Class DataFormatReaders.Match

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.DataFormatReaders.Match
Enclosing class:

public static class DataFormatReaders.Match
extends Object

Result class, similar to DataFormatMatcher

Field Summary
protected  byte[] _bufferedData
          Content read during format matching process
protected  int _bufferedLength
          Number of bytes available in buffer.
protected  int _bufferedStart
          Pointer to the first byte in buffer available for reading
protected  ObjectReader _match
          Factory that produced sufficient match (if any)
protected  MatchStrength _matchStrength
          Strength of match with _match
protected  InputStream _originalStream
Constructor Summary
protected DataFormatReaders.Match(InputStream in, byte[] buffered, int bufferedStart, int bufferedLength, ObjectReader match, MatchStrength strength)
Method Summary
 JsonParser createParserWithMatch()
          Convenience method for trying to construct a JsonParser for parsing content which is assumed to be in detected data format.
 InputStream getDataStream()
          Method to use for accessing input for which format detection has been done.
 String getMatchedFormatName()
          Accessor for getting brief textual name of matched format if any (null if none).
 MatchStrength getMatchStrength()
          Method for accessing strength of the match, if any; if no match, will return MatchStrength.INCONCLUSIVE.
 ObjectReader getReader()
          Accessor for JsonFactory that represents format that data matched.
 boolean hasMatch()
          Accessor to use to see if any formats matched well enough with the input data.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final InputStream _originalStream


protected final byte[] _bufferedData
Content read during format matching process


protected final int _bufferedStart
Pointer to the first byte in buffer available for reading


protected final int _bufferedLength
Number of bytes available in buffer.


protected final ObjectReader _match
Factory that produced sufficient match (if any)


protected final MatchStrength _matchStrength
Strength of match with _match

Constructor Detail


protected DataFormatReaders.Match(InputStream in,
                                  byte[] buffered,
                                  int bufferedStart,
                                  int bufferedLength,
                                  ObjectReader match,
                                  MatchStrength strength)
Method Detail


public boolean hasMatch()
Accessor to use to see if any formats matched well enough with the input data.


public MatchStrength getMatchStrength()
Method for accessing strength of the match, if any; if no match, will return MatchStrength.INCONCLUSIVE.


public ObjectReader getReader()
Accessor for JsonFactory that represents format that data matched.


public String getMatchedFormatName()
Accessor for getting brief textual name of matched format if any (null if none). Equivalent to:
   return hasMatch() ? getMatch().getFormatName() : null;


public JsonParser createParserWithMatch()
                                 throws IOException
Convenience method for trying to construct a JsonParser for parsing content which is assumed to be in detected data format. If no match was found, returns null.



public InputStream getDataStream()
Method to use for accessing input for which format detection has been done. This must be used instead of using stream passed to detector unless given stream itself can do buffering. Stream will return all content that was read during matching process, as well as remaining contents of the underlying stream.

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