeserializationProblemHandler This is the class that can be registered (via DeserializationConfig object owner by ObjectMapper) to get calledn when a potentially recoverable problem is encountered during deserialization process.
DeserializerCache Class that defines caching layer between callers (like ObjectMapper, DeserializationContext) and classes that construct deserializers (DeserializerFactory).
DeserializerFactory Abstract class that defines API used by DeserializationContext to construct actual JsonDeserializer instances (which are then cached by context and/or dedicated cache).
Deserializers.Base Basic Deserializers implementation that implements all methods but provides no deserializers.
SettableAnyProperty Class that represents a "wildcard" set method which can be used to generically set values of otherwise unmapped (aka "unknown") properties read from Json content.
SettableBeanProperty Base class for deserilizable properties of a bean: contains both type and name definitions, and reflection-based set functionality.
ValueInstantiator Class that defines simple API implemented by objects that create value instances.
ValueInstantiators.Base Basic "NOP" implementation that can be used as the base class for custom implementations.

Package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser Description

Contains implementation classes of deserialization part of data binding.

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