Class AnnotatedClass

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.Annotated
      extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedClass

public final class AnnotatedClass
extends Annotated

Field Summary
protected  AnnotationIntrospector _annotationIntrospector
          Filter used to determine which annotations to gather; used to optimize things so that unnecessary annotations are ignored.
protected  Class<?> _class
          Class for which annotations apply, and that owns other components (constructors, methods)
protected  AnnotationMap _classAnnotations
          Combined list of Jackson annotations that the class has, including inheritable ones from super classes and interfaces
protected  List<AnnotatedConstructor> _constructors
          Single argument constructors the class has, if any.
protected  List<AnnotatedMethod> _creatorMethods
          Single argument static methods that might be usable as factory methods
protected  boolean _creatorsResolved
          Flag to indicate whether creator information has been resolved or not.
protected  AnnotatedConstructor _defaultConstructor
          Default constructor of the annotated class, if it has one.
protected  List<AnnotatedField> _fields
          Member fields of interest: ones that are either public, or have at least one annotation.
protected  AnnotatedMethodMap _memberMethods
          Member methods of interest; for now ones with 0 or 1 arguments (just optimization, since others won't be used now)
protected  ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver _mixInResolver
          Object that knows mapping of mix-in classes (ones that contain annotations to add) with their target classes (ones that get these additional annotations "mixed in").
protected  Class<?> _primaryMixIn
          Primary mix-in class; one to use for the annotated class itself.
protected  List<Class<?>> _superTypes
          Ordered set of super classes and interfaces of the class itself: included in order of precedence
Method Summary
protected  void _addClassMixIns(AnnotationMap annotations, Class<?> toMask)
          Helper method for adding any mix-in annotations specified class might have.
protected  void _addClassMixIns(AnnotationMap annotations, Class<?> toMask, Class<?> mixin)
protected  void _addConstructorMixIns(Class<?> mixin)
protected  void _addFactoryMixIns(Class<?> mixin)
protected  void _addFieldMixIns(Class<?> targetClass, Class<?> mixInCls, Map<String,AnnotatedField> fields)
          Method called to add field mix-ins from given mix-in class (and its fields) into already collected actual fields (from introspected classes and their super-classes)
protected  void _addMemberMethods(Class<?> cls, AnnotatedMethodMap methods, Class<?> mixInCls, AnnotatedMethodMap mixIns)
protected  void _addMethodMixIns(Class<?> targetClass, AnnotatedMethodMap methods, Class<?> mixInCls, AnnotatedMethodMap mixIns)
protected  void _addMixOvers(Constructor<?> mixin, AnnotatedConstructor target, boolean addParamAnnotations)
protected  void _addMixOvers(Method mixin, AnnotatedMethod target, boolean addParamAnnotations)
protected  void _addMixUnders(Method src, AnnotatedMethod target)
          Method that will add annotations from specified source method to target method, but only if target does not yet have them.
protected  AnnotationMap _collectRelevantAnnotations(Annotation[] anns)
protected  AnnotationMap[] _collectRelevantAnnotations(Annotation[][] anns)
protected  AnnotatedConstructor _constructConstructor(Constructor<?> ctor, boolean defaultCtor)
protected  AnnotatedMethod _constructCreatorMethod(Method m)
protected  AnnotatedField _constructField(Field f)
protected  AnnotatedMethod _constructMethod(Method m)
protected  Map<String,AnnotatedField> _findFields(Class<?> c, Map<String,AnnotatedField> fields)
protected  boolean _isIncludableMemberMethod(Method m)
static AnnotatedClass construct(Class<?> cls, AnnotationIntrospector aintr, ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver mir)
          Factory method that instantiates an instance.
static AnnotatedClass constructWithoutSuperTypes(Class<?> cls, AnnotationIntrospector aintr, ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver mir)
          Method similar to construct(java.lang.Class, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.AnnotationIntrospector, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver), but that will NOT include information from supertypes; only class itself and any direct mix-ins it may have.
 Iterable<AnnotatedField> fields()
 AnnotatedMethod findMethod(String name, Class<?>[] paramTypes)
protected  AnnotationMap getAllAnnotations()
 Class<?> getAnnotated()
          Method that can be used to find actual JDK element that this instance represents.
<A extends Annotation>
getAnnotation(Class<A> acls)
 Annotations getAnnotations()
 List<AnnotatedConstructor> getConstructors()
 AnnotatedConstructor getDefaultConstructor()
 int getFieldCount()
 Type getGenericType()
          Full generic type of the annotated element; definition of what exactly this means depends on sub-class.
 int getMemberMethodCount()
 int getModifiers()
 String getName()
 Class<?> getRawType()
          "Raw" type (type-erased class) of the annotated element; definition of what exactly this means depends on sub-class.
 List<AnnotatedMethod> getStaticMethods()
 boolean hasAnnotations()
 Iterable<AnnotatedMethod> memberMethods()
 String toString()
 AnnotatedClass withAnnotations(AnnotationMap ann)
          Fluent factory method that will construct a new instance that uses specified instance annotations instead of currently configured ones.
Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.Annotated
getType, hasAnnotation, isPublic, withFallBackAnnotationsFrom
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Class<?> _class
Class for which annotations apply, and that owns other components (constructors, methods)


protected final List<Class<?>> _superTypes
Ordered set of super classes and interfaces of the class itself: included in order of precedence


protected final AnnotationIntrospector _annotationIntrospector
Filter used to determine which annotations to gather; used to optimize things so that unnecessary annotations are ignored.


