Class BeanAsArraySerializer

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializer<T>
      extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.StdSerializer<Object>
          extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.BeanSerializerBase
              extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.impl.BeanAsArraySerializer
All Implemented Interfaces:
JsonFormatVisitable, SchemaAware, ContextualSerializer, ResolvableSerializer

public class BeanAsArraySerializer
extends BeanSerializerBase

Specialized POJO serializer that differs from BeanSerializer in that instead of producing a JSON Object it will output a JSON Array, omitting field names, and serializing values in specified serialization order. This behavior is usually triggered by using annotation JsonFormat or its equivalents.

This serializer can be used for "simple" instances; and will NOT be used if one of following is true:

Note that it is theoretically possible that last 2 issues could be addressed (by reserving room in array, for example); and if so, support improved.

In cases where array-based output is not feasible, this serializer can instead delegate to the original Object-based serializer; this is why a reference is retained to the original serializer.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializer
Field Summary
protected  BeanSerializerBase _defaultSerializer
          Serializer that would produce JSON Object version; used in cases where array output can not be used.
Fields inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.BeanSerializerBase
_anyGetterWriter, _filteredProps, _objectIdWriter, _propertyFilterId, _props, _serializationShape, _typeId, NO_PROPS
Fields inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.StdSerializer
Constructor Summary
  BeanAsArraySerializer(BeanSerializerBase src)
protected BeanAsArraySerializer(BeanSerializerBase src, String[] toIgnore)
Method Summary
protected  BeanSerializerBase asArraySerializer()
          Fluent factory for creating a variant that output POJO as a JSON Array.
 boolean isUnwrappingSerializer()
          Accessor for checking whether this serializer is an "unwrapping" serializer; this is necessary to know since it may also require caller to suppress writing of the leading property name.
 void serialize(Object bean, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider)
          Main serialization method that will delegate actual output to configured BeanPropertyWriter instances.
protected  void serializeAsArray(Object bean, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider)
 void serializeWithType(Object bean, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider, TypeSerializer typeSer)
          Method that can be called to ask implementation to serialize values of type this serializer handles, using specified type serializer for embedding necessary type information.
 String toString()
 JsonSerializer<Object> unwrappingSerializer(NameTransformer transformer)
          Method that will return serializer instance that produces "unwrapped" serialization, if applicable for type being serialized (which is the case for some serializers that produce JSON Objects as output).
protected  BeanAsArraySerializer withIgnorals(String[] toIgnore)
          Fluent factory used for creating a new instance with additional set of properties to ignore (from properties this instance otherwise has)
 BeanSerializerBase withObjectIdWriter(ObjectIdWriter objectIdWriter)
          Fluent factory used for creating a new instance with different ObjectIdWriter.
Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.BeanSerializerBase
acceptJsonFormatVisitor, createContextual, findFilter, getSchema, resolve, serializeFields, serializeFieldsFiltered, usesObjectId
Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.StdSerializer
createObjectNode, createSchemaNode, createSchemaNode, getSchema, handledType, isDefaultSerializer, wrapAndThrow, wrapAndThrow
Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializer
getDelegatee, isEmpty, replaceDelegatee
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsonschema.SchemaAware

Field Detail


protected final BeanSerializerBase _defaultSerializer
Serializer that would produce JSON Object version; used in cases where array output can not be used.

Constructor Detail


public BeanAsArraySerializer(BeanSerializerBase src)


protected BeanAsArraySerializer(BeanSerializerBase src,
                                String[] toIgnore)
Method Detail


public JsonSerializer<Object> unwrappingSerializer(NameTransformer transformer)
Description copied from class: JsonSerializer
Method that will return serializer instance that produces "unwrapped" serialization, if applicable for type being serialized (which is the case for some serializers that produce JSON Objects as output). If no unwrapped serializer can be constructed, will simply return serializer as-is.

Default implementation just returns serializer as-is, indicating that no unwrapped variant exists

unwrappingSerializer in class JsonSerializer<Object>
transformer - Name transformation to use to convert between names of unwrapper properties


public boolean isUnwrappingSerializer()
Description copied from class: JsonSerializer
Accessor for checking whether this serializer is an "unwrapping" serializer; this is necessary to know since it may also require caller to suppress writing of the leading property name.

isUnwrappingSerializer in class JsonSerializer<Object>


public BeanSerializerBase withObjectIdWriter(ObjectIdWriter objectIdWriter)
Description copied from class: BeanSerializerBase
Fluent factory used for creating a new instance with different ObjectIdWriter.

Specified by:
withObjectIdWriter in class BeanSerializerBase


protected BeanAsArraySerializer withIgnorals(String[] toIgnore)
Description copied from class: BeanSerializerBase
Fluent factory used for creating a new instance with additional set of properties to ignore (from properties this instance otherwise has)

Specified by:
withIgnorals in class BeanSerializerBase


protected BeanSerializerBase asArraySerializer()
Description copied from class: BeanSerializerBase
Fluent factory for creating a variant that output POJO as a JSON Array. Implementations may ignore this request if output as array is not possible (either at all, or reliably).

Specified by:
asArraySerializer in class BeanSerializerBase


public void serializeWithType(Object bean,
                              JsonGenerator jgen,
                              SerializerProvider provider,
                              TypeSerializer typeSer)
                       throws IOException,
Description copied from class: JsonSerializer
Method that can be called to ask implementation to serialize values of type this serializer handles, using specified type serializer for embedding necessary type information.

Default implementation will throw UnsupportedOperationException to indicate that proper type handling needs to be implemented.

For simple datatypes written as a single scalar value (JSON String, Number, Boolean), implementation would look like:

  // note: method to call depends on whether this type is serialized as JSON scalar, object or Array!
  typeSer.writeTypePrefixForScalar(value, jgen);
  serialize(value, jgen, provider);
  typeSer.writeTypeSuffixForScalar(value, jgen);
and implementations for type serialized as JSON Arrays or Objects would differ slightly, as START-ARRAY>/END-ARRAY and START-OBJECT>/END-OBJECT pairs need to be properly handled with respect to serializing of contents.

serializeWithType in class BeanSerializerBase
bean - Value to serialize; can not be null.
jgen - Generator used to output resulting Json content
provider - Provider that can be used to get serializers for serializing Objects value contains, if any.
typeSer - Type serializer to use for including type information


public final void serialize(Object bean,
                            JsonGenerator jgen,
                            SerializerProvider provider)
                     throws IOException,
Main serialization method that will delegate actual output to configured BeanPropertyWriter instances.

Specified by:
serialize in class BeanSerializerBase
bean - Value to serialize; can not be null.
jgen - Generator used to output resulting Json content
provider - Provider that can be used to get serializers for serializing Objects value contains, if any.


protected final void serializeAsArray(Object bean,
                                      JsonGenerator jgen,
                                      SerializerProvider provider)
                               throws IOException,


public String toString()
toString in class Object

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