Class PropertyBuilder

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.PropertyBuilder

public class PropertyBuilder
extends Object

Helper class for BeanSerializerFactory that is used to construct BeanPropertyWriter instances. Can be sub-classed to change behavior.

Field Summary
protected  AnnotationIntrospector _annotationIntrospector
protected  BeanDescription _beanDesc
protected  SerializationConfig _config
protected  Object _defaultBean
          If a property has serialization inclusion value of JsonSerialize.Inclusion.ALWAYS, we need to know the default value of the bean, to know if property value equals default one.
protected  JsonInclude.Include _outputProps
Constructor Summary
PropertyBuilder(SerializationConfig config, BeanDescription beanDesc)
Method Summary
protected  Object _throwWrapped(Exception e, String propName, Object defaultBean)
protected  BeanPropertyWriter buildWriter(BeanPropertyDefinition propDef, JavaType declaredType, JsonSerializer<?> ser, TypeSerializer typeSer, TypeSerializer contentTypeSer, AnnotatedMember am, boolean defaultUseStaticTyping)
protected  JavaType findSerializationType(Annotated a, boolean useStaticTyping, JavaType declaredType)
          Method that will try to determine statically defined type of property being serialized, based on annotations (for overrides), and alternatively declared type (if static typing for serialization is enabled).
 Annotations getClassAnnotations()
protected  Object getDefaultBean()
protected  Object getDefaultValue(String name, AnnotatedMember member)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final SerializationConfig _config


protected final BeanDescription _beanDesc


protected final JsonInclude.Include _outputProps


protected final AnnotationIntrospector _annotationIntrospector


protected Object _defaultBean
If a property has serialization inclusion value of JsonSerialize.Inclusion.ALWAYS, we need to know the default value of the bean, to know if property value equals default one.

Constructor Detail


public PropertyBuilder(SerializationConfig config,
                       BeanDescription beanDesc)
Method Detail


public Annotations getClassAnnotations()


protected BeanPropertyWriter buildWriter(BeanPropertyDefinition propDef,
                                         JavaType declaredType,
                                         JsonSerializer<?> ser,
                                         TypeSerializer typeSer,
                                         TypeSerializer contentTypeSer,
                                         AnnotatedMember am,
                                         boolean defaultUseStaticTyping)
contentTypeSer - Optional explicit type information serializer to use for contained values (only used for properties that are of container type)


protected JavaType findSerializationType(Annotated a,
                                         boolean useStaticTyping,
                                         JavaType declaredType)
Method that will try to determine statically defined type of property being serialized, based on annotations (for overrides), and alternatively declared type (if static typing for serialization is enabled). If neither can be used (no annotations, dynamic typing), returns null.


protected Object getDefaultBean()


protected Object getDefaultValue(String name,
                                 AnnotatedMember member)


protected Object _throwWrapped(Exception e,
                               String propName,
                               Object defaultBean)

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