protected final ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver _mixInResolver
Object that knows mapping of mix-in classes (ones that contain annotations to add) with their target classes (ones that get these additional annotations "mixed in").


protected final Class<?> _primaryMixIn
Primary mix-in class; one to use for the annotated class itself. Can be null.


protected AnnotationMap _classAnnotations
Combined list of Jackson annotations that the class has, including inheritable ones from super classes and interfaces


protected boolean _creatorsResolved
Flag to indicate whether creator information has been resolved or not.


protected AnnotatedConstructor _defaultConstructor
Default constructor of the annotated class, if it has one.


protected List<AnnotatedConstructor> _constructors
Single argument constructors the class has, if any.


protected List<AnnotatedMethod> _creatorMethods
Single argument static methods that might be usable as factory methods


protected AnnotatedMethodMap _memberMethods
Member methods of interest; for now ones with 0 or 1 arguments (just optimization, since others won't be used now)


protected List<AnnotatedField> _fields
Member fields of interest: ones that are either public, or have at least one annotation.

Method Detail


public AnnotatedClass withAnnotations(AnnotationMap ann)
Description copied from class: Annotated
Fluent factory method that will construct a new instance that uses specified instance annotations instead of currently configured ones.

Specified by:
withAnnotations in class Annotated


public static AnnotatedClass construct(Class<?> cls,
                                       AnnotationIntrospector aintr,
                                       ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver mir)
Factory method that instantiates an instance. Returned instance will only be initialized with class annotations, but not with any method information.


public static AnnotatedClass constructWithoutSuperTypes(Class<?> cls,
                                                        AnnotationIntrospector aintr,
                                                        ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver mir)
Method similar to construct(java.lang.Class, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.AnnotationIntrospector, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver), but that will NOT include information from supertypes; only class itself and any direct mix-ins it may have.


public Class<?> getAnnotated()
Description copied from class: Annotated
Method that can be used to find actual JDK element that this instance represents. It is non-null, except for method/constructor parameters which do not have a JDK counterpart.

Specified by:
getAnnotated in class Annotated


public int getModifiers()
Specified by:
getModifiers in class Annotated


public String getName()
Specified by:
getName in class Annotated


public <A extends Annotation> A getAnnotation(Class<A> acls)
Specified by:
getAnnotation in class Annotated


public Type getGenericType()
Description copied from class: Annotated
Full generic type of the annotated element; definition of what exactly this means depends on sub-class.

Specified by:
getGenericType in class Annotated


public Class<?> getRawType()
Description copied from class: Annotated
"Raw" type (type-erased class) of the annotated element; definition of what exactly this means depends on sub-class.

Specified by:
getRawType in class Annotated


protected AnnotationMap getAllAnnotations()
Specified by:
getAllAnnotations in class Annotated


public Annotations getAnnotations()


public boolean hasAnnotations()


public AnnotatedConstructor getDefaultConstructor()


public List<AnnotatedConstructor> getConstructors()


public List<AnnotatedMethod> getStaticMethods()


public Iterable<AnnotatedMethod> memberMethods()


public int getMemberMethodCount()


public AnnotatedMethod findMethod(String name,
                                  Class<?>[] paramTypes)


public int getFieldCount()


public Iterable<AnnotatedField> fields()


protected void _addClassMixIns(AnnotationMap annotations,
                               Class<?> toMask)
Helper method for adding any mix-in annotations specified class might have.


protected void _addClassMixIns(AnnotationMap annotations,
                               Class<?> toMask,
                               Class<?> mixin)


protected void _addConstructorMixIns(Class<?> mixin)


protected void _addFactoryMixIns(Class<?> mixin)


protected void _addMemberMethods(Class<?> cls,
                                 AnnotatedMethodMap methods,
                                 Class<?> mixInCls,
                                 AnnotatedMethodMap mixIns)


protected void _addMethodMixIns(Class<?> targetClass,
                                AnnotatedMethodMap methods,
                                Class<?> mixInCls,
                                AnnotatedMethodMap mixIns)


protected Map<String,AnnotatedField> _findFields(Class<?> c,
                                                 Map<String,AnnotatedField> fields)


protected void _addFieldMixIns(Class<?> targetClass,
                               Class<?> mixInCls,
                               Map<String,AnnotatedField> fields)
Method called to add field mix-ins from given mix-in class (and its fields) into already collected actual fields (from introspected classes and their super-classes)


protected AnnotatedMethod _constructMethod(Method m)


protected AnnotatedConstructor _constructConstructor(Constructor<?> ctor,
                                                     boolean defaultCtor)


protected AnnotatedMethod _constructCreatorMethod(Method m)


protected AnnotatedField _constructField(Field f)


protected boolean _isIncludableMemberMethod(Method m)


protected AnnotationMap[] _collectRelevantAnnotations(Annotation[][] anns)


protected AnnotationMap _collectRelevantAnnotations(Annotation[] anns)


protected void _addMixOvers(Constructor<?> mixin,
                            AnnotatedConstructor target,
                            boolean addParamAnnotations)
addParamAnnotations - Whether parameter annotations are to be added as well


protected void _addMixOvers(Method mixin,
                            AnnotatedMethod target,
                            boolean addParamAnnotations)
addParamAnnotations - Whether parameter annotations are to be added as well


protected void _addMixUnders(Method src,
                             AnnotatedMethod target)
Method that will add annotations from specified source method to target method, but only if target does not yet have them.


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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